Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Also Tucker - I lie on my shows.
I'm sure such an astute person as yourself can source some examples of Tucker lying. Go for it.

Yes, Geraldo...

“Due respect to Tucker Carlson, but he’s as full of shit about Ukraine as he was about January 6th,” Geraldo tweeted. “His smiley face doesn’t change fact Russia invaded sovereign Ukraine; 1000’s are dead, including women & children, the world order is assailed and Putin is a punk.”

Yes, Tucker, Geraldo is right.


Admitting that one has lied in some circumstances is an honest statement because there is no human on the planet who has never done it. His lawyers saying something--quoted out of full context--is not Tucker saying it. And from your links. Somebody saying he or she has never lied about anything to anybody is lying.

"“I lie. If I’m really cornered or something, I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t, you know, I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever,” Carlson said.

So again show me an example in which he has intentionally falsified something as Tucker Carlson on television. I can say I have lied in my lifetime--might even now not tell the truth to avoid hurting somebody's feelings or some such--but in professional roles as a journalist or public speaker/lecturer etc. I can honestly say I have never intentionally lied. Have I ever gotten something wrong? Yes.
Admitting that one has lied in some circumstances is an honest statement because there is no human on the planet who has never done it. His lawyers saying something--quoted out of full context--is not Tucker saying it. And from your links. Somebody saying he or she has never lied about anything to anybody is lying.

"“I lie. If I’m really cornered or something, I lie. I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t, you know, I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever,” Carlson said.

So again show me an example in which he has intentionally falsified something as Tucker Carlson on television. I can say I have lied in my lifetime--might even now not tell the truth to avoid hurting somebody's feelings or some such--but in professional roles as a journalist or public speaker/lecturer etc. I can honestly say I have never intentionally lied. Have I ever gotten something wrong? Yes.
He’s an admitted liar

Nuff said
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

You’re in a cult
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Maybe someone should point out, that Sund was fired on January 8th, 2021. Any information about federal agents in the crowd wouldn't have come across his desk, until he no longer had a desk.

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