Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

Did they call Ray Epps? The have DOJ on record waffling. It's really a BFD that it looks like the democrat Party and DOJ FBI conducted a J6 Reichstag Fire
The media says Epps called the FBI but they've been demonizing Patriots and white washing any misconduct or bad decisions by the government from the get go so who knows? I agree there is a lot of mixed signals and waffling in the testimonies as well as a lot proved to be 100% false. So who knows?

For damn sure the Democrats and RINOS and J6 Committee determined to destroy Donald Trump doesn't want any of us knowing the whole truth and have vigorously fought to keep us from knowing. I have NEVER seen a government process as dishonest and one sided and illegal (no due process) as was conducted by the J6 Committee and dutifully reported by their surrogate MSM.

Tucker was one popular voice of reason in all that and in all honesty I think that's why he was fired.
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Sedition is defined as a crime involving two or more people in the United States:
  • To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against it,
  • To oppose by force the authority of the United States government,
  • To prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States, or
  • To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States.
And calling on people to peacefully enter the Capitol falls under which of these bullet points?
And calling on people to peacefully enter the Capitol falls under which of these bullet points?
I've answered your questions. Your turn to provide a defense for Epps. How was what he did not sedition? How was what he did less sinister than the woman standing beside him who did not commit sedition but was arrested? If you won't answer those questions, we're done. I don't play the leftist game of wear them down with endless questions but don't answer any.
I've answered your questions. Your turn to provide a defense for Epps.
Easy. He didn’t break the law.

How was what he did not sedition?
Because his actions don’t fit the definition of sedition that you posted. Hence why I asked you which of the bullet points you think it satisfies so that we can focus on that one.

How was what he did less sinister than the woman standing beside him who did not commit sedition but was arrested?
As I already explained a few times, we don’t know what the woman did. All we know is that she was standing next to Epps in one of the videos. We have no idea what happened with her prior or afterward.

If you won't answer those questions, we're done. I don't play the leftist game of wear them down with endless questions but don't answer any.
I answered your questions. Now I’ll repeat mine that you didn’t answer.

Calling on people to peacefully enter the Capitol falls under which of the bullet points you posted for sedition?
I too have looked at all this every way but Sunday and that's why I have never said the election was stolen even though we have irrefutable evidence that there was widespread cheating. But since there isn't sufficient evidence of fraud to prove Biden got more votes, I won't argue that he didn't.

But I also know the Trump presidency was the most beneficial to ALL Americans and the rest of the world of any in my now very long memory. And the ONLY reason he lost in 2020, if he actually did, was because the left now controls the message. They refused to report the failures of the Democrats and refused to report the successes and accomplishments in the Trump administration.

And yes, a dishonorable MSM and Democrat Party will continue to distort what happened on J6 to the advantage of the Democrat party and demonize anybody who attempts to dispute the distortions. And we have no way to counter that or effectively get our message out to everyone especially losing people like Rush on the radio and Tucker on TV and loss of confidence in the one conservative major coast to coast news organization that is Fox News.

The left took decades from the 60's well into the 21st century to fully infiltrate and control government, MSM, education, scientific institutions, big business, entertainment, and even a lot of religious groups. And they have no intention of letting conservatives back in.

And that is why we didn't do better in 2022 and, in my opinion, we could lose in 2024.
Yeah. It’s a giant conspiracy and you right wingers are poor little victims
I've answered your questions. Your turn to provide a defense for Epps. How was what he did not sedition? How was what he did less sinister than the woman standing beside him who did not commit sedition but was arrested? If you won't answer those questions, we're done. I don't play the leftist game of wear them down with endless questions but don't answer any.

Anyone with any logical thinking realizes that this whole thing is 50-50, another political stunt by the Left once you take into account the 4 previous years. Thing is, the right played into their hands. You do not do stuff like this in an area 95% controlled by the Left, even if it is Washington DC.

Logic tells us WHY Leftists only pull their crap in big cities and not smaller towns. It is not because of visibility, it is because in smaller towns they will find armed resistance, and the local people will NOT convict anyone who is protecting their family, or property. It is 100% opposite in these big city's, so they do their stuff there knowing Leftist city governments will protect them. Yes, that means Washington DC also.

As far as Epps, they have the absolute right under the law to prosecute, or not prosecute anyone they wish who committed a crime. The reason they have this right, is because they can NOT be forced to prosecute cases they believe they can NOT win; or at least that is the reasoning they can hide behind. It is also why the facts in this case are murky and hidden by many of those in power. If the evidence were to show that person A did exactly the same thing as person B, but only person A was prosecuted, then the population would start asking to many questions. They easily cover this up by insisting they can't let the facts out because they are still hunting for the perps, and do not want them to know what the government knows.

