Tucker Carlson: Capital Police Chief told him J6 was full of federal agents

In emails released during the Dominion trial
That was lawyers speaking on behalf of Fake Nooz, prostrating themselves before the court to get a lighter judgement, not Tucker himself.

You haven't one single citation of it coming from his mouth....Admitting that he was wrong about something, yes..."Admitted" (your word, one that has meaning) that he lied, no,

You're full of shit as usual.
Somebody said Ray Epps was never arrested or charged because telling people to go into the Capitol building was not 'against the law." The definition of 'sedition' is urging people to commit unlawful acts.
You people fail this argument every single time. I'll be happy to walk you through it.

The first thing you need to do is post the statute for the law that you suspect Epps of breaking. Once you find it, post it, and we can look at the language of the law itself. Then, and only then, will any objective person be able to conclude that Epps is not guilty of breaking the law.

This wild conspiracy theory of yours is easily refuted. I challenge you to post the statute that you believe Epps broke.

He was dropped from the list because upon learning that he was on the list, he immediately called in and complied with each of their lines of questioning. That, and he didn't actually commit a crime when you consider that telling people to peacefully protest isn't against the law. Duh. These half-baked conspiracy theories aren't necessary. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Let me tell you something--------->the way this has played out has been absolutely devastating for Trump and the Republicans. The Left is like a dog with a bone, and will not let it go until possibly after 24. They are going to ride this for all it is worth, so that instead of us being able to point at impeachment hoax 1 through 9, or whatever number it is up to; they now refute it all with Jan 6th.

And let me say this also------------> I was one of the people who insisted that there was NO WAY IN HELL Joe Blow from Kokomo beat Trump in 20 while getting that many votes. No way possible! It had to be as crooked as the year is long. And then, a total wake up call happened called the Midterms! I kept waiting to hear how they cheated that one, but only heard of a few complaints, mostly in AZ. Nowhere have I heard the GOP loudly complaining that the Midterms were rigged, or that there was massive irregular voting across the board.

Anger is a great political tool! And to even suggest that GOPers were not pissed and motivated to vote in the Midterm elections would be laughable. And yet, they were only able to barely flip the House. What this should tell any reasonable GOPer, is that no matter how much we loved the Trump Presidency, the stink the Left has been able to attach to him............rightfully or wrongfully.....makes him virtually UNELECTABLE! It does NOT matter if he is the best person for the job, we will be unable to get him elected; period, end of story.

When my friends, and Trump supporters ask me------->if not Trump, than who/whom? I tell them the same thing--------->not our problem, it is up to the GOP to give us someone worth a damn. But, I always remind them today, in this country, the Person who would make the voting population vote the most, is none-other than Donald J. Trump! Problem is, the votes he is forcing, is every Leftists from coming out from under their bed to vote AGAINST him. He is soooooooo toxic, that Joe Blow from Kokomo will beat him, and every poll shows Democrats, Independents and Republicans show that NOBODY believes Joe should even run, and the country is going in the wrong direction. That is how toxic Trump is! The numbers do NOT lie, nor the arrogance of the Left feeling comfortable enough to support a totally unpopular Biden again, which probably means we will end up with Harris not long after the election, then what are we in for?!?!?!?!

I loved the Trump Presidency, but I love my country more. If we do not wrest control from Biden and the Leftists in 24, it will certainly be to late. We have to face this, and while putting Trump back in office would make many a GOPer smile, if we FORCE that many votes on the field against us because of hate, we are bigger fools than the Left!
I too have looked at all this every way but Sunday and that's why I have never said the election was stolen even though we have irrefutable evidence that there was widespread cheating. But since there isn't sufficient evidence of fraud to prove Biden got more votes, I won't argue that he didn't.

But I also know the Trump presidency was the most beneficial to ALL Americans and the rest of the world of any in my now very long memory. And the ONLY reason he lost in 2020, if he actually did, was because the left now controls the message. They refused to report the failures of the Democrats and refused to report the successes and accomplishments in the Trump administration.

And yes, a dishonorable MSM and Democrat Party will continue to distort what happened on J6 to the advantage of the Democrat party and demonize anybody who attempts to dispute the distortions. And we have no way to counter that or effectively get our message out to everyone especially losing people like Rush on the radio and Tucker on TV and loss of confidence in the one conservative major coast to coast news organization that is Fox News.

The left took decades from the 60's well into the 21st century to fully infiltrate and control government, MSM, education, scientific institutions, big business, entertainment, and even a lot of religious groups. And they have no intention of letting conservatives back in.

And that is why we didn't do better in 2022 and, in my opinion, we could lose in 2024.
You people fail this argument every single time. I'll be happy to walk you through it.

The first thing you need to do is post the statute for the law that you suspect Epps of breaking. Once you find it, post it, and we can look at the language of the law itself. Then, and only then, will any objective person be able to conclude that Epps is not guilty of breaking the law.

This wild conspiracy theory of yours is easily refuted. I challenge you to post the statute that you believe Epps broke.

He was dropped from the list because upon learning that he was on the list, he immediately called in and complied with each of their lines of questioning. That, and he didn't actually commit a crime when you consider that telling people to peacefully protest isn't against the law. Duh. These half-baked conspiracy theories aren't necessary. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Explain why the woman standing next to him, one who was not on video urging people to break the law, was arrested for being in a restricted space and he was not. Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list for six months before J6.

