Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

The Eagleton Institute research relied on data from 2004, before some of the toughest ID laws were passed. It shows that as requirements stiffen — from stating a name to signing it to presenting documentation — turnout drops slightly. The researchers considered other factors, including contested elections, registration requirements, race, ethnicity, age, education and income. They used a 2004 Census Bureau survey to determine racial and ethnic breakdowns.

"It validates some of the things that have been said all along about the problems of voter ID," said Kimball Brace of Election Data Services. Taken together with the earlier research by Tova Wang and Job Serebrov that found little evidence of voter fraud at polling places, it shows voter ID laws can have more of a negative than a positive impact, Brace said.

So, it DID find some evidence of voter fraud at polling places. And the studies others here have posted shows that Voter ID laws REDUCE voter fraud.

Thank you for corroborating our position. Glad you finally see the light.
In over thirty years of voting in 5 different states and during the military, I have always had to show my voter I.D.
I CANNOT wait until I vote this august. They will ask for my ID. In the end they will get it, buuuuuut, I'm gonna raise a little cain and have some fun. Then they will see my ID. I've voted for the last 60 some years, and now I have to show them my ID? What a mess of a country this is....sick.
ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.

Yeah ok, and driver license laws keep people from driving. You are an astoundingly unserious person.. did you know this?
Why is it these laws are ONLY implimented by republicans?

Because illegal aliens are generally poor and receive big handouts from the Democratic Party (think buying votes) so the Democratic Party welcomes all who are poor, legal resident or not, living or dead, to the polls.

It doesn't take a frigging rocket scientist to figure that one out.

Why do you want to allow illegal alien Mexican assassins to vote?

where is your proof that such voter fraud has ever effected an election in this coutnry?

Voter fraud is only bad if it can be proven to effect an election?

No it is not worht wasting millions of dollars on and keeping legal votersz from voting if it doesnt effect elections.

You dont tear the engine out of your car and rebuild it if you need air in your tires.
Who said those few people cant be prosicuted under the exsisting laws?

The right uses this trace amount of crime to effect a disenfranchisement of poor voters.

The republican party has a long history of keepiung legal American voters from voting to win elections
Who said those few people cant be prosicuted under the exsisting laws?

The right uses this trace amount of crime to effect a disenfranchisement of poor voters.

The republican party has a long history of keepiung legal American voters from voting to win elections
The Dems have a long history of buying illegal votes.


Will you ever stop hating America?
Give them a false ID, with a really funny name. Then go, oh, here is the real one. Then take a look at those pollers. Have some fun with it.

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