Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

2009 Ed Meese Award Winner Hans von Spakovsky Publishes Paper on Voter ID - The Republican Lawyer Blog

Von Spakovsky responds to critics of voter ID by citing the endorsement of voter ID by the bi-partisan Baker-Carter Commission on Federal Election Reform. He also retorts critics who contend that voter fraud does not exist by citing the Supreme Court’s recognition of voter fraud in Crawford v. Marion County Board of Elections.

Von Spakovsky also responds to Democratic attacks that voter ID laws suppresses turnout of minority, poor, and elderly voters. He cites numerous independent studies focusing on voter ID. More specifically, a study that found after Georgia and Indiana passed voter ID laws, minority turnout actually increased. During the 2008 election in Georgia, a state with one of the strictest voter ID laws in the country, had the highest turnout in history.

Studies also found 82 percent of Americans support voter ID, as well as a study in three states that less than 0.5 percent of eligible voters do not have proper identification.

Lawsuits have also been thrown out in Federal courts due to the inability of plaintiffs to produce a single case of voter suppression. This is indicative of the tireless efforts of voter ID opponents to hurl accusations of suppression and intimidation that have been proven untrue. It is unclear when they will drop their attacks to look at facts and support this reasonable and commonsense solution to voter fraud.

.5% may seem like a small number but it can make the whole difference in who wins an election...

and that .5% can obtain the proper identification just as easily as the other 99.5% who already do have the proper identification.
ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.
"Americans"....So why is it you are concerned only with potential DEMOCRAT voters?

"Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out."
That's nonsense. Then why is it that democrat operatives attempted to reduce voter turnout by spreading rumors that certain races were already in the hands of the democrat candidate? Answer...They were attempting to suppress voter turnout. That contradicts your idiotic statement
Look, you have been told many times this political forum is not the best place for you.
Each time you post you leave little doubt as to your lack of knowledge of the events of the day. I think you deliberately keep yourself uninformed.
There is no need to make obsticles to voting.

Why do you think its good for the US to have fewer voters?

Because you know it benifits your party.

You put party over country
Umm, hey Ms Room Temperature IQ, requiring one to produce a document that identifies that person reduces the potential for fraud.
We must produce ID for almost everything else. Why not for something as important as the vote? Are you really that stupid that you allow some liberal blog to do your thinking for you?
Answer this....In what way does the act of obtaining and producing an ID as a requirement to cast a ballot hinder any one particular individual from voting?
Why is it these laws are ONLY implimented by republicans?

So you only pay attention to things Republicans do then ask why only Republicans do the things you pay attention to. Nice question.

The answer sweetie is because you're "partisan."
Why is it these laws are ONLY implimented by republicans?

Because illegal aliens are generally poor and receive big handouts from the Democratic Party (think buying votes) so the Democratic Party welcomes all who are poor, legal resident or not, living or dead, to the polls.

It doesn't take a frigging rocket scientist to figure that one out.


What big hand outs from the democrats only are given to illegals?

Did I say only given to illegals?

Maybe you need to go back and read what I said again?

I said the poor receive handouts from the DP... "all who are poor".

you gotta understand tm wants folks to walk in from russia, iran, korea,, and she wants them to cast their votes.. anything less is obstruction.. we can't cure idiot.

And we can't fix stupid.
I cannot fathom how such an intellectually vacant person such as TM can start a thread that lasts over 12 pages.
I guess it's her posts are so incredibly moronic they represent a "forum car crash". You really don't want to look at the carnage but your morbid curiosity takes over.
Show me the fraud they are designed to prevent.

There is no fraud of this type that is capable of changing any election.

So you are supporting spending millions of dollars to keep legal Americans from voting.

Well, since you asked so nicely.

