TSA check point Charlie on Tennessee highways

All enemies, Both Foreign and Domestic.

Just saying.

The left thinks that it the people that part is talking about, it's talking more about the government than it's talking about the people.

It's an Oath. Our Officials swear to protect and Defend the United States of America against all Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic.

The Problem Liberals have is they don't think a Citizen can be an Enemy. Well, Unless their a right winger of course.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
We need to let men like Ron Paul to educate us about National Security

No matter how something like Homeland Security starts - no matter how noble the intention of our dear, dear government leaders - the very existence of something like Homeland Security is dangerous.


Because it places Big Levers of unchecked power in the hands of imperfect, corruptible bureaucrats. This means that when they need or want to use this power for something that goes beyond its intended use, they will. (That's why Libertarians don't like large levers of power lying around: because they are, by definition, abused)

When Bush was creating Homeland Security, nobody on the Right criticized it. We didn't see one rally about runaway Big Government. Tragically, because their information systems didn't mention it, the Right didn't see the potential for abuse. In theory, though, the Right should have noticed it because they are supposed to defend us against the growth of the federal government.

Here is a bigger problem: the Right is not opposed to the department itself; they are opposed to the way Obama is using it. That is, they care more about Leaders (good leader v bad leader) than the appropriate scope of government (i.e., good forms of government versus bad forms of government power). This means they can't protect us from the growth of government when their party is in office.

Worse: since none of their trusted information sources are critical of Homeland Security as a concept, they lack the tools to criticize it (that is, they end up only being able to criticize or praise the president in charge of it). This is why our country is stuck in the mud. Our citizens have been transformed into useful idiots whose loyalty is to party not country.

So I have a favor to ask of the Right. Let's criticize the dangerous centralization of power no matter who is in office - Bush or Obama. Let's do what we were not allowed to do under Bush: question the value of Homeland Security. Let's see if we can rise above the Chaney model of giving government more power to keep us safe. Nobody has to know we're questioning Dear Leader, so let's just do it.

Here is your first homework assignment: read this (link below). Go ahead, just click the link. It's from the Washington Post. I won't tell FOX News. It will be our little secret.

A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

The reason I'm begging the Right to read this criticism of Homeland Security is because we can't afford another George Bush, who uses fear to grow Big Government surveilance bureaucracies. We can't afford for the next Republican administration to create another large lever of centralized power. Why? Because, while we know you trust GOP leaders, you cannot prevent these levers of power from falling into the hands of the other side. This is why we must trust the Libertarians and stop creating levers of centralized power in the first place.

(Remember: we vote for Republicans because they make government smaller. Yet, every time they get power, they use national security to explode the Pentagon budget and create whole knew bureaucracies. Please stop. Big Government can't stop evil or remake Islam into a happy western democracy. Big Government can't create a utopia of total safety. It can't end poverty or change the temperature. Life includes risk. If you want to fly in an airplane or go into a skyscraper, you have to accept some risk. Since your chances of dying from a terrorist attack are infinitely less than suing from a lightening strike, please stop destroying my freedom because of your manipulated fear. Learn how to question your leaders when they talk about national security. Please stop being manipulated by your party to grow government into a steroidal surveillance state. Stop giving this kind of power to big government, they will only make things worse)

(When know the Left is going to grow government every chance they get - indeed, Obama is probably sniffing your diaper right now to find out what you had for dinner - but when are we going to finally admit that the Right like to grow government more?)
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Take it up with the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, it seems to be their idea, not "Obama".

Why am I not surprised. And why don't you see the problem with this? Lets give up a little biut more liberty to feel safe.

I don't live in Tennessee, and don't plan on driving through there anytime soon, so actually I don't give a shit about this.

It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.
TSA check point Charlie on Tennessee highways

That is like "jack booted" thugs or something. It doesn't belong in America. I don't care how paranoid some are.
We need to let men like Ron Paul to educate us about National Security

No matter how something like Homeland Security starts - no matter how noble the intention of our dear, dear government leaders - the very existence of something like Homeland Security is dangerous.


Because it places Big Levers of unchecked power in the hands of imperfect, corruptible bureaucrats. This means that when they need or want to use this power for something that goes beyond its intended use, they will. (That's why Libertarians don't like large levers of power lying around: because they are, by definition, abused)

When Bush was creating Homeland Security, nobody on the Right criticized it. We didn't see one rally about runaway Big Government. Tragically, because their information systems didn't mention it, the Right didn't see the potential for abuse. In theory, though, the Right should have noticed it because they are supposed to defend us against the growth of the federal government.

Here is a bigger problem: the Right is not opposed to the department itself; they are opposed to the way Obama is using it. That is, they care more about Leaders (good leader v bad leader) than ideas (good forms of government versus bad forms of government power). This means they can't protect us from the growth of government when their party is in office.

Worse: since none of their trusted information sources are critical of Homeland Security as a concept, they lack the tools to criticize it (they end up only being able to criticize or praise the president in charge of it). This is why our country is stuck in the mud. Our citizens have been transformed into useful idiots whose loyalty is to their party, not their country.

So I have a favor to ask of the Right. Let's criticize the dangerous centralization of power no matter who is in office - Bush or Obama. Let's do what we were not allowed to do under Bush: question the value of Homeland Security.

Here is your first homework assignment: read this. Go ahead, just click the link. It's from the Washington Post. I won't tell FOX News. It will be our little secret.

A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

The reason I'm begging the Right to read this criticism of Homeland Security is because we can't afford another George Bush, who uses fear to grow Big Government bureaucracies. We can't afford for the next Republican administration to create another large lever of centralized power. Why? Because, while we know you trust GOP leaders, you cannot prevent these levers of power from falling into the hands of the other side. This is why we must trust the Libertarians and stop creating levers of centralized power.

