Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

No. She got exactly what she wanted. Why do you think Trump is getting all of these bogus indictments? Why do you think Biden is pooping himself in the White House rather than prison. Piglosi won (for the time being).
Piglosi made Trump ask for 11,780 votes and she made him take all those documents to mar-a-lago and refuse to give them back. That sneaky Piglosi.
Yup. Pretty tame stuff compared to what Antifa, BLM, and Fauci were doing. The so-called “rioters” weren't armed. They didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn the building to the ground. The only person who died there was an unarmed protestor who was murdered by a Capitol policeman. Mostly a nothing burger.

The place was crawling with Feds who were there at the behest of Nasty Piglosi.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

20 FBI agents and 20 homeland security agents in a crowd of 40,000 people is crawling with agents? crawling with them? I think someone may not understand the term, crawling with?
First, the government of the USA is “The People” of the USA. The Capitol Building belongs to them/us. Secondly, the Capitol Police unlocked the doors and invited them in. They even got a free tour. That's not trespassing.
The Capitol is not open at all times and those cops were probably trying not to get killed.
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents. He was taken off the air at Fox before he could air that interview.

Even though this is reported in a "Newsweek" article, I bet 99% of the leftists MSM will ignore just as the J6 suppressed and prohibited any information like this in their investigation.

Tucker Carlson was fired for lying to the American people. He has been exposed as being willing to say anything his viewers want to hear.

Why do you believe ANYTHING he tells you. This man will lie to conservatives for money. That's why he was fired.

He also hates Donald Trump - with a passion, and yet he kisses up to him on debate night. How can you put faith in any of these snake oil salesmen????
Yup. Pretty tame stuff compared to what Antifa, BLM, and Fauci were doing. The so-called “rioters” weren't armed. They didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn the building to the ground. The only person who died there was an unarmed protestor who was murdered by a Capitol policeman. Mostly a nothing burger.

The place was crawling with Feds who were there at the behest of Nasty Piglosi.

They were most definitely armed, and they did kill people. 5 people died in all, including one woman who was trampled by the protestors.

150 police injured, many of them seriously injured, and multiple deaths isn't a "nothing burger".
"The so-called “rioters” weren't armed."

Ah, prolific poster Jackson......the above is a canard that the Cult Cucks, and their fanboys, have been megaphoning for two years.
It'd be helpful to them if it was true, but alas..........it ain't.

Just a pinch of due diligence via google can help you do your homework a little more thoroughly. And thus, you could be a better and more 'value-added' poster here. Good luck.

I found this in a nano-second:

ps.....I realize it is more than one paragraph and thus may discourage some MAGA-QANON'rs to read it.
OK, I get it. So then, I post it merely 'for the record':


"People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far “over 75” people charged in connection to the attack “have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.”

We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.

Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, “you’d be here for another reason.”

Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt “specifically targeted at least two lawmakers – the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell – whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building.” And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded pistol; he has pleaded not guilty.

Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.

In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel."
We have video of capital police spraying tear gas and flash bangs into crowds that were not rioting. Could that be considered inciting violence? Something else the MSM carefully avoided reporting because it doesn't fit their narrative.

I am NOT excusing any person on either side who committed violence that day unless it was necessary to defend themselves. Those who assaulted and harmed anybody should go to jail.

But any reasonable person would say a mostly unarmed crowd with the vast majority committing no violence whatsoever even when they had opportunity to do was no rational person's definition of an 'insurrection.' But if there were operatives there that day--think Ray Epps that the FBI continues to refuse to say whether he was one of those--encouraging people to go into the capitol, encouraging breaking and entering--shouldn't honorable people want to know that? We have video of Epps doing that but he was never arrested or charged. Why?

Those condemning President Trump and the J6 protesters all need to ask themselves. Do I want to know the whole truth of that day? Or do I just want my perception affirmed? We know the J6 Committee's answer to that and the leftist MSM who have forbidden any facts that don't fit their narrative of a 'violent insurrection inspired and encouraged by Donald Trump."

