Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

I think any reasonable objective intellectually honest person would say it is reasonable to think that if they did not have personnel there, they would have said so. Maybe somebody will be able to scrutinize the J6 tapes to identify some if they were there.
Tucker Carlson has every minute of every tape made that day.

If anybody can find federal agents in a crowd, Tucker should have been able to.

But he didn't
You've been asked repeatedly to back that up...Were and when did Tucker himself admit that he ever lied?
Trick question. For a liar to admit he's a liar, would be telling the truth.
But Tucker Carlson always lies, so he wouldn't admit he lies, in order to be consistent.
So they opened the doors of the capitol. invited protestors in and then had agents filming them to make cases against them. Sounds like entrapment to me.
So they opened the doors of the capitol. invited protestors in and then had agents filming them to make cases against them. Sounds like entrapment to me.
I don't think the FBI opened any doors--have seen no evidence of that--but somebody could have told the capitol police to do so as we have video evidence of capitol police holding doors open for the protesters to peacefully go into the capitol building.

But if in fact there was FBI personnel and/or operatives outside the building encouraging illegal activity and/or inside the building, that doesn't pass the smell test does it. Sund didn't exactly put it that way but he is reported to have been quite certain there were a lot of FBI people there. Fox probably has the tape of the Tucker interview with Sund though so we will likely never see it.
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Sund didn't exactly put it that way but he is reported to have been quite certain there were a lot of FBI people there. Fox probably has the tape of the Tucker interview with Sund though so we will likely never see it.
If the FBI sent agents to the capitol, they certainly would have been armed. Which means they would have notified the capitol police who they were and how to identify them, so as not to shoot them by accident.

It's like when detectives go undercover, and dress in the "color of the day".
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If the FBI sent agents to the capitol, they certainly would have been armed. Which means they would have notified the capitol police who they were and how to identify them, so as not to shoot them by accident.

It's like when detectives go umndercover, and dress in the "color of the day".
Now the Capitol Police were planning to shoot people? That's nice.
Now the Capitol Police were planning to shoot people? That's nice.
If they spot somebody with a firearm, they will take whatever action is necessary to protect themselves and others from harm. That would start with disarming the suspect.
If they spot somebody with a firearm, they will take whatever action is necessary to protect themselves and others from harm. That would start with disarming the suspect.
Or just shoot them dead like Babbitt, who was unarmed.
Broadcast 20: Tucker Carlson interviews Mike Lindell
Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviews Trump ally Mike Lindell during the January 26, 2021, edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

What they alleged: Election fraud.

Key false quote: “Every outlet in the country, they go, ‘Mike Lindell, there’s no evidence, and he’s making fraudulent statements.’ No. I have the evidence. I dare people to put it on. I dare Dominion to sue me because then it will get out faster. So, this is – you know, they don’t – they don’t want to talk about it,” Lindell said.

“No, they don’t,” Carlson said.


It was one of the reasons Fox News lost $785 million in defamation.
Thats just the first suit. The $2.5bn one is still coming.
Innuendo about what his lawyers meant or implied in defending against a defamation suit is not evidence Tucker lied. Rachel Maddow's lawyers used the same technique to get her out of a libel suit. Give me an example of anything Tucker said on air that he knew was a lie. Hearsay or other people's opinion is not evidence.

And while you're at it, how about actually discussing the thread topic which is what Tucker reports that Capitol Police Chief Sund told him. Can you rebut that?
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I don't think the FBI opened any doors--have seen no evidence of that--but somebody could have told the capitol police to do so as we have video evidence of capitol police holding doors open for the protesters to peacefully go into the capitol building.

But if in fact there was FBI personnel and/or operatives outside the building encouraging illegal activity and/or inside the building, that doesn't pass the smell test does it. Sund didn't exactly put it that way but he is reported to have been quite certain there were a lot of FBI people there. Fox probably has the tape of the Tucker interview with Sund though so we will likely never see it.

Let me tell you something--------->the way this has played out has been absolutely devastating for Trump and the Republicans. The Left is like a dog with a bone, and will not let it go until possibly after 24. They are going to ride this for all it is worth, so that instead of us being able to point at impeachment hoax 1 through 9, or whatever number it is up to; they now refute it all with Jan 6th.

And let me say this also------------> I was one of the people who insisted that there was NO WAY IN HELL Joe Blow from Kokomo beat Trump in 20 while getting that many votes. No way possible! It had to be as crooked as the year is long. And then, a total wake up call happened called the Midterms! I kept waiting to hear how they cheated that one, but only heard of a few complaints, mostly in AZ. Nowhere have I heard the GOP loudly complaining that the Midterms were rigged, or that there was massive irregular voting across the board.

Anger is a great political tool! And to even suggest that GOPers were not pissed and motivated to vote in the Midterm elections would be laughable. And yet, they were only able to barely flip the House. What this should tell any reasonable GOPer, is that no matter how much we loved the Trump Presidency, the stink the Left has been able to attach to him............rightfully or wrongfully.....makes him virtually UNELECTABLE! It does NOT matter if he is the best person for the job, we will be unable to get him elected; period, end of story.

When my friends, and Trump supporters ask me------->if not Trump, than who/whom? I tell them the same thing--------->not our problem, it is up to the GOP to give us someone worth a damn. But, I always remind them today, in this country, the Person who would make the voting population vote the most, is none-other than Donald J. Trump! Problem is, the votes he is forcing, is every Leftists from coming out from under their bed to vote AGAINST him. He is soooooooo toxic, that Joe Blow from Kokomo will beat him, and every poll shows Democrats, Independents and Republicans show that NOBODY believes Joe should even run, and the country is going in the wrong direction. That is how toxic Trump is! The numbers do NOT lie, nor the arrogance of the Left feeling comfortable enough to support a totally unpopular Biden again, which probably means we will end up with Harris not long after the election, then what are we in for?!?!?!?!

I loved the Trump Presidency, but I love my country more. If we do not wrest control from Biden and the Leftists in 24, it will certainly be to late. We have to face this, and while putting Trump back in office would make many a GOPer smile, if we FORCE that many votes on the field against us because of hate, we are bigger fools than the Left!

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