Soon after the investigation started, it became evident that this was not a case of isolated wrongdoing, but rather a case of extensive, substantial, and widespread fraud in precincts and wards throughout Chicago. The FBI investigators concluded that their regular tools-interviewing witnesses, obtaining documents, and using handwriting experts to analyze signatures on documents-would not be up to the task. After all, to conduct a complete investigation, they would have to review "virtually all of the 1,000,000 ballot applications submitted in the City of Chicago in the November election" as well as the voter lists maintained by the election board for all of Chicago's 2,910 precincts (comprising approximately 1.6 million voters) to check for the names of voters registered in more than one precinct, as well as registered voters who were dead.[19]

So the FBI employed a new and unique tool in vote fraud investigation: a computer. Because this had never been done before, the FBI had to write a computer program that would match data between the list of registered voters, the list of individuals who had voted, and other databases. To that end, the FBI and federal prosecutors obtained death records from the Bureau of Vital Statistics; local, state, and federal prison records; the national Social Security list; Immigration and Naturalization Service records on aliens; driver's license records; and even utility (gas, electric, water, and telephone) records.[20]

Locker was shocked at the sheer magnitude of the number of fraudulent votes and the fact that fraud occurred in every single Chicago precinct.[21] More than 3,000 votes had been cast in the names of individuals who were dead, and more than 31,000 individuals had voted twice in different locations in the city.[22] Thousands of individuals had supposedly voted despite being incarcerated at the time of the election, and utility records showed that some individuals who voted were registered as living on vacant lots.

Where Theres Smoke Theres Fire 100000 Stolen Votes in Chicago | The Heritage Foundation
I thought Democrats loved & embraced more regulations?

What is their problem with regulating voters?

Should we start taxing the voters to make democrats love it even more?
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45 million have no trouble producing a whole list of documentation to get food stamps.

The required documents listed for SNAP/food stamp benefits application.

- Identification (driver’s license, birth certificate)
- Social Security Numbers for everyone applying (they don’t have to have the card)
- Proof of non-citizen status for non-U.S. citizens applying for food stamps
- Proof of past month’s income (earned, unearned, self employment and rental)
- Proof of past month’s housing and utility expenses
- Proof of other allowable expenses such as day care and child support
- Proof of medical expenses for people 60 or older or disabled (if they pay over $35 monthly in medical expenses and want to claim a deduction)
- Proof of assets (if there are no children under the age of 19 in the food stamp household)

LMAO They can sure come up with all the documentation they need to freeload off the taxpayers of America but they can't come up with an ID to vote??? Yeah Right.

Let em show their Welfare card. That should work just fine. LOL
Teamster Nation: Walker cuts DMV in Dem districts now that voter ID is passed

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along
Really?!!! A blog? And you're trying to pass this off as news?
Please cut the bullshit.
According to this bozo who wrote this finger hovering over the panic button piece, people that have to go out of their way to get their license renewed( btw in most states one can do this on-line) they won't bother to get a license or renew? Uh huh..Right.
Look, the way this is this: If you oppose laws requiring a voter to self identify, you have an agenda that supports undocumented voting which is fraudulent and calls into question the integrity of the vote. It is really that simple.
This crap the Left is spewing about disenfranchisement of potential voters because for some reason they are incapable of obtaining official identification is actually quite amusing.
You people live in fear of things that do not exist.

What's hilarious is that she tries to pass of blog shit as 'news' and a 'credible source' and when presented with proof that she is wrong, immediately looks that author up on wiki and screams 'they're a partisan hack!' TFF :lol:
So to round this up...they are saying to get id's but are closing up to 10 dmv offices Wisconsin in hold on to your hats....democratic area's and are extending hours in dmv's in republican areas. Wow.

Seriously, wow. If you are poor...seriously poor and have no cars or are elderly and cant get around too well or are young with no license yet and they are closing all the dmv's in your do you register? You dont of course. This is all about helping the republican party.

So fucking obvious.
ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.

It's in the Dem's best interests to commit voter fraud.

ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.

I'm guessing none of these people even have a job, do they?

How'd they get a job without ID?
Don't the majority of people who already drive have a driver's license, numbskull?

You think there's a "run" on the DMV to get a license prior-to elections?

I only go to the DMV when I absolutly have to - I mean it better be a freaking emergency. The majority of transactions these days are done on the Internet.

And what a bunch of incompetent morons running the place.

The governor's doing the right thing - cutting waste.

hey numbnuts... what about the people that don't drive, but need an ID to vote? The DMV is the only place to get a Government Issued photo ID(Short of a passport).

That's the point that TM was making... first they do card check... then they shut down a bunch of DMV offices....Trying to stifle the vote of people he doesn't want voting.
ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.

I'm guessing none of these people even have a job, do they?

How'd they get a job without ID?

Since when do you need a photo ID for a job? usually it's just a SS Card... or even a SS number.

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