Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

These people are just what Hillary called em. Deplorables. An assortment of fruitcakes and nutters. The dumbest mofos in this country.
Honestly, I look at them differently. I think they're just this side of victims. They've been so manipulated over the last few decades that, in a way, this isn't a surprise. I think that many of them mean well, but have just been detached from reality by that manipulation. And I don't blame Trump, either. He's just a terribly needy, mentally ill individual, a salesman who knows how to pull their strings.

The people I blame are the craven, opportunistic politicians who have sold their soul to this con man, and the media figures who have manipulated the rank & file rubes. The damage they're doing is incalculable.
You are gullible enough to believe the election was not stolen. You cannot get anymore gullible than that.
Cry harder!
Honestly, I look at them differently. I think they're just this side of victims. They've been so manipulated over the last few decades that, in a way, this isn't a surprise. I think that many of them mean well, but have just been detached from reality by that manipulation. And I don't blame Trump, either. He's just a terribly needy, mentally ill individual, a salesman who knows how to pull their strings.

The people I blame are the craven, opportunistic politicians who have sold their soul to this con man, and the media figures who have manipulated the rank & file rubes. The damage they're doing is incalculable.
Victims? Those crackpots are professional victims. There's always some sinister force that fucked em over. Fucked their idol out of his second term - somehow. Dumbfucks who send a millionaire their money so he can blow some more smoke up their ass. You know of course that the male g- spot is in the anus and that's why they can't get enough of Trump's bullshit.
There would've been undercover feds there. They go to everything. That's their job. It's the content of their character while attending that everyone is wondering about. No need to worry, you'll never know.
We have video of capital police spraying tear gas and flash bangs into crowds that were not rioting. Could that be considered inciting violence? Something else the MSM carefully avoided reporting because it doesn't fit their narrative.

I am NOT excusing any person on either side who committed violence that day unless it was necessary to defend themselves. Those who assaulted and harmed anybody should go to jail.

But any reasonable person would say a mostly unarmed crowd with the vast majority committing no violence whatsoever even when they had opportunity to do was no rational person's definition of an 'insurrection.' But if there were operatives there that day--think Ray Epps that the FBI continues to refuse to say whether he was one of those--encouraging people to go into the capitol, encouraging breaking and entering--shouldn't honorable people want to know that? We have video of Epps doing that but he was never arrested or charged. Why?

Those condemning President Trump and the J6 protesters all need to ask themselves. Do I want to know the whole truth of that day? Or do I just want my perception affirmed? We know the J6 Committee's answer to that and the leftist MSM who have forbidden any facts that don't fit their narrative of a 'violent insurrection inspired and encouraged by Donald Trump."

I wonder how many honorable people who believe that are willing to even look at and honestly consider any evidence to the contrary? Tucker does that and is despised by the left who everywhere, including this thread, are trying to destroy his narrative. But so far nobody has produced any evidence to do so.

I’m not going to refute this in detail, because it‘s been argued adnauseum on many threads. But this is my view, and be warned, it is a strong and angry one.

I watched it unfold in real time via videos uploaded by observers and participants, with complete disbelief that this was happening. I listened to what they saying in the immediate aftermath, the police, the people who worked there, even Republican lawmakers who were shaken and at the time were in fear of their lives. Those were honest reactions, not yet walked back on once they tested the political winds of their base.

More than 2000 people entered the Capitol, many armed with bats, pepper spray, metal poles, tazers….rapidly overwhelming the police and viscously beating them. Injuries included broken bones, broken vertebrae, traumatic brain injuries, heart attacks and in the immediate aftermath, several suicides. It was mob violence, not peaceful. Yes, there were those who got carried away, that it is no excuse. The moment they forced their way in, they were committing a crime.

There is also no evidence to support police initiating violence, rather they were responding to overwhelming violence from people who came PREPARED for violence.

The riot squad defending the embattled entrance to the west side of the U.S. Capitol was surrounded by violence. Rioters had clambered up the scaffolding by the stage erected for the inauguration of President Joseph Biden. They hurled everything they could get their hands on at the cops beneath: rebar, plywood, power tools, even cans of food they had frozen for extra damage.

In front of the cops, a mob was mounting a frontal assault. Its members hit officers with fists and baseball bats. They grabbed at weapons slung from the officers’ waists. They unleashed a barrage of M-80 firecrackers. Soaked in never-ending streams of bright orange bear spray, the officers choked on plumes of acrid smoke that singed their nostrils and obscured their vision.

One officer in the middle of the scrum, a combat veteran, thought the rioters were so vicious, so relentless, that they seemed fueled by methamphetamine. To his left, he watched a chunk of steel strike a fellow officer above the eye, setting off a geyser of blood. A pepper ball tore through the air over his shoulder and exploded against the jaw of a man in front of him. The round, filled with chemical irritant, ripped the rioter’s face open. His teeth were now visible through a hole in his cheek. Blood poured out, puddling on the pavement surrounding the building. But the man kept coming.

The combat veteran was hit with bear spray eight times. His experience overseas "was nothing like this,” he said. “Nothing at all.”

