"TRUTH" Trump comes up top in 'poll of polls' of voters - despite growing bullshit over his comments

This is clearly a situation where the 11th Commandment needs to be ignored, and Trump aggressively denounced by his fellow republicans – all republicans and conservatives, not just those running for office.

Like how the far left should denounce Hilary Clinton for being a hypocrite and a 1%er?

Yeah, I love that. Clinton is a certifiable criminal, but these clowns are attacking Trump for stating the simple truth.
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

He's not a racist. Many of the illegals coming over the border are racists, drug dealers and criminals. Trump merely stated the truth, which is something the voters find refreshing.

Prove it.
This is clearly a situation where the 11th Commandment needs to be ignored, and Trump aggressively denounced by his fellow republicans – all republicans and conservatives, not just those running for office.

Taking advice from people who want to destroy you sure is smart, don't you think?

Republicans should continue ignoring whatever advice morons like you give them.
That's their tactic. They are afraid that people like the honest, tell you as it is approach of a person not belonging to the establishment.
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

He's not a racist. Many of the illegals coming over the border are racists, drug dealers and criminals. Trump merely stated the truth, which is something the voters find refreshing.

Prove it.
Somebody, anybody, please find statistics what were posted over and over again in Spanish language. Toro doesn't fucking read English.
Why do you think he's a racist? He's employed more blacks and Mexicans than any of the NeoCommie candidates have! OR are you just stupid and forget about him saying ILLEGALS?
It's not a matter of 'think,' Trump is in fact a racist.
How did you come to that conclusion? Mexicans, illegal in the USA or not, are not a race.

"Hispanic" IS a race.
"Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain, regardless of race and ethnicity."
Hispanic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting. Apparently, Hispanic is a "race" in the USA only.

Does that mean we're all hispanic, after all Spain controlled part of the US for a while.

Stop playing around, OKTEX

Hispanic is an ethnicity with strong Spanish and (Catholic)Christian influence. However, as a race they are mostly a mix of Native Americans, with some Spanish and/or North West African(both of slaves and Islamic Moors). Hispanics are also an all encompassing term since Hispanics from one may look different and practice different customs versus Hispanics from another region.

Hence the many sub references to countrie like "Cuban", "Venezeulan", "Mexican", "Honduran" etc...All with distinct differences in their culture and all considered. There are also sub references to these such as in Afro cuban(still cuban)

Last note: Brazillian are NOT Hispanics. Their cultural influence is mainly Portugeese and (Protestant)Christian and heavily mixed with Natives,portugeese(little spanish) and nw african. Also, there is no such thing as a 'white' or 'black' brazillian. Some take offense at being called 'Hispanic'.
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

Why do you think he's a racist? He's employed more blacks and Mexicans than any of the NeoCommie candidates have! OR are you just stupid and forget about him saying ILLEGALS?
It's not a matter of 'think,' Trump is in fact a racist.

Could you explain to us the litmus test for being a racist? Thanks.
jones dont do questions......has a rough time answering them.....

It's not a matter of 'think,' Trump is in fact a racist.
How did you come to that conclusion? Mexicans, illegal in the USA or not, are not a race.

"Hispanic" IS a race.
"Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain, regardless of race and ethnicity."
Hispanic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting. Apparently, Hispanic is a "race" in the USA only.

Does that mean we're all hispanic, after all Spain controlled part of the US for a while.

Stop playing around, OKTEX

Hispanic is an ethnicity with strong Spanish and (Catholic)Christian influence. However, as a race they are mostly a mix of Native Americans, with some Spanish and/or North West African(both of slaves and Islamic Moors). Hispanics are also an all encompassing term since Hispanics from one may look different and practice different customs versus Hispanics from another region.

Hence the many sub references to countrie like "Cuban", "Venezeulan", "Mexican", "Honduran" etc...All with distinct differences in their culture and all considered. There are also sub references to these such as in Afro cuban(still cuban)

Last note: Brazillian are NOT Hispanics. Their cultural influence is mainly Portugeese and (Protestant)Christian and heavily mixed with Natives,portugeese(little spanish) and nw african. Also, there is no such thing as a 'white' or 'black' brazillian. Some take offense at being called 'Hispanic'.

I'm not playing around, the oldest city, established by the Euros, in the US was established by the Spanish decades before the English showed up.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

City of St. Augustine The Nations Oldest City
Selective polling aggregate, to say the least.