In honesty, we lost our right to discover the truth if it is in fact different from what we are being told, when we lost the Senate in the midterms. Let us all remember------------->everybody and their brother believed the Left was going to get swamped; including the Left! Did you notice the look of shock on every politicians face in Washington that was on TV including Biden and the cabal? I know I was absolutely stunned! How about you?

And so, instead of possibly getting a whole different story, like it or not, this narrative will continue unabated till 24, like it or not. Elections DO have consequences, and for any GOPer who did NOT vote in the midterms, don't complain, we got what we deserved by those people's inaction. And, those people that are in office standing up for what we believe, sure didn't get a vote of confidence from their constituents, now did they. They fight like heck, yell, scream every day, and some of their voters can't take an hr every 2 years to vote? I know, if I was one of our people in Washington, I would begin to consider if it was worth spitting into the wind.
Anyone with any logical thinking realizes that this whole thing is 50-50, another political stunt by the Left once you take into account the 4 previous years. Thing is, the right played into their hands. You do not do stuff like this in an area 95% controlled by the Left, even if it is Washington DC.

Logic tells us WHY Leftists only pull their crap in big cities and not smaller towns. It is not because of visibility, it is because in smaller towns they will find armed resistance, and the local people will NOT convict anyone who is protecting their family, or property. It is 100% opposite in these big city's, so they do their stuff there knowing Leftist city governments will protect them. Yes, that means Washington DC also.

As far as Epps, they have the absolute right under the law to prosecute, or not prosecute anyone they wish who committed a crime. The reason they have this right, is because they can NOT be forced to prosecute cases they believe they can NOT win; or at least that is the reasoning they can hide behind. It is also why the facts in this case are murky and hidden by many of those in power. If the evidence were to show that person A did exactly the same thing as person B, but only person A was prosecuted, then the population would start asking to many questions. They easily cover this up by insisting they can't let the facts out because they are still hunting for the perps, and do not want them to know what the government knows.

In honesty, we lost our right to discover the truth if it is in fact different from what we are being told, when we lost the Senate in the midterms. Let us all remember------------->everybody and their brother believed the Left was going to get swamped; including the Left! Did you notice the look of shock on every politicians face in Washington that was on TV including Biden and the cabal? I know I was absolutely stunned! How about you?

And so, instead of possibly getting a whole different story, like it or not, this narrative will continue unabated till 24, like it or not. Elections DO have consequences, and for any GOPer who did NOT vote in the midterms, don't complain, we got what we deserved by those people's inaction. And, those people that are in office standing up for what we believe, sure didn't get a vote of confidence from their constituents, now did they. They fight like heck, yell, scream every day, and some of their voters can't take an hr every 2 years to vote? I know, if I was one of our people in Washington, I would begin to consider if it was worth spitting into the wind.
I fully feel your frustration and angst over all this. I and many others share it. I don't know whether the feds instigated the violence on J6 or not, but they haven't denied it. I don't know for sure what Ray Epps role was but the feds have certainly gone out of their way to fuel the suspicions. I do believe it was fringe groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys plus some ANTIFA who were in on it. I am confident it was not Trump supporters attending the rally who instigated the violence though some no doubt got caught up in it.

I don't know if the 2020 election was in fact stolen, but the left has given me 100% no confidence that it was not. And because we no longer have a free and independent press, the chances of us getting the correct story on much of anything is pretty much nil anymore. The influential voices of reason and insight like Tucker Carlson are regularly being silenced.

I do believe 100% that the federal government and some state governments are now weaponized against those on the right and we are closer to a totalitarian government now than at any time in the history of this country. And there is no place left for pilgrims to flee and re-establish a new home of the free.

And I have no confidence we can turn it around in 2024 because Patriots are now eating their own. I am pretty darn sure it is the left pushing the engine to pit DeSantis supporters and Trump supporters against each other and stir up trouble re this or that issue. I've caught them at it on Twitter. We still outnumber them. But our inability to set aside our individual differences and pull together for a shared positive vision as the Democrats do to achieve their wrongheaded ones will continue to beat us at the polls.

