Truth Social kicked out of Google Play store

Bwahahaha. Probably embarrassed by the filth posted by the MAGATs. I’d guess Apple isn’t far behind.

  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social is not available on the Google Play store.
  • The restriction means that 44% of smartphone users in the U.S. cannot download the app.
  • Google says that the app violates the Play store’s standards for content moderation, according to Axios.
I went to google play and it is asking for people to preregister to get the app, so apparently it wasn't kicked out like you claim, it is working to adhere to the proper criteria.

Like Facebook ad Twitter, Truth Social would be a waste of my time. Just don't get into that stuff.
Dude. It’s an app. It has rules. Go to the website if you want to access. It can be done. Government has no role here so it isn’t restricting free speech.

Yes, it is an app. Yes it has rules. The problem is, the "store" facilitating access to the app doesn't like their (the app's) rules, or in this case perhaps the lack of. So, instead of letting the consumer decide whether or not they want to download and use the app, the "store" wants to impose its rules, or rules it believes the app should be using.

Now, granted the Google Play Store has every right not to provide access to the app but, given the nature of the app, you have to expect that some will perceive the decision to deny access as an assault on Trump and free speech.

Perhaps even some who don't like Trump and would never consider downloading, much less using, any social media app might think...

What the fuck? I don't need you mother fuckers making decisions for me, I am more than capable of making decisions on my own. I had parents making decisions for me for a good portion of my youth, I sure as shit don't need Google acting like parents and doing it now! And what about the free speech aspect? It's no secret you people don't like Trump, but isn't this a bit extreme? Will Google now be denying access to every app they have a problem with?

I know I did... and I can't stand Trump and have never and would never use any social media app.

I like my S21.
I can do this:

You need to pre register:
Not exactly. But Google’s behavior is akin to censorship.
Lol, tell the chef in thief to pay his bills. Ya don't get to use Googles platform for nothing. The thief in chief already owes his web host 1.5 million dollars. Google ain't a retarded rube like you they want paid.
As a reminder Parler is still not in Google App Store.

Conservatives fuck up everything even social media apps apparently. What can you guys do right?
Lol, tell the chef in thief to pay his bills. Ya don't get to use Googles platform for nothing. The thief in chief already owes his web host 1.5 million dollars. Google ain't a retarded rube like you they want paid.
Who is this chef of whom you mutter, you absolutely useless brain dead asshole?

Also, since you’re easily misled being a libtard, I will stoop low enough to talk down to your level. Just because a vendor claims a person owes them money doesn’t always mean that the alleged debtor actually does owe the vendor any money.

Go play in heavy traffic, kid.
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As a reminder Parler is still not in Google App Store.

Conservatives fuck up everything even social media apps apparently. What can you guys do right?

The monopoly of Google, Apple, and Microsoft banded together as a Trust to destroy Parler that was threatening Twitter. They took a big old shit on the Sherman Anti-Trust act and did what Robber Barons do...
Who is this chef of whom you mutter, you absolutely useless brain dead asshole?

Also, since your easily misled being a libtard, I will stoop low enough to talk down to your level. Just because a vendor claims a person owes them money doesn’t always mean that the alleged debtor actually does owe the vendor any money.

Go play in heavy traffic, kid.
Lol, what ever retard. Your theif in chief has a long history of not paying his bills retard. He can't get decent attorneys anymore. His web host is about to cut his conman ass off and Google play has ditch him. You gunna apologize for being so retarded when truth social files for bankruptcy? Hell no your delusion will continue. By the way back to the fbi thread we were on where ya finally shut your retarded mouth . Who is the director of the fbi? Who appointed him? Lol, how do you feel about a Trump appointee kicking down the doors of that fat beach ball conman. Lol. Your dumb delusional ass has no business talking down to anybody. Hilarious
Lol, what ever retard. Your theif in chief has a long history of not paying his bills retard. He can't get decent attorneys anymore. His web host is about to cut his conman ass off and Google play has ditch him. You gunna apologize for being so retarded when truth social files for bankruptcy? Hell no your delusion will continue. By the way back to the fbi thread we were on where ya finally shut your retarded mouth . Who is the director of the fbi? Who appointed him? Lol, how do you feel about a Trump appointee kicking down the doors of that fat beach ball conman. Lol. Your dumb delusional ass has no business talking down to anybody. Hilarious
Show us where Trump had Google hosting Truth Social?

Oh you can't, you're lying.

After what Amazon did to Parler - there was no way any part of the Monopoly would be involved.
Lol, what ever retard. Your theif in chief has a long history of not paying his bills retard. He can't get decent attorneys anymore. His web host is about to cut his conman ass off and Google play has ditch him. You gunna apologize for being so retarded when truth social files for bankruptcy? Hell no your delusion will continue. By the way back to the fbi thread we were on where ya finally shut your retarded mouth . Who is the director of the fbi? Who appointed him? Lol, how do you feel about a Trump appointee kicking down the doors of that fat beach ball conman. Lol. Your dumb delusional ass has no business talking down to anybody. Hilarious
“Theif”? Seriously. Just how slow are you?

And your alleged “history” is just more claims. Trolls and assholes like you never stop to wonder if he is simply making pointed protests against defective work or incomplete work. If a report shares the complaint of some provider, then you regurgitate without any thought.

You’re a retard.

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