Truth Social kicked out of Google Play store

“Theif”? Seriously. Just how slow are you?

And your alleged “history” is just more claims. Trolls and assholes like you never stop to wonder if he is simply making pointed protests against defective work or incomplete work. If a report shares the complaint of some provider, then you regurgitate without any thought.

You’re a retard.
Lol, you have accusations and no evidence. I have Truth social being taken off the play store. I have hundreds upon hundreds of trump bots sitting in jail as we speak. That right there keeps me warm at night. Knowing retards just like you are sitting in a cell right now is awesome. Lol, you do have that one Durham indictment. Oh , ya right he was found innocent. Lol I am winning bigly.
The monopoly of Google, Apple, and Microsoft banded together as a Trust to destroy Parler that was threatening Twitter. They took a big old shit on the Sherman Anti-Trust act and did what Robber Barons do...
There is a million social platforms. You are using Monopoly which means one and you listed 3. That’s not a monopoly.

Those companies don’t give a shit about twitter or parler. They only care about their image for business and parler was/is a cesspool of hate. They are protecting themselves not punishing parler.
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Changing my backquotes?

Violates the TOS - knock it off
You're the one regurgitating Nazi slogans there Adolph.

If you don't like being dubbed a Nazi...perhaps stop your goose stepping and quoting Nazi slogans...or supporting those that do.

See, bub, this is how you train a rub their nose in their own shit. That is what I just did to you.
Lol, you have accusations and no evidence. I have Truth social being taken off the play store. I have hundreds upon hundreds of trump bots sitting in jail as we speak. That right there keeps me warm at night. Knowing retards just like you are sitting in a cell right now is awesome. Lol, you do have that one Durham indictment. Oh , ya right he was found innocent. Lol I am winning bigly.
You don’t grasp how plodding, slow and full of shit you are.

There are a few trump supporters in jail. Untried. And if that kind of thing warms your heart, then you’ve just admitted that you are hostile to our basic principles of fairness.

Go play in traffic. You’re a waste of oxygen and a waste of bandwidth.

You have no redeeming values. Please get fire AIDS.
Bwahahaha. Probably embarrassed by the filth posted by the MAGATs. I’d guess Apple isn’t far behind.

  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social is not available on the Google Play store.
  • The restriction means that 44% of smartphone users in the U.S. cannot download the app.
  • Google says that the app violates the Play store’s standards for content moderation, according to Axios.
Cause drumpph!
The monopoly of Google, Apple, and Microsoft banded together as a Trust to destroy Parler that was threatening Twitter. They took a big old shit on the Sherman Anti-Trust act and did what Robber Barons do...

There are no ‘monopolies’ on the internet – the internet is infinite, with ample opportunities for individuals to express opinions and viewpoints.

Indeed, there are millions of individuals who have neither a Facebook nor Twitter account yet can access a wide range of sources for news, information, and entertainment.

The neo-fascist, authoritarian right advocates for unwarranted, un-Constitutional government regulation of social media for subjective, partisan reasons, because conservatives incorrectly believe social media are being ‘unfair’ to conservatives.
Bwahahaha. Probably embarrassed by the filth posted by the MAGATs. I’d guess Apple isn’t far behind.

  • Donald Trump’s Truth Social is not available on the Google Play store.
  • The restriction means that 44% of smartphone users in the U.S. cannot download the app.
  • Google says that the app violates the Play store’s standards for content moderation, according to Axios.
I understand that Google had no option. The place is a cess pit with death threats and all sorts of nonsense.
Why cant trump hire some mods and insist on civilised standards ?
They are taking their marching orders from government. They are effectively an arm of government.
The government is there to protect us from those who attempt to foment a civil war. Google is there to make money. The fact that their interests happen to coincide is just that, a coincidence that has more to do with anti-social behavior by the right than censorship by the left.
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