Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

Admitting that one has lied in some circumstances is an honest statement because there is no human on the planet who has never done it. His lawyers saying something--quoted out of full context--is not Tucker saying it. And from your links. Somebody saying he or she has never lied about anything to anybody is lying.

"ā€œI lie. If Iā€™m really cornered or something, I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just donā€™t, you know, I donā€™t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever,ā€ Carlson said.

So again show me an example in which he has intentionally falsified something as Tucker Carlson on television. I can say I have lied in my lifetime--might even now not tell the truth to avoid hurting somebody's feelings or some such--but in professional roles as a journalist or public speaker/lecturer etc. I can honestly say I have never intentionally lied. Have I ever gotten something wrong? Yes.

Why should I bother? You were provided with evidence that he lies, FOX lawyers, in court, said that no "reasonable viewer" takes him seriously, and he himself admitted that he lies. So what that he "tries not to?" How do we know? He's admitted to lying, he could be lying about trying not to lie! A court ruled in favor of Fox News citing their claim (that would be FOX News' claim) that Carlson ā€œcannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect.ā€ The ruling went on to state that ā€œgiven Mr. Carlsonā€™s reputation, any reasonable viewer ā€˜arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticismā€™ about the statements he makes.ā€

In other words, Carlson is a known liar.

Yet somehow, with all that laid out before you, you refuse to accept reality. That you lack a functioning frontal cortex is not my problem. But that being the case, I see no need to continue to provide evidence of Carlson's lying to someone in denial of the facts.

You are dismissed.
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So again show me an example in which he has intentionally falsified something as Tucker Carlson on television.

Broadcast 20: Tucker Carlson interviews Mike Lindell
Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviews Trump ally Mike Lindell during the January 26, 2021, edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

What they alleged: Election fraud.

Key false quote: ā€œEvery outlet in the country, they go, ā€˜Mike Lindell, thereā€™s no evidence, and heā€™s making fraudulent statements.ā€™ No. I have the evidence. I dare people to put it on. I dare Dominion to sue me because then it will get out faster. So, this is ā€“ you know, they donā€™t ā€“ they donā€™t want to talk about it,ā€ Lindell said.

ā€œNo, they donā€™t,ā€ Carlson said.


It was one of the reasons Fox News lost $785 million in defamation.
Have you ever lied? Your answer will tell all of us whether you're honest or a liar.
There's a difference between lying to your wife, that you like her new hairdoo. It's completely different to lie to a television audience of millions. And do so over and over and over and over again, show after show after show after show.

To the point that Tuckers own Fox News lawyers had to defend his lies by saying reasonable people know Tucker is a liar.
Maybe someone should point out, that Sund was fired on January 8th, 2021. Any information about federal agents in the crowd wouldn't have come across his desk, until he no longer had a desk.

He was police chief on J6 though so he knows a lot.
Why should I bother? You were provided with evidence that he lies, FOX lawyers, in court, said that no "reasonable viewer" takes him seriously, and he himself admitted that he lies. So what that he "tries not to?" How do we know? He's admitted to lying, he could be lying about trying not to lie! A court ruled in favor of Fox News citing their claim (that would be FOX News' claim) that Carlson ā€œcannot be understood to have been stating facts, but instead that he was delivering an opinion using hyperbole for effect.ā€ The ruling went on to state that ā€œgiven Mr. Carlsonā€™s reputation, any reasonable viewer ā€˜arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticismā€™ about the statements he makes.ā€

In other words, Carlson is a known liar.

Yet somehow, with all that laid out before you, you refuse to accept reality. That you lack a functioning frontal cortex is not my problem. But that being the case, I see no need to continue to provide evidence of Carlson's lying to someone in denial of the facts.

You are dismissed.
I asked for evidence of a lie. If you don't have one, and nobody has said what was a lie--nobody in your links said what was a lie--everything is hearsay.