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the media whitewashing here.

"Videos on Jan. 5 show Epps urging others to “go into the Capitol.” “Some in the crowd quickly booed and responded to with chants accusing Epps of being a ‘fed,’” Politico noted, pointing out that Epps added,.“Peacefully. . . .

Just doesn't meet the smell test especially when a woman standing next to him, not urging illegal acts and also not entering the capitol was arrested.
Explain why the woman standing next to him, one who was not on video urging people to break the law, was arrested for being in a restricted space and he was not. Ray Epps was on the FBI's most wanted list for six months before J6.

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the media whitewashing here.

"Videos on Jan. 5 show Epps urging others to “go into the Capitol.” “Some in the crowd quickly booed and responded to with chants accusing Epps of being a ‘fed,’” Politico noted, pointing out that Epps added,.“Peacefully. . . .

Just doesn't meet the smell test especially when a woman standing next to him, not urging illegal acts and also not entering the capitol was arrested.
You’re asking why Epps wasn’t arrested. I’m telling you it’s because he didn’t break the law. I asked you to post the statute and you failed to do so.

Was the woman wrongfully arrested? I have no idea. I don’t know anything about her.

Post the statute for why Epps should be arrested. “Bu-bu-but the woman was arrested” isn’t a sound legal argument for why Epps should be arrested.
Ask the FBI. They work for us.
The FBI can’t tell me the name of the person vaguely alluded to by an anonymous internet poster. The anonymous internet poster can.

Unless it’s just bullshit, which it probably is.
In this clip in the linked article, Tucker Carlson expresses that the Capital Police Chief told him that J6 was full of federal agents.

Does he have a tape of the Chief telling him that?
You’re asking why Epps wasn’t arrested. I’m telling you it’s because he didn’t break the law. I asked you to post the statute and you failed to do so.

Was the woman wrongfully arrested? I have no idea. I don’t know anything about her.

Post the statute for why Epps should be arrested. “Bu-bu-but the woman was arrested” isn’t a sound legal argument for why Epps should be arrested.
He was in a restricted space standing next to the woman and is on tape saying seditious speech, i.e. urging people to go into the capitol building. The woman was arrested for being in a restricted space and committed no seditious speech that we know of. Epps was not arrested. She was. Why is that?

If being in the capitol is described as intending to overthrow in the government, then seditious speech encouraging that would fall under Title 18 of the U.S. Code that defines sedition as:
n that section of the U.S. Code, a definition of sedition is laid out. Sedition is defined as a crime involving two or more people in the United States:
  • To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against it,
  • To oppose by force the authority of the United States government,
  • To prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States, or
  • To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States.
Now if you cannot understand that I honestly don't know any simpler way to explain it. Okay?

And to drag this back somewhat onto topic, Tucker Carlson has also noted these unusual circumstances regarding Epps. And has been accused by people like you of lying about it. Why isn't there more curiosity from those on the left as to whether Epps got off scot free because he was working with the FBI? And if he was, doesn't that merit a closer look as to what actually happened that day?
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The FBI can’t tell me the name of the person vaguely alluded to by an anonymous internet poster. The anonymous internet poster can.

Unless it’s just bullshit, which it probably is.
The FBI has the technology to identify anyone. Try again.
He was in a restricted space standing next to the woman. The woman was arrested for being in a restricted space. Epps was not arrested. She was. Why is that?

Now if you cannot understand that I honestly don't know any simpler way to explain it. Okay?
Once again, I told you that I don’t know anything about what the woman did. The article claims that she was standing next to Epps in one of the videos. I have no idea what she did after that and neither do you. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t standing next to each other the entire time. Maybe, just maybe, she ended up breaking a law.

See that? No elaborate conspiracy theory needed.
Once again, I told you that I don’t know anything about what the woman did. The article claims that she was standing next to Epps in one of the videos. I have no idea what she did after that and neither do you. Maybe, just maybe, they weren’t standing next to each other the entire time. Maybe, just maybe, she ended up breaking a law.

See that? No elaborate conspiracy theory needed.
Nothing elaborate about the FBI going undercover. It is done daily.
I don't know. Seems to me they've done what they could to bring the truth to light. They just have no power to do anything about it because the DOJ will protect everybody on the left regardless of what they have done. Christopher Wray and other representatives from DOJ will not say whether or not they had people outside or inside the Capitol on J6, whether FBI personnel or operatives committed violence or illegal acts on J6, whether FBI personnel or operative encouraged violence or illegal acts on J6.

Did they call Ray Epps? The have DOJ on record waffling. It's really a BFD that it looks like the democrat Party and DOJ FBI conducted a J6 Reichstag Fire
They can make up imaginary crimes.
They can’t prosecute imaginary crimes. That’s why you guys never see prosecution for your political enemies. You don’t have real crimes.

The other poster is making a claim and won’t substantiate it.

It’s a good sign it’s a bullshit claim.
They can’t prosecute imaginary crimes. That’s why you guys never see prosecution for your political enemies. You don’t have real crimes.

The other poster is making a claim and won’t substantiate it.

It’s a good sign it’s a bullshit claim.
They can't? What are those J6 prisoners doing in jail then?

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