Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

Tucker Carlson is trying to repair his shattered reputation as both a liar and a disgraced FOX employee.

Lucky for him his listeners have never doubted him.
Tucker was hired by chameleons. He pushed very little globalist agendas unlike the others in some way.
Please provide credible source for Tucker's 'shattered reputation' or for being a 'liar' and for being a 'disgraced FOX employee.'
That is a subjective statement, left open to interpretation, you should already know this.

A "credible source" is a throrough review of his actual media record, and you're welcome to research the "stolen election" claims on his show, his personal text messages, and the truth of both his, and his guests, opinions, and whether Tuckster was in agreement with, or disputed, said claims.
I offer you the same challenge I've offered everybody else. Refute it with a credible source if you can.
I've posted two videos in which the former Police Chief is providing SWORN TESTIMONY that tells a very different story than what Tucker claims.

But I know, I know. Not good enough.

I know you will refute the source, but did tucker say these quotes or not.
I'm not asking if it's a lie, I'm asking if tucker actually said these things:

For example:

To the best of my knowledge one person was arrested who had a hand gun that day. I don't believe the name of that person has ever been released so he may or may not have been in the protest group. They say pipe bombs were found on the capitol grounds but nobody could say who put them there. So was it J6 protesters? Or ANTIFA who were there? Or somebody else? The fact checkers including Politifact repeated again and againt that five people were killed in the so-called insurrection on J6. The fact is only one person was killed and that was Ashli Babbitt who was totally non violent, unarmed, and was trying to get the capitol police to do their jobs that day and was shot and killed by a capitol policeman. And Politifact saying that something is untrue based on the fact that THEY could find no evidence simply doesn't hold up on the face of it.

You can say something is untrue until the cows come home, but unless you have hard evidence, you're saying it isn't true does not make it untrue or a lie.

I would be the first to say that Tucker Carlson has never made a mistake or gotten something wrong. He has admitted to it. But believing a lie does not make a person a liar.
I'm sure such an astute person as yourself can source some examples of Tucker lying. Go for it.

To the best of my knowledge one person was arrested who had a hand gun that day. I don't believe the name of that person has ever been released so he may or may not have been in the protest group. They say pipe bombs were found on the capitol grounds but nobody could say who put them there. So was it J6 protesters? Or ANTIFA who were there? Or somebody else? The fact checkers including Politifact repeated again and againt that five people were killed in the so-called insurrection on J6. The fact is only one person was killed and that was Ashli Babbitt who was totally non violent, unarmed, and was trying to get the capitol police to do their jobs that day and was shot and killed by a capitol policeman. And Politifact saying that something is untrue based on the fact that THEY could find no evidence simply doesn't hold up on the face of it.

You can say something is untrue until the cows come home, but unless you have hard evidence, you're saying it isn't true does not make it untrue or a lie.

I would be the first to say that Tucker Carlson has never made a mistake or gotten something wrong. He has admitted to it. But believing a lie does not make a person a liar.
SO tucker spreading a LIE, but because tucker believes the lie, then tucker is not lying. Utter BS.

Like saying, X killed someone, someone told X that they didn't kill someone, then X says I believe that person, so therefore, since X believes the lie, then X really didn't kill someone.

Try that in Court.
Complicating something simple
QUOTE:Admitting he was "appalled" by some of the events of that day, the former Fox News anchor said the reason he “got involved in commenting on it” was because “the lying about it was immediate: ‘This was a racist, white-supremacist insurrection.'”

“I interviewed the chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on Fox, by the way — I was fired before it could air, I’m gonna interview him again,” Carlson said.
“But Steven Sund was the totally non-political, worked for Nancy Pelosi, I mean, this was not some right-wing activist. He was the chief of Capitol Police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents.’ What? ‘Yes.’ Well he would know, of course, because he was in charge of security at the site.”
“So, the more time has passed... it becomes really obvious that core claims they made about January 6 were lies,” Carlson explained.
That answers the question of whether Tucker is still alive. Given his viewership has dropped to single digits, its not go to be on Twitter much longer.
ive never been a big fan of Tucker, HOWEVER if his viewership has dropped to single digits then CNN or MSNBC should hire him ASAP. He would feel right at home!!!
You're wasting your time posting links or video. They don't care and never will
Yeah, I know. It really hit home a few weeks ago. I was watching an interview with a Trumpster, and the interviewer just laid out this long string of facts to which the Trumpster had no answer.

The Trumpster looked down at his feet, and then back up to the interviewer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "yeah, I don't care".

That's when I fully realized how long this is going to take, to run its course.
How is this OP any different than saying SS agents told Cassidy Hutchison.
tuckems says........................................Capitol Police told Tucker Carlson.

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