Nevertheless I will continue to do what I can to get accurate information out there and will hope.
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I fully feel your frustration and angst over all this. I and many others share it. I don't know whether the feds instigated the violence on J6 or not, but they haven't denied it. I don't know for sure what Ray Epps role was but the feds have certainly gone out of their way to fuel the suspicions. I do believe it was fringe groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys plus some ANTIFA who were in on it. I am confident it was not Trump supporters attending the rally who instigated the violence though some no doubt got caught up in it.

I don't know if the 2020 election was in fact stolen, but the left has given me 100% no confidence that it was not. And because we no longer have a free and independent press, the chances of us getting the correct story on much of anything is pretty much nil anymore. The influential voices of reason and insight like Tucker Carlson are regularly being silenced.

I do believe 100% that the federal government and some state governments are now weaponized against those on the right and we are closer to a totalitarian government now than at any time in the history of this country. And there is no place left for pilgrims to flee and re-establish a new home of the free.

And I have no confidence we can turn it around in 2024 because Patriots are now eating their own. I am pretty darn sure it is the left pushing the engine to pit DeSantis supporters and Trump supporters against each other and stir up trouble re this or that issue. I've caught them at it on Twitter. We still outnumber them. But our inability to set aside our individual differences and pull together for a shared positive vision as the Democrats do to achieve their wrongheaded ones will continue to beat us at the polls.

Nevertheless I will continue to do what I can to get accurate information out there and will hope.

And that is the best you should reasonably, expect you can do. Never feel badly as long as you voted, and tried to get everyone you could to vote also.

Let me tell you something I am almost 100% positive you are already aware of-------------> ALL of these people are crazy; from both sides. What expertise do they have? Are they engineers? Are they doctors? What exactly are they?

Look at our last 4 Presidents. They were all POLITICIANS who knew little of anything except for Trump, and honestly, if you threw his business acumen aside, he didn't know a whole lot either.

We on this board, along with the general population, are not really debating who we want to lead us; but rather, we are fighting over what we expect their administrations to do. These things are implemented by NON elected officials for the most part; and we are especially aware of it with the Biden administration.

Just think back------------> What exactly was Obama's expertise? How about GW? Bush Senior? Clinton knew what? NOT A ONE of these people knew anything, they were all lawyers, and while Obama may have been one also, his claim to fame was a community organizer. And WE as Americans wonder what went wrong!

And just look at our current choices, sans Trump----------------> RFK Junior. What does he know? Niki Haley? An ambassador to the United Nations! Chris Christie; who believes he can do anything, and anything he can do is worth a damn. Ron Desantis..........he sounds like Trump, but he could NOT HAVE gotten elected to dogcatcher were it not for Trump. Khamala? Even Democratics know she is useless, helpless, and hopeless; yet they are willing to put her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

At certain times in our country, we must elect Presidents with certain skills. Think of Washington, Lincoln, and while you may cringe, even FDR. UNDERSTAND, our history today, would be totally different if their opponents would have won; for the most part anyway. Imagine if FDR would have NOT taken Trueman as his running mate, and instead chose an appeaser that wanted to end the war as quickly as possible without further bloodshed. We would STILL be facing an imperial Japan, instead of the Japan we now have as an ally.

You consistently ask about Mr Epps, and others. Don't you realize that you are asking questions above the IQ of most of the last 4 or 5 Presidents? When they address these issues; if they ever do, the words they speak are carefully crafted by writers. Sure you do! And that is exactly why you are frustrated along with many of us, lol.

In closing, let me state our choices are BLEAK from both sides. What we probably need is someone with an economic degree, and yet neither side would buy into the pain it would take to have to fix it, so he/she could never get elected. Both sides want to believe that their way, is the correct way. Neither side wants to fix it, just get re-elected.

Trump was the right guy, at the correct time when he got elected. But, he is not the guy/gal today. Unfortunately for both of us, the right person hasn't shown their face yet. To get that face shown, we need for both Trump and Biden to get the heck out of the way, and yes, hate to admit it, it may very well be a moderate Democrat; although if we are being honest, the probability it will be a conservative is 90% OR HIGHER, LOL.
And that is the best you should reasonably, expect you can do. Never feel badly as long as you voted, and tried to get everyone you could to vote also.

Let me tell you something I am almost 100% positive you are already aware of-------------> ALL of these people are crazy; from both sides. What expertise do they have? Are they engineers? Are they doctors? What exactly are they?

Look at our last 4 Presidents. They were all POLITICIANS who knew little of anything except for Trump, and honestly, if you threw his business acumen aside, he didn't know a whole lot either.

We on this board, along with the general population, are not really debating who we want to lead us; but rather, we are fighting over what we expect their administrations to do. These things are implemented by NON elected officials for the most part; and we are especially aware of it with the Biden administration.

