Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Keeping out voter fraud is what is fine with the right.

Then why are you supporting laws that solve no voter fraud issues but keep legal American voters from voting?

Anyone that is here legealy can get free state ID's.

The article in this thread that TM started is where she's getting the "showing an ID will keep legal voters from voting" crap. They state it in the article but NEVER explain how . . . and TM just parrots it verbatim. Whadda dork.
how does reducing the number of places for poor people to get IDs help keep the voter ID laws from disenfrachising voters?
Now how about if you dont have a car to drive there?

There are many people in the US who do not have cars
before you guys tear too much into truthmatters can't you just ask yourself if it's possible that a highly partisan governor might just be influenced by the voting patterns of a particular area when it comes time to close a dmv?

isn't it possible? wouldn't it be dispicable if he did? shouldn't we at least examine it before knee-jerking into defense mode?

Prove it.

Post a link to a credible source, showing that DMV offices affected are in 'democratic parts' of the state. otherwise, it's just supposition, and worthless.

i had some articles pulled up, closed them down already.

there was mention of at least one town though that was having it's office shut down and hours added to one only a 30 minute drive away.

now i ask you, if you're an elderly person that can't or doesn't drive how is it that you're supposed to make that 30 minute trip without public transportation so you can get to the only office that now serves your community?

closing offices will make it harder for the poor and elderly to get the required ID. whether those offices closed are strictly in democratic areas i have not been able to discover.
Now how about if you dont have a car to drive there?

Hmmmmm. Someone needs to go to the DMV for an ID and they are driving there.


I wonder.....................................................................
keeping Americans from voting for political purposes is just fine with the right I see

Keeping out voter fraud is what is fine with the right.

Then why are you supporting laws that solve no voter fraud issues but keep legal American voters from voting?

Studies show voter photo ID does not reduce voter turnout but that it does reduce fraud

Here are the studies:
A study by the University of Missouri on turnout in Indiana showed that turnout actually increased by about 2 percentage points overall in Indiana in 2006 in the first election after the voter ID law went into effect.[17] There was no evidence that counties with higher percentages of minority, poor, elderly, or less-educated populations suffered any reduction in voter turnout. In fact, "the only consistent and statistically significant impact of photo ID in Indiana is to increase voter turnout in counties with a greater percentage of Democrats relative to other counties."[18]

• In September 2007, The Heritage Foundation released a study analyzing the 2004 election turnout data for all states. This study found that voter ID laws do not reduce the turnout of voters, including African–Americans and Hispanics. Such voters were just as likely to vote in states with ID as in states where just their names were asked at the polling place.[19]

• A study by the University of Delaware and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln examined data from the 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006 elections. At both the aggregate and individual levels, the study found that voter ID laws do not affect turnout, including across racial/ethnic/socioeconomic lines. The study concludes that "concerns about voter identification laws affecting turnout are much ado about nothing."[20]

• A survey by American University of registered voters in Maryland, Indiana, and Mississippi to see whether registered voters had photo IDs concluded that "showing a photo ID as a requirement of voting does not appear to be a serious problem in any of the states" because "[a]lmost all registered voters have an acceptable form of photo ID."[21] Less than 0.5 percent of respondents had neither a photo ID nor citizenship documentation. A 2008 election survey of 12,000 registered voters in all 50 states found that fewer than nine people were unable to vote because of voter ID requirements.[22]

• In 2010, a Rasmussen poll of likely voters in the United States showed overwhelming support (82 percent) for requiring photo ID in order to vote in elections. This support runs across ethnic and racial lines; Rasmussen reports that "[t]his is a sentiment that spans demographics, as majorities in every demographic agree."[23]

• A similar study by John Lott in 2006 also found no effect on voter turnout and, in fact, found an indication that reducing voter fraud (through means such as voter ID) may have a positive impact on voter turnout.[24]
before you guys tear too much into truthmatters can't you just ask yourself if it's possible that a highly partisan governor might just be influenced by the voting patterns of a particular area when it comes time to close a dmv?

isn't it possible? wouldn't it be dispicable if he did? shouldn't we at least examine it before knee-jerking into defense mode?

Prove it.

Post a link to a credible source, showing that DMV offices affected are in 'democratic parts' of the state. otherwise, it's just supposition, and worthless.

i had some articles pulled up, closed them down already.

there was mention of at least one town though that was having it's office shut down and hours added to one only a 30 minute drive away.

now i ask you, if you're an elderly person that can't or doesn't drive how is it that you're supposed to make that 30 minute trip without public transportation so you can get to the only office that now serves your community?

closing offices will make it harder for the poor and elderly to get the required ID. whether those offices closed are strictly in democratic areas i have not been able to discover.

Translation: I'm too lazy to bother proving the assertions, so I'll just tell you and you have to take my word for it.
how does reducing the number of places for poor people to get IDs help keep the voter ID laws from disenfrachising voters?

Maybe some lazy Democrat could get off their ass and drive the like three people in this country who don't have an ID to the next center to get one
Now how about if you dont have a car to drive there?

There are many people in the US who do not have cars

So Democrats are too lazy to take a bus to get a free ID to vote? Why don't you go over to the people of Iraq who stand in line for a day and risk getting blown up how Democrats are too fucking lazy to figure out how to go 15 minutes for a free ID to vote and see how much sympathy you can get.

And still I like your assumption that someone too lazy to do that is DEFINITELY a Democrat...
The majority of the poor have cars.
Everyone can get relatives or friends or neighbors to drive them around to grocery stores or Dr. appointments, they can also take them to the DMV.
Our DMV shut down in Benson and we now have to go the Sierra Vista one ( about a 45 min drive). It is very inconvenient but, Guess what? It hasn't stopped anyone from getting to those offices. And we don't have public transportation to there.
Now how about if you dont have a car to drive there?

There are many people in the US who do not have cars

Total Cop Out. Most Responsible People either have State Drivers Licenses or State I.D.'s.
It's about taking Responsibility, not just taking what you can get away with. ;)
I was in traffic court not too long ago with a friend (unfortunately, it was his pre-trial hearing for a DUI). But, we had to sit and listen to the violations that required an appearance for hours on end until my friend was called.

We probably heard at least 70. And, on that day, about 3/4 of the appearances were for those who were unlicensed. And, ALL of them needed interpreters - mostly Spanish, but a lot of Chinese, too.

Just an experience I wanted to relate. ;)

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