(Remember: we vote for Republicans because they make government smaller. Yet, every time you get power, you use national security to explode the Pentagon budget and create whole knew bureaucracies. Please stop. Big Government can't stop evil. It can't create a utopia of total safety. It can't end poverty or change the temperature. Life includes risk. If you want to fly in an airplane or go into a skyscraper, you have to accept some risk. Please stop destroying my freedom because of your fear. Please stop being manipulated by your party to grow government into a steroidal surveillance state. Stop giving this kind of power to big government, they will only make things worse)

(When will the Right stop trusting and growing big government?)

I centralized bush for doing that I hounded my elected representives, and because of what Bush did gave birth to the tea party.
Why am I not surprised. And why don't you see the problem with this? Lets give up a little biut more liberty to feel safe.

I don't live in Tennessee, and don't plan on driving through there anytime soon, so actually I don't give a shit about this.

It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.
Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.

Soo...the TDSHS is cooperating with the USDHSTSA to set up check points far enough away from an international border so that they will not interfere with the ATFICENS running guns into Mexico. Got it.
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Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.
Well now you all know what Homeland Security is for: American Citizens.

U.S. citizen seems to think it's just a republican thing. he needs to change his moniker to us subject.

it is a patriot act thing, which WAS passed under a Republican controlled congress and was widely supported by the republicans.
And YES many dems supported it as well.
Both dems and repubs suck big time.
I don't live in Tennessee, and don't plan on driving through there anytime soon, so actually I don't give a shit about this.

It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

Since when did the government start a new program in one place and not do it somewhere else?
Well now you all know what Homeland Security is for: American Citizens.

U.S. citizen seems to think it's just a republican thing. he needs to change his moniker to us subject.

it is a patriot act thing, which WAS passed under a Republican controlled congress and was widely supported by the republicans.
And YES many dems supported it as well.
Both dems and repubs suck big time.

The Patriot act needs to be repealed.
I don't live in Tennessee, and don't plan on driving through there anytime soon, so actually I don't give a shit about this.

It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

I am trying to figure out how this is any different than what they do here in Michigan Occasionally, Which is setting up Random Check Points to check for Drunk Driving.
I don't live in Tennessee, and don't plan on driving through there anytime soon, so actually I don't give a shit about this.

It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

The Tennessee Republican Party controls the governor's office and a majority in both the Tennessee Senate and the Tennessee House of Representatives.
It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

Since when did the government start a new program in one place and not do it somewhere else?

You do know that each state has it's own laws and programs, right?

There are hundreds of state programs here in California that no other state has. Massachusetts has RomneyCare. Vermont has single-payer healthcare. In Florida, it's illegal to walk an Aligator on a leash in a public park. I don't see all the other states clambering to start those programs.
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Why is obama doing this? It took him forever to decide to send 1500 guardsman to Arizona, but he feels the need to put TSA on the highways doing check points.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. They are randomly inspecting vehicles on highways in Tennessee.

TSA Checkpoints Now On TN Highways | Tennessee News Press | Tennessee News Directory | TN Headlines

unfucking believeable.

Soo...the TDSHS is cooperating with the USDHSTSA to set up check points far enough away from an international border so that they will not interfere with the ATFICENS running guns into Mexico. Got it.

That about sums it up.:clap2:
U.S. citizen seems to think it's just a republican thing. he needs to change his moniker to us subject.

it is a patriot act thing, which WAS passed under a Republican controlled congress and was widely supported by the republicans.
And YES many dems supported it as well.
Both dems and repubs suck big time.

The Patriot act needs to be repealed.

Well since the previous administration merged in so tightly with the rest of our agencies that would be quite difficult and I do not think the congress will do it anyway.
It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

I am trying to figure out how this is any different than what they do here in Michigan Occasionally, Which is setting up Random Check Points to check for Drunk Driving.

TSA is not going to be doing DWI checks. Why is TSA doing this again?
It starts there then they do somewhere else then they do it again until it's everywhere. You really don't get it.

I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

I am trying to figure out how this is any different than what they do here in Michigan Occasionally, Which is setting up Random Check Points to check for Drunk Driving.

They do that everywhere. I live in the Bay Area, and Berkeley is filled with DUI checkpoints every other block on weekends.
I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

I am trying to figure out how this is any different than what they do here in Michigan Occasionally, Which is setting up Random Check Points to check for Drunk Driving.

TSA is not going to be doing DWI checks. Why is TSA doing this again?

Umm because the republican controlled TN govt wants them to do it?
I (apparently) get it a lot better than you do.

If they tried this where I live, I'd be organizing protests against it. If it was a federal program, I'd be completely against it. But it's not a federal program, it's a state program. And since I have no plan on ever spending any time in Tennessee, it doesn't really affect me that much.

Your claim that it's going to be everywhere is nothing more than an assumption on your part. Most state governments aren't stupid enough to try this in their states. Hell, NY is the biggest terrorist target in the country, and they're not doing it.

I don't see Tennessee as being a trendsetter in, well, anything at all.

Since when did the government start a new program in one place and not do it somewhere else?

You do know that each state has it's own laws and programs, right?

There are hundreds of state programs here in California that no other state has. Massachusetts has RomneyCare. Vermont has single-payer healthcare. In Florida, it's illegal to walk an Aligator on a leash in a public park. I don't see all the other states clambering to start those programs.

You're trying to justify it because we have a democrat president.
I am trying to figure out how this is any different than what they do here in Michigan Occasionally, Which is setting up Random Check Points to check for Drunk Driving.

TSA is not going to be doing DWI checks. Why is TSA doing this again?

Umm because the republican controlled TN govt wants them to do it?

how many times must I have to repeat myself? I don't give a god damn about any political affilation. these bastards need to be removed.

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