I wonder how many honorable people who believe the MSM & J6 narrative are willing to even look at and honestly consider any evidence to the contrary? Tucker does that and is despised by the left who everywhere, including this thread, are trying to destroy his narrative. But so far nobody has produced any evidence to do so.

I wonder how you can remotely call yourself honorable.

Nobody is hiding anything from you except their laughter to spare you feelings you daft bitch.
They were most definitely armed, and they did kill people. 5 people died in all, including one woman who was trampled by the protestors.

150 police injured, many of them seriously injured, and multiple deaths isn't a "nothing burger".

What fun it is, listening to you reiterate the same lies over and over and over.

Please keep it up.

Ah, prolific poster Jackson......the above is a canard that the Cult Cucks, and their fanboys, have been megaphoning for two years.
It'd be helpful to them if it was true, but alas..........it ain't.

Just a pinch of due diligence via google can help you do your homework a little more thoroughly. And thus, you could be a better and more 'value-added' poster here. Good luck.

I found this in a nano-second:

ps.....I realize it is more than one paragraph and thus may discourage some MAGA-QANON'rs to not read it.
OK, I get it. So then, I post it merely 'for the record':


"People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far “over 75” people charged in connection to the attack “have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.”

We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.

Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, “you’d be here for another reason.”

Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt “specifically targeted at least two lawmakers – the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell – whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building.” And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded pistol; he has pleaded not guilty.

Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.

In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel."
Well there is all that. As well as the guy who creamed people over the head with an aluminum pole.

But that isn't armed...right?

Strange...the guy who hit Rittenhouse didn't fire a gun at him. But the right wing loons sure said that pop and fresh was being assaulted.

I suppose that depends.

Depends if you are the one being beat-to-hell with a club.

If one is the beater, or the beatee?

What fun it is, listening to you reiterate the same lies over and over and over.

Please keep it up.

If spewing anger and hatred at strangers on the internet is your idea of "fun", you are truly amazing. Of all of the things you could be doing with your spare time, anger and animosity is what gets you off.
If spewing anger and hatred at strangers on the internet is your idea of "fun", you are truly amazing. Of all of the things you could be doing with your spare time, anger and animosity is what gets you off.

Cool! Let's hear more. I'm bored.


Ah, prolific poster Jackson......the above is a canard that the Cult Cucks, and their fanboys, have been megaphoning for two years.
It'd be helpful to them if it was true, but alas..........it ain't.

Just a pinch of due diligence via google can help you do your homework a little more thoroughly. And thus, you could be a better and more 'value-added' poster here. Good luck.

I found this in a nano-second:

ps.....I realize it is more than one paragraph and thus may discourage some MAGA-QANON'rs to read it.
OK, I get it. So then, I post it merely 'for the record':


"People who illegally entered Capitol grounds during the insurrection were armed with a wide variety of weapons, including guns, stun guns, knives, batons, baseball bats, axes and chemical sprays. The Department of Justice said in an official update last week that so far “over 75” people charged in connection to the attack “have been charged with entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon.”

We may never get a complete inventory of the concealed weapons the rioters possessed on January 6, since nearly all of the rioters were able to leave the Capitol without being detained and searched. But prosecutors have alleged that some of the people present at the Capitol were armed with guns, as were some other Trump supporters who traveled to Washington for January 6.

Mark Mazza of Indiana has been charged with crimes including possession of a firearm on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. According to the Capitol Police, Mazza accidentally dropped his loaded revolver during a struggle with police on a Capitol terrace. He allegedly told investigators later that if he had visited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that day, “you’d be here for another reason.”

Guy Reffitt of Texas has been charged with crimes including illegally carrying a semi-automatic handgun on Capitol grounds; he has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors allege Reffitt “specifically targeted at least two lawmakers – the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and then-Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell – whom he sought to physically remove or displace from the Capitol building.” And police allege Christopher Alberts of Maryland was arrested trying to flee Capitol grounds on January 6 with a loaded pistol; he has pleaded not guilty.