Just think back------------> What exactly was Obama's expertise? How about GW? Bush Senior? Clinton knew what? NOT A ONE of these people knew anything, they were all lawyers, and while Obama may have been one also, his claim to fame was a community organizer. And WE as Americans wonder what went wrong!

And just look at our current choices, sans Trump----------------> RFK Junior. What does he know? Niki Haley? An ambassador to the United Nations! Chris Christie; who believes he can do anything, and anything he can do is worth a damn. Ron Desantis..........he sounds like Trump, but he could NOT HAVE gotten elected to dogcatcher were it not for Trump. Khamala? Even Democratics know she is useless, helpless, and hopeless; yet they are willing to put her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

At certain times in our country, we must elect Presidents with certain skills. Think of Washington, Lincoln, and while you may cringe, even FDR. UNDERSTAND, our history today, would be totally different if their opponents would have won; for the most part anyway. Imagine if FDR would have NOT taken Trueman as his running mate, and instead chose an appeaser that wanted to end the war as quickly as possible without further bloodshed. We would STILL be facing an imperial Japan, instead of the Japan we now have as an ally.

You consistently ask about Mr Epps, and others. Don't you realize that you are asking questions above the IQ of most of the last 4 or 5 Presidents? When they address these issues; if they ever do, the words they speak are carefully crafted by writers. Sure you do! And that is exactly why you are frustrated along with many of us, lol.

In closing, let me state our choices are BLEAK from both sides. What we probably need is someone with an economic degree, and yet neither side would buy into the pain it would take to have to fix it, so he/she could never get elected. Both sides want to believe that their way, is the correct way. Neither side wants to fix it, just get re-elected.

Trump was the right guy, at the correct time when he got elected. But, he is not the guy/gal today. Unfortunately for both of us, the right person hasn't shown their face yet. To get that face shown, we need for both Trump and Biden to get the heck out of the way, and yes, hate to admit it, it may very well be a moderate Democrat; although if we are being honest, the probability it will be a conservative is 90% OR HIGHER, LOL.
I don't know whether Trump is the right guy. I do know that he knew a hell of a lot more about how to deal with other countries and stop them from exploiting us to our detriment than any of the other presidents including GHWB who supposedly had more experience there than anybody. Trump also is the ONLY President of my lifetime who stuck to problems like a terrier until he found a solution to make it better. ALL the others were far more likely to maybe try once, if at all, and if they didn't get it done it went back on the shelf with a "well we tried but. . . "

I do know Trump was able to give us the closest thing to world peace I have ever experienced in my lifetime. If he had won in 2020 I am pretty confident Kim and Xi would not be saber rattling, Iran would not be threatening its neighbors, Putin would not have invaded the Ukraine. Our own southern border wouldn't be overrun with not just poor migrants but MS-13 gangs, drug/sex/organ traffickers, and unvetted people from dozens of other countries. And the government wouldn't be trucking, bussing, flying them all over the country and dumping them wherever.

Okay he got some really bad advice in some of his appointments, but nobody else is running who will have any better insights there. Even with those mistakes his appointment were more competent than 90% of the Biden administration appointees. And Trump constantly takes his focus off the grand prize of a strong, free, prosperous American for all that all Americans should want and that isn't helping him at all even though that will be his focus again if he is elected again. (Sometimes I really want to tell him to put a sock in it.)

But whoever the GOP nominee is in 2024, unless he/she is a complete idiot or scum bucket, I will vote for that person to save us from four more years of the disaster the Biden administration has been.

But he won't be able to do complete miracles. We will still have mostly leftwing government employees and a DOJ weaponized against anybody right of center that makes any waves. Which is pretty much what the whole J6 controversy has now become. And after four years of Biden, it may be so strong that no Republican will be allowed to govern at all.
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In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Tucker was the one person at fox not corrupt reporting what the msm would not,that’s why they canned him.
Explain why the woman standing next to him, one who was not on video urging people to break the law, was arrested for being in a restricted space and he was not. Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list for six months before J6.

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the media whitewashing here.

"Videos on Jan. 5 show Epps urging others to “go into the Capitol.” “Some in the crowd quickly booed and responded to with chants accusing Epps of being a ‘fed,’” Politico noted, pointing out that Epps added,.“Peacefully. . . .

Just doesn't meet the smell test especially when a woman standing next to him, not urging illegal acts and also not entering the capitol was arrested.
What were the charges brought against her in her indictment?

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