There is no justification, no excuses, and honorable people? They aren’t the ones trying to rewrite what happened or gaslighting the police. They are not calling terrorists like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers “patriots”. These are the patriots.

These people are the IMG_3419.jpegIMG_3420.jpegIMG_3423.jpegIMG_3424.jpeg
Yes. Saw it live. Maybe they don't have TVs in the slavic troll farm. Or you're just the king of dumbasses and was busy circle jerking your mama while the rest of us witnessed your little insurrection.
I’m not going to refute this in detail, because it‘s been argued adnauseum on many threads. But this is my view, and be warned, it is a strong and angry one.

I watched it unfold in real time via videos uploaded by observers and participants, with complete disbelief that this was happening. I listened to what they saying in the immediate aftermath, the police, the people who worked there, even Republican lawmakers who were shaken and at the time were in fear of their lives. Those were honest reactions, not yet walked back on once they tested the political winds of their base.

More than 2000 people entered the Capitol, many armed with bats, pepper spray, metal poles, tazers….rapidly overwhelming the police and viscously beating them. Injuries included broken bones, broken vertebrae, traumatic brain injuries, heart attacks and in the immediate aftermath, several suicides. It was mob violence, not peaceful. Yes, there were those who got carried away, that it is no excuse. The moment they forced their way in, they were committing a crime.

There is also no evidence to support police initiating violence, rather they were responding to overwhelming violence from people who came PREPARED for violence.

The riot squad defending the embattled entrance to the west side of the U.S. Capitol was surrounded by violence. Rioters had clambered up the scaffolding by the stage erected for the inauguration of President Joseph Biden. They hurled everything they could get their hands on at the cops beneath: rebar, plywood, power tools, even cans of food they had frozen for extra damage.

In front of the cops, a mob was mounting a frontal assault. Its members hit officers with fists and baseball bats. They grabbed at weapons slung from the officers’ waists. They unleashed a barrage of M-80 firecrackers. Soaked in never-ending streams of bright orange bear spray, the officers choked on plumes of acrid smoke that singed their nostrils and obscured their vision.

One officer in the middle of the scrum, a combat veteran, thought the rioters were so vicious, so relentless, that they seemed fueled by methamphetamine. To his left, he watched a chunk of steel strike a fellow officer above the eye, setting off a geyser of blood. A pepper ball tore through the air over his shoulder and exploded against the jaw of a man in front of him. The round, filled with chemical irritant, ripped the rioter’s face open. His teeth were now visible through a hole in his cheek. Blood poured out, puddling on the pavement surrounding the building. But the man kept coming.

The combat veteran was hit with bear spray eight times. His experience overseas "was nothing like this,” he said. “Nothing at all.”

There is no justification, no excuses, and honorable people? They aren’t the ones trying to rewrite what happened or gaslighting the police. They are not calling terrorists like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers “patriots”. These are the patriots.

These people are the View attachment 802617View attachment 802618View attachment 802619View attachment 802620
That dreck smeared shit on the walls of the Capitol and now they wanna shit on law enforcement
I’m not going to refute this in detail, because it‘s been argued adnauseum on many threads. But this is my view, and be warned, it is a strong and angry one.

I watched it unfold in real time via videos uploaded by observers and participants, with complete disbelief that this was happening. I listened to what they saying in the immediate aftermath, the police, the people who worked there, even Republican lawmakers who were shaken and at the time were in fear of their lives. Those were honest reactions, not yet walked back on once they tested the political winds of their base.

More than 2000 people entered the Capitol, many armed with bats, pepper spray, metal poles, tazers….rapidly overwhelming the police and viscously beating them. Injuries included broken bones, broken vertebrae, traumatic brain injuries, heart attacks and in the immediate aftermath, several suicides. It was mob violence, not peaceful. Yes, there were those who got carried away, that it is no excuse. The moment they forced their way in, they were committing a crime.

There is also no evidence to support police initiating violence, rather they were responding to overwhelming violence from people who came PREPARED for violence.

The riot squad defending the embattled entrance to the west side of the U.S. Capitol was surrounded by violence. Rioters had clambered up the scaffolding by the stage erected for the inauguration of President Joseph Biden. They hurled everything they could get their hands on at the cops beneath: rebar, plywood, power tools, even cans of food they had frozen for extra damage.

In front of the cops, a mob was mounting a frontal assault. Its members hit officers with fists and baseball bats. They grabbed at weapons slung from the officers’ waists. They unleashed a barrage of M-80 firecrackers. Soaked in never-ending streams of bright orange bear spray, the officers choked on plumes of acrid smoke that singed their nostrils and obscured their vision.

One officer in the middle of the scrum, a combat veteran, thought the rioters were so vicious, so relentless, that they seemed fueled by methamphetamine. To his left, he watched a chunk of steel strike a fellow officer above the eye, setting off a geyser of blood. A pepper ball tore through the air over his shoulder and exploded against the jaw of a man in front of him. The round, filled with chemical irritant, ripped the rioter’s face open. His teeth were now visible through a hole in his cheek. Blood poured out, puddling on the pavement surrounding the building. But the man kept coming.

The combat veteran was hit with bear spray eight times. His experience overseas "was nothing like this,” he said. “Nothing at all.”

