Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

No he didn't say that. He did say the vast majority of J6 attendees committed no violence, intended to break no laws. Which is 100% accurate. And he has not changed his story.
What the “intended” becomes irrelevant the moment they entered the premises or laid a hand on a policeman.
Yeah, I know. It really hit home a few weeks ago. I was watching an interview with a Trumpster, and the interviewer just laid out this long string of facts to which the Trumpster had no answer.

The Trumpster looked down at his feet, and then back up to the interviewer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "yeah, I don't care".

That's when I fully realized how long this is going to take, to run its course.
Fox sends out people asking citizens on the streets simple questions they cannot answer. What is worse they ask college students the same and most are morons on simple surjects.
kind of like leftists when they view the video of police letting people into the Capitol.
I still haven't seen ANY video, NONE, of Capitol Police letting people into the Capitol.

How about you provide that proof with a video.
c'mon, show us that video, without saying you already did, or without saying it's been posted before.
I want YOU to show me that video, or a least provide a link to said previous video.
SO tucker spreading a LIE, but because tucker believes the lie, then tucker is not lying. Utter BS.

Like saying, X killed someone, someone told X that they didn't kill someone, then X says I believe that person, so therefore, since X believes the lie, then X really didn't kill someone.

Try that in Court.
If I repeat what I have been told whether or not it is true, no court in the land, even the most leftwing nutcase ones, would find me guilty of lying.
You are free to source any rebuttal to the article that you can find.
It would seem to be a waste of my time. Previous lack of evidence on the topic puts the onus on Tucker to provide something extraordinary.
Yeah, I know. It really hit home a few weeks ago. I was watching an interview with a Trumpster, and the interviewer just laid out this long string of facts to which the Trumpster had no answer.

The Trumpster looked down at his feet, and then back up to the interviewer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "yeah, I don't care".

That's when I fully realized how long this is going to take, to run its course.
Yup. You're dealing with people that can't be reached with facts. On the bright side the running of this course is gonna be rather quick. Most of those crackpots have one leg in the grave already. Old fucks we can easily do without
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Yah, Carlson was a liar on Fox and he hasn't changed his spots. He just moved his liars booth down the road. Once again, saying something doesn't make it the truth no matter how many times you tell the truth.
Yah, Carlson was a liar on Fox and he hasn't changed his spots. He just moved his liars booth down the road. Once again, saying something doesn't make it the truth no matter how many times you tell the truth.
oh no, Foxfyre believes it's NOT a lie if you believe the lie.
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in quite some time...
What the “intended” becomes irrelevant the moment they entered the premises or laid a hand on a policeman.
We have video of capital police spraying tear gas and flash bangs into crowds that were not rioting. Could that be considered inciting violence? Something else the MSM carefully avoided reporting because it doesn't fit their narrative.

I am NOT excusing any person on either side who committed violence that day unless it was necessary to defend themselves. Those who assaulted and harmed anybody should go to jail.

But any reasonable person would say a mostly unarmed crowd with the vast majority committing no violence whatsoever even when they had opportunity to do was no rational person's definition of an 'insurrection.' But if there were operatives there that day--think Ray Epps that the FBI continues to refuse to say whether he was one of those--encouraging people to go into the capitol, encouraging breaking and entering--shouldn't honorable people want to know that? We have video of Epps doing that but he was never arrested or charged. Why?

Those condemning President Trump and the J6 protesters all need to ask themselves. Do I want to know the whole truth of that day? Or do I just want my perception affirmed? We know the J6 Committee's answer to that and the leftist MSM who have forbidden any facts that don't fit their narrative of a 'violent insurrection inspired and encouraged by Donald Trump."

I wonder how many honorable people who believe the MSM & J6 narrative are willing to even look at and honestly consider any evidence to the contrary? Tucker does that and is despised by the left who everywhere, including this thread, are trying to destroy his narrative. But so far nobody has produced any evidence to do so.

These people have seen all they need to see. From Rudy admitting the above to Bannon on tape laying out the whole "I won" scam. And EVERYTHING in between.

They're either lying or they are delusional. I suspect it's the latter.
These people are just what Hillary called em. Deplorables. An assortment of fruitcakes and nutters. The dumbest mofos in this country.
Yah, Carlson was a liar on Fox and he hasn't changed his spots. He just moved his liars booth down the road. Once again, saying something doesn't make it the truth no matter how many times you tell the truth.
Post your evidence.
We have video of capital police spraying tear gas and flash bangs into crowds that were not rioting. Could that be considered inciting violence? Something else the MSM carefully avoided reporting because it doesn't fit their narrative.

I am NOT excusing any person on either side who committed violence that day unless it was necessary to defend themselves. Those who assaulted and harmed anybody should go to jail.

But any reasonable person would say a mostly unarmed crowd with the vast majority committing no violence whatsoever even when they had opportunity to do was no rational person's definition of an 'insurrection.' But if there were operatives there that day--think Ray Epps that the FBI continues to refuse to say whether he was one of those--encouraging people to go into the capitol, encouraging breaking and entering--shouldn't honorable people want to know that? We have video of Epps doing that but he was never arrested or charged. Why?

Those condemning President Trump and the J6 protesters all need to ask themselves. Do I want to know the whole truth of that day? Or do I just want my perception affirmed? We know the J6 Committee's answer to that and the leftist MSM who have forbidden any facts that don't fit their narrative of a 'violent insurrection inspired and encouraged by Donald Trump."

I wonder how many honorable people who believe the MSM & J6 narrative are willing to even look at and honestly consider any evidence to the contrary? Tucker does that and is despised by the left who everywhere, including this thread, are trying to destroy his narrative. But so far nobody has produced any evidence to do so.

Tucker does that and is despised by the left who everywhere, including this thread, are trying to destroy his narrative. But so far nobody has produced any evidence to do so.
Tucker was given access to ALL the video that day.
If there is video we haven't seen, then blame it on tucker, not the MSM.
Tucker had 1,000's of hours of video and came up with, a few flash bangs fired into the crowd, and intruders that broke into the capitol, then letting others into the capitol, then saying it was CP who let them in.

Yeah, tucker sure did his job with 1,000's of hours of video, didn't he!
Tucker was given access to ALL the video that day.
If there is video we haven't seen, then blame it on tucker, not the MSM.
Tucker had 1,000's of hours of video and came up with, a few flash bangs fired into the crowd, and intruders that broke into the capitol, then letting others into the capitol, then saying it was CP who let them in.

Yeah, tucker sure did his job with 1,000's of hours of video, didn't he!
Tucker was not allowed by Fox to show any more video than he did. As soon as he is clear of Fox's threatened lawsuits to silence him, assuming they didn't confiscate the video, I'm pretty sure we'll see more of it.

So again. A few flash bangs fired into the crowd, tear gas fired into the crowd is evidence that it happened. So where is you evidence he is lying as you maintain?

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