People who refuse to consider any other possibility other than the hate they feel for somebody mystify me. I just don't understand that mentality.
And oh my, the trolls are certainly organized in a mass attack on this thread today. I really must have hit a nerve. :)
I asked for evidence of a lie. If you don't have one, and nobody has said what was a lie--nobody in your links said what was a lie--everything is hearsay.
It was also the Fakes Nooz lawyers speaking for Carlson, prostrating themselves before the court in order to get some sympathy, and maybe a lesser payout.

And note that these forays into court have resulted in settlements, not any verdicts from a judge or jury.
It was also the Fakes Nooz lawyers speaking for Carlson, prostrating themselves before the court in order to get some sympathy, and maybe a lesser payout.

And note that these forays into court have resulted in settlements, not any verdicts from a judge or jury.
It's interesting to watch the posts though. The organized leftist attack machine seems to have been activated the last couple of days and they are almost desperate to discredit me by discrediting Tucker. You would think they would post a verifiable intentional lie that Tucker said to back up their claims. There actually may be one or two out there, I don't know, but I've never seen one myself.

The best they can come up with is Tucker has agreed there was election fraud in 2020--any person with ANY sense of intellectual honesty knows that is true--but because they repeat the dishonest assigned mantra of 'no evidence of election fraud', they count that as a lie when Tucker says there was election fraud.

Was there enough to change the results of the election? That is unprovable now because so much of the evidence was destroyed on election night or since. But did Tucker lie about it? No.
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Republicans in Congress be like Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
Republicans in Congress be like Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
I don't know. Seems to me they've done what they could to bring the truth to light. They just have no power to do anything about it because the DOJ will protect everybody on the left regardless of what they have done. Christopher Wray and other representatives from DOJ will not say whether or not they had people outside or inside the Capitol on J6, whether FBI personnel or operatives committed violence or illegal acts on J6, whether FBI personnel or operative encouraged violence or illegal acts on J6.

It's interesting to watch the posts though. The organized leftist attack machine seems to have been activated the last couple of days and they are almost desperate to discredit me by discrediting Tucker. You would think they would post a verifiable intentional lie that Tucker said to back up their claims. There actually may be one or two out there, I don't know, but I've never seen one myself.

The best they can come up with is Tucker has agreed there was election fraud in 2020--any person with ANY sense of intellectual honesty knows that is true--but because they repeat the dishonest assigned mantra of 'no evidence of election fraud', they count that as a lie when Tucker says there was election fraud.

Was there enough to change the results of the election? That is unprovable now because so much of the evidence was destroyed on election night or since. But did Tucker lie about it? No.
Referring back the Brand interview, he said that you aren't even allowed to ask questions about the Current Narrativeā„¢, without getting "SHUT UP!...YOU'R A A STOOGE FOR PUTIN!...WHAT ARE YOU, SOME CONSPIRACY NUT?" and things of that sort...No curiosity, just the narrative.

The other one that gets a lot of play is the old "THAT WAS DEBUNKED!", without ever sourcing the supposed deboooonker, or their source being notably partisan like Snopes, etc.

It's all party man all the time.
I don't know. Seems to me they've done what they could to bring the truth to light. They just have no power to do anything about it because the DOJ will protect everybody on the left regardless of what they have done. Christopher Wray and other representatives from DOJ will not say whether or not they had people outside or inside the Capitol on J6, whether FBI personnel or operatives committed violence or illegal acts on J6, whether FBI personnel or operative encouraged violence or illegal acts on J6.

I think any reasonable objective intellectually honest person would say it is reasonable to think that if they did not have personnel there, they would have said so. Maybe somebody will be able to scrutinize the J6 tapes to identify some if they were there.
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Ya have to love these right wing freaks defending an admitted liar when they freaked out over supposed lies by Biden and Obama.

Watch they will now commence to do so here.
Somebody said Ray Epps was never arrested or charged because telling people to go into the Capitol building was not 'against the law." The definition of 'sedition' is urging people to commit unlawful acts.

But assuming that was not an offense, why was the woman standing next to Epps in a restricted area arrested and he was not? She didn't go into the Capitol building either. Epps was neither arrested or charged and mysteriously disappeared from the FBI's 'most wanted' list.

And another guy said to be carrying a hand gun was also not arrested and was mysteriously dropped from the FBI's 'most wanted' list.


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