Tucker Carlson Fans.Getting Annoyed From Guests Still Assuming Trump Colluded,Yet Bring No Evidence?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: :argue: :banghead: Most of us likely do watch Tucker Carlson most nights, and every night there will be at least one guest that brings their own made up facts about any Republican/Democrat, then they play Hardball, and Tucker always wins and makes all of his liberal guests look like a monkey scratching its ass in the end.
And it seems that quite often, he brings on a guest who still is trying to convince us that Trump and Putin were working together to make sure Hillary Clinton loses in a landslide. Even though Tucker is asking them to provide some real evidence, they never have any,,they are pretty much just claiming that,,even though we have no evidence,,we just know that Trump colluded with the Russians, and thats why Hillary lost in a massive landslide,,,right? :tongue-44:
Tucker's facial expressions are great. :p It is funny that fake information democrats keep coming on Tucker's show after they repeatedly get pwnd. They often think they can weasel out of answering his questions with talking points, but he calls them out each and every time. But he is a nice guy about it. Definitely a fun show to watch.
MSNBC is working the Theory...conceived by a Knave or a Fool...that the Russians & Americans conspired with each other to GAS BABIES IN SYRIA....to take the Media's attention off the fact that the Russians and Americans conspired with each other to beat that horrid haint hillary clinton.

We ought to thank Trump...for his efforts so far.

He didn't make Liberals bat-shit crazy....but he got them to expose themselves for just how bat-shit crazy they truly are.

I'm glad they are being outed...but they are showing that Stupidity has morphed into Depravity...and its a bit scary.
Tucker's facial expressions are great. :p It is funny that fake information democrats keep coming on Tucker's show after they repeatedly get pwnd. They often think they can weasel out of answering his questions with talking points, but he calls them out each and every time. But he is a nice guy about it. Definitely a fun show to watch.
and it seems every time he wants evidence,,all he ever gets is that the guest has none, and that the scandal is still under investigation,,,,right?
:2up: :argue: :banghead: Most of us likely do watch Tucker Carlson most nights, and every night there will be at least one guest that brings their own made up facts about any Republican/Democrat, then they play Hardball, and Tucker always wins and makes all of his liberal guests look like a monkey scratching its ass in the end.
And it seems that quite often, he brings on a guest who still is trying to convince us that Trump and Putin were working together to make sure Hillary Clinton loses in a landslide. Even though Tucker is asking them to provide some real evidence, they never have any,,they are pretty much just claiming that,,even though we have no evidence,,we just know that Trump colluded with the Russians, and thats why Hillary lost in a massive landslide,,,right? :tongue-44:
This is a tactic that was imagined by one of Obama's economic czars, Cass Sustein.
It's called "Availability Cascades".
They repeat a lie over and over, pretty soon it's passed along and eventually the imaginary idea becomes a reality.......and by gosh it becomes a fact.
The idea that we needed Obamacare was created in this same exact manner.
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MSNBC is working the Theory...conceived by a Knave or a Fool...that the Russians & Americans conspired with each other to GAS BABIES IN SYRIA....to take the Media's attention off the fact that the Russians and Americans conspired with each other to beat that horrid haint hillary clinton.

We ought to thank Trump...for his efforts so far.

He didn't make Liberals bat-shit crazy....but he got them to expose themselves for just how bat-shit crazy they truly are.

I'm glad they are being outed...but they are showing that Stupidity has morphed into Depravity...and its a bit scary.

It IS scary. I've had liberal left-wing friends for years and we've always managed to get along. We used to be able to disagree on politics and make little lighthearted jabs at each other now and then. But Post-Trump, I fear that I have lost many of them as friends forever. They've said hateful and awful things to me and deleted me from their Facebook. I try to reason with them and it seems to just piss them off more. It's like polarization was taken to a whole new level... almost like a civil war state.

I honestly don't get it... Of all the possible Republican candidates, Trump was probably the most "centrist" and to this day, he doesn't mind working with Democrats and says he wants to do that. His daughter, who is now practically "first lady" and has tremendous influence on him is a flaming left-winger. I imagine her husband, who's in charge of almost everything now, is a liberal as well. So are they mad that Trump stole their thunder?
The idea that we needed Obamacare was created in this same exact manner.

