TSA harasses mother trying to keep her baby safe

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Blatant harassment in the name of "national security." When are the apologists for these gestapo tactics going to realize they are wrong?

TSA policy regarding breast milk. (For those who think that I do not know the applicable rules.)

TSA is also modifying the rules associated with carrying breast milk through security checkpoints. Mothers flying with, and now without, their child will be permitted to bring breast milk in quantities greater than three ounces as long as it is declared for inspection at the security checkpoint. Breast milk is in the same category as liquid medications. Now, a mother flying without her child will be able to bring breast milk through the checkpoint, provided it is declared prior to screening.

TSA: New Policies for Lighters, Electronics, and Breast Milk

Blatant harassment in the name of "national security." When are the apologists for these gestapo tactics going to realize they are wrong?

TSA policy regarding breast milk. (For those who think that I do not know the applicable rules.)

TSA is also modifying the rules associated with carrying breast milk through security checkpoints. Mothers flying with, and now without, their child will be permitted to bring breast milk in quantities greater than three ounces as long as it is declared for inspection at the security checkpoint. Breast milk is in the same category as liquid medications. Now, a mother flying without her child will be able to bring breast milk through the checkpoint, provided it is declared prior to screening.
TSA: New Policies for Lighters, Electronics, and Breast Milk


That poor woman, a blatant violation of her rights. :evil: This really does need to stop
what a buncha crap. We need professionals doing that job not fat dumpy power struck thugs.
Simply amazing, a perfect example of abusing one's power!! I can't imagine anyone not feeling a little hot under the collar watching what that woman had to go through.
Watching the video it isn't clear that she asked for alternate screening ahead of time. There really is no reason not to let the milk go through xray for that matter.

I call BS.
I couldn't get the youtube thing to work, so I don't know what exactly was going on. But I'm sure I'm missing something in the subject matter. If a mother does not have her infant with her on the flight, why would she be carrying breast milk? Wouldn't it have made better sense for her to leave it at home so that whoever was feeding the child would have the supply at hand?

On the other hand, if she had the infant with her, would she necessarily need to carry bottles of breast milk with her when she's going to still be producing it herself? Why not carry a diaper or blanket to cover herself if she's a modest person? If she's not a modest person she could just flop out the old boob and let the child have at it.
Watching the video it isn't clear that she asked for alternate screening ahead of time. There really is no reason not to let the milk go through xray for that matter.

I call BS.

Of course you do, I would expect nothing more, unless of course that happened to you

What happened to that woman is nothing less than harassment, and a violation of her 4th amendment rights
With zero reasonable suspicion they stop and screen (and when it suits them, harass) every single passenger . . . but a cop can't verify a person's citizenship when they have reasonable suspicion that they are here illegally. :cuckoo:

That sucks doesn't it. It's what happens when leftruds run the country. I'm hoping everyone has had a bellyfull of leftturds.
I couldn't get the youtube thing to work, so I don't know what exactly was going on. But I'm sure I'm missing something in the subject matter. If a mother does not have her infant with her on the flight, why would she be carrying breast milk? Wouldn't it have made better sense for her to leave it at home so that whoever was feeding the child would have the supply at hand?

On the other hand, if she had the infant with her, would she necessarily need to carry bottles of breast milk with her when she's going to still be producing it herself? Why not carry a diaper or blanket to cover herself if she's a modest person? If she's not a modest person she could just flop out the old boob and let the child have at it.

She likely pumped before she left then went away long enough that she needed to pump again . . . A) to take back for the baby and B) so her bewbs didn't explode. What a waste it would have been to just pump it into the sink.

The TSA is being nothing but a bully in this case. The vid says she did this before. . . . so TSA decides to harass her instead of checking her off as 'not a terrorist'? wtf?? :cuckoo:
Key word, is "reasonable". When someone can tell me that reasonable search and seizure has changed it's meaning then we can talk

Watching the video it isn't clear that she asked for alternate screening ahead of time. There really is no reason not to let the milk go through xray for that matter.

I call BS.

Of course you do, I would expect nothing more, unless of course that happened to you

What happened to that woman is nothing less than harassment, and a violation of her 4th amendment rights
I'm not seeing it. From what I can see in the video she did not declare the milk ahead of time and she didn't want it to go through xray. She has no more right to avoid the xray machine than anyone else.
I'm still watching it, but haven't figured out yet exactly WHY they're holding her? Was there a purpose to it??
Watching the video it isn't clear that she asked for alternate screening ahead of time. There really is no reason not to let the milk go through xray for that matter.

I call BS.

Of course you do, I would expect nothing more, unless of course that happened to you

What happened to that woman is nothing less than harassment, and a violation of her 4th amendment rights
I'm not seeing it. From what I can see in the video she did not declare the milk ahead of time and she didn't want it to go through xray. She has no more right to avoid the xray machine than anyone else.

Yes, she did. She asked them before they screened anything to not run the milk through the x-ray machine. She wasn't avoiding the x-ray machine, she didn't want already pumped breast milk to go through x-ray. The TSA picked on her because she filed a complaint . . . because the TSA wasn't following procedure on this.
Watching the video it isn't clear that she asked for alternate screening ahead of time. There really is no reason not to let the milk go through xray for that matter.

I call BS.

Of course you do, I would expect nothing more, unless of course that happened to you

What happened to that woman is nothing less than harassment, and a violation of her 4th amendment rights
I'm not seeing it. From what I can see in the video she did not declare the milk ahead of time and she didn't want it to go through xray. She has no more right to avoid the xray machine than anyone else.

Ravi, darling...I do not think that is even the point anymore. Can you just one time put yourself in the shoes of someone who has no ill intention...just trying to get from A to B. And being searched and humiliated and having your rights violated..AND missing your flight because the TSA is weilding power over you? Can you imagine what that feels like, how deeply violated you would feel?
Of course you do, I would expect nothing more, unless of course that happened to you

What happened to that woman is nothing less than harassment, and a violation of her 4th amendment rights
I'm not seeing it. From what I can see in the video she did not declare the milk ahead of time and she didn't want it to go through xray. She has no more right to avoid the xray machine than anyone else.

Yes, she did. She asked them before they screened anything to not run the milk through the x-ray machine. She wasn't avoiding the x-ray machine, she didn't want already pumped breast milk to go through x-ray. The TSA picked on her because she filed a complaint . . . because the TSA wasn't following procedure on this.
That's what she says...but we have no way of knowing the truth. I see no milk in the video and I do not understand why she would care if it went through the xray or not.

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