Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Just hoping for the same treatment others get here, you know "fair treatment"

I treated you quite fairly as I remember, when I first joined up. I defended you on several occasions.
It didn't take long to see what you were all about. I treat you now, the way you deserve to be treated. You made your bed TDM. Now you are forced to lie in it; and lie you do.
Just hoping for the same treatment others get here, you know "fair treatment"

I treated you quite fairly as I remember, when I first joined up. I defended you on several occasions.
It didn't take long to see what you were all about. I treat you now, the way you deserve to be treated. You made your bed TDM. Now you are forced to lie in it; and lie you do.
Damn you Meritocracy!!!!!!!!!
with over 43 thousand posts, maybe we need to create a Truthiepoo forum and isolate your whackadoodle to there. I'm sure you'll have lots of visitors... kinda like the freak show in front of the big top.

That is just what they used to do here.

Its called abuse of powwer
LOL... freedom of association. You can find like minded misfits to praise you somewhere else if you wish.

You have the freedom of speech, but you do not have the right to be agreed at, or not suffer the consequences for saying stupid shit. Nor does any private vendor OWE you a soapbox from which to bray in public.
Obviously, you haven't read the leftist version of the Constitution.

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