Mark Ibrahim, who was an off-duty special agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration at the time of the riot, has been charged with crimes including carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds. Ibrahim, who has said he was later fired by the DEA (the DEA would confirm to CNN only that he no longer works there), was photographed that day displaying what appeared to be a handgun. He has pleaded not guilty.

In addition, Lonnie Coffman of Alabama, who pleaded guilty to weapons charges in November, admitted that he had carried two loaded pistols in Washington on January 6 and that a truck he had parked blocks from the Capitol contained additional loaded guns, Molotov cocktails and other weapons. Cleveland Meredith Jr., who pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Pelosi and was sentenced to 28 months in prison, drove from Colorado to Washington with a rifle and handgun that were found in his trailer outside a Washington hotel."
Blah, blah, blah, blah, and more blah. I'm not really interested in what a lefty's opinion is unless I want to entertain myself with one of their comedic retorts.

Had the intent of the protesters been to overthrow the government, they would have shown up with those scary AR-15s and AK-47s. But alas, just some folks in Halloween costumes and a few old ladies mixed in:



I know, I know ... pretty frightening to think these folks almost pulled off a coup. Note the two in the background. One looking at her intimidating phone while the other is grinning. Spooky!!!
Blah, blah, blah, blah, and more blah. I'm not really interested in what a lefty's opinion is unless I want to entertain myself with one of their comedic retorts.

Had the intent of the protesters been to overthrow the government, they would have shown up with those scary AR-15s and AK-47s. But alas, just some folks in Halloween costumes and a few old ladies mixed in:



I know, I know ... pretty frightening to think these folks almost pulled off a coup. Note the two in the background. One looking at her intimidating phone while the other is grinning. Spooky!!!
You point to two of these thousands of rioters at one moment in time and pretend that was what all of them looked like all of those four to five hours during that attack on the Capitol.

You could be more dishonest but it would be hard
The Capitol is not open at all times and those cops were probably trying not to get killed.
Take the time to watch the video of the cops giving a guided tour. Not one of them feared for his life. They were as calm and relaxed as they could be. Plus THEY were the ones fully armed and wearing protective gear. Not the tourists they were entertaining.
You point to two of these thousands of rioters at one moment in time and pretend that was what all of them looked like all of those four to five hours during that attack on the Capitol.

You could be more dishonest but it would be hard


Nice attempt at cleverness.

Cool post.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

20 FBI agents and 20 homeland security agents in a crowd of 40,000 people is crawling with agents? crawling with them? I think someone may not understand the term, crawling with?
If they admitted to 40 then the number was much higher. But you left out all the Capitol Police, who are paid by the Federal tax dollars. Also, don't forget the fact that Trump offered to provide extra security, but Piglosi turned him down. I know how inconvenient those sorts of facts are to the official narrative, but it is what it is.

"Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg said last week that former President Donald Trump did in fact request National Guard troops be deployed in Washington D.C. before the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Kellogg said he was present at the time of Trump’s request, and Congress should release his testimony to the public."
You point to two of these thousands of rioters at one moment in time and pretend that was what all of them looked like all of those four to five hours during that attack on the Capitol.

You could be more dishonest but it would be hard
And yet both of them in the photos were arrested for "insurrection."
If they admitted to 40 then the number was much higher. But you left out all the Capitol Police, who are paid by the Federal tax dollars. Also, don't forget the fact that Trump offered to provide extra security, but Piglosi turned him down. I know how inconvenient those sorts of facts are to the official narrative, but it is what it is.

"Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg said last week that former President Donald Trump did in fact request National Guard troops be deployed in Washington D.C. before the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Kellogg said he was present at the time of Trump’s request, and Congress should release his testimony to the public."
We’ve been over this dozens of times.

Trump asked his Sec of Defense Miller and Miller ignored him .

Of course Trump asked for the NG to PROTECT THE PROTESTERS.

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