You are absolutely right. I remember when the whole "Hillarycare" thing came up and I was thinking... Why is THIS an issue? Of all our problems that needed addressing, this was something I didn't see as being a high priority at all. But years after applying this strategy, even the most conservative Republicans are on board with health care reform.
:2up: :argue: :banghead: Most of us likely do watch Tucker Carlson most nights, and every night there will be at least one guest that brings their own made up facts about any Republican/Democrat, then they play Hardball, and Tucker always wins and makes all of his liberal guests look like a monkey scratching its ass in the end.
And it seems that quite often, he brings on a guest who still is trying to convince us that Trump and Putin were working together to make sure Hillary Clinton loses in a landslide. Even though Tucker is asking them to provide some real evidence, they never have any,,they are pretty much just claiming that,,even though we have no evidence,,we just know that Trump colluded with the Russians, and thats why Hillary lost in a massive landslide,,,right? :tongue-44:
. Hmmm, maybe there was cullusion between the Obama administration and his minions in hopes to oust Trump in the end, so do they know something everyone else don't know, and has this been the reason behind their absolute positive stance in which they have taken ??????? I mean watch these minions go, and watch how sure of themselves they are. Now what has given all these minions their confidence ??? Did Obama create another illusion for his minions, and if so did they bite it hook line and sinker ?? Wonder what it will take to get them free from the Obama spell he has cast upon them ??
:2up: :argue: :banghead: Most of us likely do watch Tucker Carlson most nights, and every night there will be at least one guest that brings their own made up facts about any Republican/Democrat, then they play Hardball, and Tucker always wins and makes all of his liberal guests look like a monkey scratching its ass in the end.
And it seems that quite often, he brings on a guest who still is trying to convince us that Trump and Putin were working together to make sure Hillary Clinton loses in a landslide. Even though Tucker is asking them to provide some real evidence, they never have any,,they are pretty much just claiming that,,even though we have no evidence,,we just know that Trump colluded with the Russians, and thats why Hillary lost in a massive landslide,,,right? :tongue-44:
This is a tactic that was imagined by one of Obama's economic czars, Cass Sustein.
It's called "Availability Cascades".
They repeat a lie over and over, pretty soon it's passed along and eventually the imaginary idea becomes a reality.......and by gosh it becomes a fact.
The idea that we needed Obamacare was created in this same exact manner.
so for the next 3.8 years, CNN will keep creating stories that Trump colluded with the Russians to insure he would beat Hillary, but even though CNN wont have any facts to back it up, their commentators will claim that the issue is still under investigation
The idea that we needed Obamacare was created in this same exact manner.

You are absolutely right. I remember when the whole "Hillarycare" thing came up and I was thinking... Why is THIS an issue? Of all our problems that needed addressing, this was something I didn't see as being a high priority at all. But years after applying this strategy, even the most conservative Republicans are on board with health care reform.
Because it's a new tax without having to call it a tax. Politicians love that shit.
so for the next 3.8 years, CNN will keep creating stories that Trump colluded with the Russians to insure he would beat Hillary, but even though CNN wont have any facts to back it up, their commentators will claim that the issue is still under investigation

Yes... Unnamed Sources will be often cited.

What do you want to bet that one day... at some time... we are going to discover evidence of DEMOCRAT collusion with the Russians? The reason I say this is because virtually anything they accuse Republicans of, they are guilty of it themselves.
so for the next 3.8 years, CNN will keep creating stories that Trump colluded with the Russians to insure he would beat Hillary, but even though CNN wont have any facts to back it up, their commentators will claim that the issue is still under investigation

Yes... Unnamed Sources will be often cited.

What do you want to bet that one day... at some time... we are going to discover evidence of DEMOCRAT collusion with the Russians? The reason I say this is because virtually anything they accuse Republicans of, they are guilty of it themselves.
and we have video evidence of Obama/Clintons colluding with the Russians,,,,where is the video of Trump having meetings with the russians?

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