In national GOP nomination polling, according to RCP, Bush has a circa 4 point lead over Walker and Trump is at 6%.

the only way to get numbers close to what the Daily Mail proclaims is if you only take the last two polls, released in just the last couple of days and even then, the numbers dont jive:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

last two polls, aggregate:

Bush 17 (19 + 15 / 2)
Trump 11.5 (11 + 12 / 2)

Even if you only take the last two polls, Bush is still ahead of Trump by +6.5. It's simple math.

The Daily Mail, as usual, also lists no sources, no links, no survey group sizes, no MoE's, nothing.

It's junk.

Your logic is junk, but who would expect less from a subversive living in Germany!

Heil Hitlery!!!!

Please show your stupidity some more, but while you are at it, show us the link to the actual polls quoted in the so-called "poll of polls". Please, be my guest.

Logic dictates that your head is squarely up your ass. But this is no surprise at all.
Since I didn't write it, or do the Poll, I suggest you get off your lazy, dead ass, and e-mail them if you are missing some bullshit that you want! It is presented by a known source, whom undoubtedly, doesn't agree with your Communist agenda!

Heil Hitlery!

No. You present this infomation, you should be able to back it up. Or are you just too stupid to be able to do that? I suspect you are far too stupid for it.

Stick with silly cartoons. Then at least you don't have to rhyme more than a sentence or two together, Vagisil.

Why? YOU hardly even back your shit up... I presented it, you don't like it, go find your own answers!
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

Why do you think he's a racist? He's employed more blacks and Mexicans than any of the NeoCommie candidates have! OR are you just stupid and forget about him saying ILLEGALS?
It's not a matter of 'think,' Trump is in fact a racist.
How did you come to that conclusion? Mexicans, illegal in the USA or not, are not a race.

"Hispanic" IS a race.

As usual, you are WRONG!

Race and ethnicity are considered separate and distinct identities, with Hispanic or Latino origin asked as a separate question. Thus, in addition to their race or races, all respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnic categories, which are "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino". However, the practice of separating "race" and "ethnicity" as different categories has been criticized both by the American Anthropological Association and members of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.[6][7]
How did you come to that conclusion? Mexicans, illegal in the USA or not, are not a race.

"Hispanic" IS a race.
"Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain, regardless of race and ethnicity."
Hispanic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting. Apparently, Hispanic is a "race" in the USA only.

Does that mean we're all hispanic, after all Spain controlled part of the US for a while.

Stop playing around, OKTEX

Hispanic is an ethnicity with strong Spanish and (Catholic)Christian influence. However, as a race they are mostly a mix of Native Americans, with some Spanish and/or North West African(both of slaves and Islamic Moors). Hispanics are also an all encompassing term since Hispanics from one may look different and practice different customs versus Hispanics from another region.

Hence the many sub references to countrie like "Cuban", "Venezeulan", "Mexican", "Honduran" etc...All with distinct differences in their culture and all considered. There are also sub references to these such as in Afro cuban(still cuban)

Last note: Brazillian are NOT Hispanics. Their cultural influence is mainly Portugeese and (Protestant)Christian and heavily mixed with Natives,portugeese(little spanish) and nw african. Also, there is no such thing as a 'white' or 'black' brazillian. Some take offense at being called 'Hispanic'.

I'm not playing around, the oldest city, established by the Euros, in the US was established by the Spanish decades before the English showed up.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

City of St. Augustine The Nations Oldest City

Yes, but the Spanish pretty much stayed in the southern part of the country and was mostly focused on the South/SW US region, Mexico/Central America and South America. They did not make much effort in colonizing the South East of the country, mostly staying in Florida. I think Savannah was established as a fort to help prevent Spanish incursion.

But that was about in the 17th century, the Spanish had already explored Georgia and found nothing they really wanted.
He can bitch slap the Hildebeast around like none of the other can OR will... He won't care about PC, simply tell it like it really is! Damn, I want the Hildebeast as the NeoCommie of choice, she's low hanging fruit ready to be picked!

Didn't you think Obama was going to lose the last election?


Did you think you had a choice for a DNC nominee in 2008?

I'm not a Democrat.

But it isn't going to matter if so many of "the base" continue to go Full Retard.
The Toro/Bull is in Spain wants to tax sunshine.

Can you please speak sanely?


More irony impaired comments from the far left drones..
I'm not playing around, the oldest city, established by the Euros, in the US was established by the Spanish decades before the English showed up.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

City of St. Augustine The Nations Oldest City

LOL! It's not even a debatable point!
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

He's not a racist. Many of the illegals coming over the border are racists, drug dealers and criminals. Trump merely stated the truth, which is something the voters find refreshing.