There is no justification, no excuses, and honorable people? They aren’t the ones trying to rewrite what happened or gaslighting the police. They are not calling terrorists like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers “patriots”. These are the patriots.

These people are the View attachment 802617View attachment 802618View attachment 802619View attachment 802620
None of what you have posted refutes that only one gun was found among the protesters and almost the other so-called 'weapons' were not in themselves weapons but have been portrayed that way by the MSM and other unscrupulous narratives. If this was an "insurrection" most of the protesters would have showed up armed to the teeth and prepared to use those weapons. A flag pole is not a weapon when the one carrying it does not use it as a weapon. We still don't know if that one gun was in the possession of a J6 protester or ANTIFA or somebody else. Since we don't know that it's reasonable to question whether it was a J6 protester.

But this thread is not about the misconduct, assaults, and such that did happen. This thread is about whether the FBI or other government operatives were there to initiate/encourage violence and/or illegal acts. Can you say with absolute certainty that they were not? Even the FBI has yet to say that didn't happen. They just refuse to answer those questions when it comes up.

Why was Ray Epps not arrested or charged when there is far more evidence he was calling for people to go into the capitol building when others who were arrested or charged committed far less severe 'sedition' than that?
The Jan 6 protest is not as cut and dry as the crazy left wingers are saying it is
Stenger said investigations should have looked into the role of "what appears to be professional agitators" present during the riot.


The Senate's Sergeant at Arms during the Capitol riot, Michael Stenger, died on Monday, one day before the Committee investigating the attack is set to reveal new evidence in a surprise hearing on Tuesday.

Stenger's death was reported by Fox News' Chad Pergram on Monday, but the cause of his sudden passing at the age of 71 has not been disclosed.

Stenger was the man in charge of defending the Capitol when this was attacked by an angry mob of Donald Trump's supporters attempting to stop the peaceful transfer of power to elected President Joe Biden on January 6, 2021. On that fateful day, the Senate Sergeant at Arms reportedly refused to request the assistance of the National Guard.
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

The MSM is liberal, not leftist, but Carlson's claim is compelling.
I’m not going to refute this in detail, because it‘s been argued adnauseum on many threads. But this is my view, and be warned, it is a strong and angry one.

I watched it unfold in real time via videos uploaded by observers and participants, with complete disbelief that this was happening. I listened to what they saying in the immediate aftermath, the police, the people who worked there, even Republican lawmakers who were shaken and at the time were in fear of their lives. Those were honest reactions, not yet walked back on once they tested the political winds of their base.

More than 2000 people entered the Capitol, many armed with bats, pepper spray, metal poles, tazers….rapidly overwhelming the police and viscously beating them. Injuries included broken bones, broken vertebrae, traumatic brain injuries, heart attacks and in the immediate aftermath, several suicides. It was mob violence, not peaceful. Yes, there were those who got carried away, that it is no excuse. The moment they forced their way in, they were committing a crime.

There is also no evidence to support police initiating violence, rather they were responding to overwhelming violence from people who came PREPARED for violence.

The riot squad defending the embattled entrance to the west side of the U.S. Capitol was surrounded by violence. Rioters had clambered up the scaffolding by the stage erected for the inauguration of President Joseph Biden. They hurled everything they could get their hands on at the cops beneath: rebar, plywood, power tools, even cans of food they had frozen for extra damage.

In front of the cops, a mob was mounting a frontal assault. Its members hit officers with fists and baseball bats. They grabbed at weapons slung from the officers’ waists. They unleashed a barrage of M-80 firecrackers. Soaked in never-ending streams of bright orange bear spray, the officers choked on plumes of acrid smoke that singed their nostrils and obscured their vision.

One officer in the middle of the scrum, a combat veteran, thought the rioters were so vicious, so relentless, that they seemed fueled by methamphetamine. To his left, he watched a chunk of steel strike a fellow officer above the eye, setting off a geyser of blood. A pepper ball tore through the air over his shoulder and exploded against the jaw of a man in front of him. The round, filled with chemical irritant, ripped the rioter’s face open. His teeth were now visible through a hole in his cheek. Blood poured out, puddling on the pavement surrounding the building. But the man kept coming.

The combat veteran was hit with bear spray eight times. His experience overseas "was nothing like this,” he said. “Nothing at all.”

There is no justification, no excuses, and honorable people? They aren’t the ones trying to rewrite what happened or gaslighting the police. They are not calling terrorists like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers “patriots”. These are the patriots.

These people are the View attachment 802617View attachment 802618View attachment 802619View attachment 802620
We watched a tiny fraction of the available video.....Over and over and over and over and over again.

And when the video of the kooky buffalo hat dude was released, which showed him being escorted into the Senate chamber, he was promptly released....Then we saw the video of Brian Sicknick walking around in the Capitol, none the worse for wear after being "clobbered with a fire extinguisher".

After seeing those narrative busters, the normal person would have the intellectual curiosity it takes t wonder what other bullshit is being blown in our faces....But not you hysterical gaslighting shitlibs...It's all the narrative, the whole narrative, and nothing but the narrative.


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