Prove it.
Somebody, anybody, please find statistics what were posted over and over again in Spanish language. Toro doesn't fucking read English.

Trump implied that most of the illegal immigrants were rapists and drug dealers when he said "and I assume some are good people."

Prove it. Or STFU.

Shutting the fuck up is about the best thing you morons can do because you are offending a group of people who are deeply offended by what you're saying.

Liberals say the best thing is you conservatards can do is keep talking. Sane Republicans want you to shut the fuck up so Republicans have a better chance of winning in 2016.
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

Why do you think he's a racist? He's employed more blacks and Mexicans than any of the NeoCommie candidates have! OR are you just stupid and forget about him saying ILLEGALS?
It's not a matter of 'think,' Trump is in fact a racist.
How did you come to that conclusion? Mexicans, illegal in the USA or not, are not a race.

"Hispanic" IS a race.
no.....its a collective term for Spanish speaking people...a grouping of people from Spain and Portugal and it spread to include Spanish Speaking peoples in N&S America...
This just in.

In order to save time and resources, Trump is suing everyone, instead of selectively suing people and corporations.

"From a business point of view, it is more efficient"

Link, or just more subversive Bullshit!
Didn't you think Obama was going to lose the last election?


Did you think you had a choice for a DNC nominee in 2008?

I'm not a Democrat.

But it isn't going to matter if so many of "the base" continue to go Full Retard.
The Toro/Bull is in Spain wants to tax sunshine.

Can you please speak sanely?


More irony impaired comments from the far left drones..

Mindless far right drones coming to the aid of other far right drones spewing nonsense is what shallow-thinking far right drones do.
"Hispanic" IS a race.
"Today, organizations in the United States use the term as a broad catchall to refer to persons with a historical and cultural relationship with Spain, regardless of race and ethnicity."
Hispanic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting. Apparently, Hispanic is a "race" in the USA only.

Does that mean we're all hispanic, after all Spain controlled part of the US for a while.

Stop playing around, OKTEX

Hispanic is an ethnicity with strong Spanish and (Catholic)Christian influence. However, as a race they are mostly a mix of Native Americans, with some Spanish and/or North West African(both of slaves and Islamic Moors). Hispanics are also an all encompassing term since Hispanics from one may look different and practice different customs versus Hispanics from another region.

Hence the many sub references to countrie like "Cuban", "Venezeulan", "Mexican", "Honduran" etc...All with distinct differences in their culture and all considered. There are also sub references to these such as in Afro cuban(still cuban)

Last note: Brazillian are NOT Hispanics. Their cultural influence is mainly Portugeese and (Protestant)Christian and heavily mixed with Natives,portugeese(little spanish) and nw african. Also, there is no such thing as a 'white' or 'black' brazillian. Some take offense at being called 'Hispanic'.

I'm not playing around, the oldest city, established by the Euros, in the US was established by the Spanish decades before the English showed up.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

City of St. Augustine The Nations Oldest City

Yes, but the Spanish pretty much stayed in the southern part of the country and was mostly focused on the South/SW US region, Mexico/Central America and South America. They did not make much effort in colonizing the South East of the country, mostly staying in Florida. I think Savannah was established as a fort to help prevent Spanish incursion.

But that was about in the 17th century, the Spanish had already explored Georgia and found nothing they really wanted.

I guess they missed the gold there.
He'll never get the GOP nod. Could poll with 100% of the votes and still lose. GOP isn't going to elect an overt racist. Covert racist sure but they aren't going to throw any future viability away for Trump.

He's not a racist. Many of the illegals coming over the border are racists, drug dealers and criminals. Trump merely stated the truth, which is something the voters find refreshing.

Prove it.
Somebody, anybody, please find statistics what were posted over and over again in Spanish language. Toro doesn't fucking read English.

Trump implied that most of the illegal immigrants were rapists and drug dealers when he said "and I assume some are good people."

Prove it. Or STFU.

Shutting the fuck up is about the best thing you morons can do because you are offending a group of people who are deeply offended by what you're saying.

Liberals say the best thing is you conservatards can do is keep talking. Sane Republicans want you to shut the fuck up so Republicans have a better chance of winning in 2016.
I don't fucking believe this. Really??? Offending illegals who broke the law? They are criminals because breaking the law is crime. Why the fuck would I care if they get offended?

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