LEAKED Tucker Carlson Video BACKFIRES On Liberal Media And Fox News As Their Ratings COLLAPSE!

Are you talking about Dominion? They settled there was no ruling. Why are you lying.
You must be pretty naive to believe settling a suit by giving more than 3/4s of a BILLION DOLLARS to the entity that sued, must mean Fox was innocent.... Sheesh...where is your brain? :lol:
You must be pretty naive to believe settling a suit by giving more than 3/4s of a BILLION DOLLARS to the entity that sued, must mean Fox was innocent.... Sheesh...where is your brain? :lol:
Settlements don't indicate admissions of guilt, as a point of law....More likely there's far more embarrassing shit on Fake Nooz that would have come out in an open courtroom, that wasn't leaked.
You must be pretty naive to believe settling a suit by giving more than 3/4s of a BILLION DOLLARS to the entity that sued, must mean Fox was innocent.... Sheesh...where is your brain? :lol:
You lied lefty liar.
You must be pretty naive to believe settling a suit by giving more than 3/4s of a BILLION DOLLARS to the entity that sued, must mean Fox was innocent.... Sheesh...where is your brain? :lol:
Just come up with a system that is fair and equitable. They will not. Technology is used to destroy the will of a free people.
That’s OK buddy. Like many far left wingers you have no argument. I see it from you in practically every thread you post in… zero context.

Here’s your chance, bring us all a detailed post …. respond to the subject matter of the original post or not the choices up to yours if you want to make yourself look like a complete and total idiot or somebody who actually cares about their posts.
What subject matter, retard? You don't have any. You posted something about Tucker's video backfiring without explaining how and something about Tucker getting fired and ended it by castigating Dems.

So, here's your chance. Post a coherent post and I'll respond. I don't think you will because trumptards like you don't have a coherent thought but hey, surprise me. Go.
The Democrats said the election was stolen in 2000 ..cnn endorsed those claims but didn’t have to go to some court and pay $700 million in a settlement.
Al Gore pursued it all the way to the Supreme Court too. When he lost, he publically accepted defeat and urged his follower to do the same. He also presided over the Jan 6th 2001 Congressional vote counting ceremony, Gabling down members of his own party. There was no PR campaign by Democrat friendly networks echoing false narratives about a stolen election and massive fraud driven by the losers campaign. Nor did CNN engage in libel against any company they blamed for Bush victory.
Right right it all just a fantasy. We can ignore all this under oath stuff that came out huh?

Asked by a Dominion attorney whether "Fox endorsed at times this false notion of a stolen election," Murdoch demurred, saying, "Not Fox, no. Not Fox. But maybe Lou Dobbs, maybe Maria [Bartiromo] as commentators."

The lawyer pressed on. Did Fox's Bartiromo endorse it?

Murdoch's reply: "Yes. C'mon."

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro? "I think so."

Then-Fox Business Network host Dobbs? "Oh, a lot."

Fox News prime-time star Sean Hannity? "A bit."

Pressed whether they endorsed the narrative of a stolen election, Murdoch finally gave in: "Yes. They endorsed."

There was NO court case blind boy. Dominion settled before losing badly. No matter how much you want to whine.
There was NO court case blind boy. Dominion settled before losing badly. No matter how much you want to whine.
Losing badly? Did they misplace or lose part of that over 3/4 of a BILLION dollar they settled for?

You and your Neo-GOP brethren know those depositions were taken under oath right?

Faux Not News lies are like Crack and Heroin combined to the New Republican Lie-junkies aren't they? When they couldn't get their fix after the election was called by Fox, they had to run to OAN and News Maxine for their next hit!

That really was pathetic to see too.
Losing badly? Did they misplace or lose part of that over 3/4 of a BILLION dollar they settled for?

You and your Neo-GOP brethren know those depositions were taken under oath right?

Faux Not News lies are like Crack and Heroin combined to the New Republican Lie-junkies aren't they? When they couldn't get their fix after the election was called by Fox, they had to run to OAN and News Maxine for their next hit!

That really was pathetic to see too.
You do know that affidavits stating fraud occured were filled out. And that NOT ONE person has been charged with filing a false affidavit. Really pathetic that you think Poopypants won legitimately.
When you wanted over $1.6 billion? It's not exactly a win.
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, no?

If Dominion was about to lose badly, Fox News wouldn't have offered the settlement with such a high amount.
You do know that affidavits stating fraud occured were filled out. And that NOT ONE person has been charged with filing a false affidavit. Really pathetic that you think Poopypants won legitimately.
Bullshit. Affidavits stating what people saw were submitted without any collaborating evidence and were ruled by several judges as hearsay. The New Republicans are not just sore loser, and sore winners as well. They need to be voted out of government at all levels.
brother you have not actually shown a lie. You see for quite some time tucker Carlson wasn’t even talking about Donald Trump. And because the messages you were talking about are private who knows what else Mr. Carlson said , maybe he said some positive things about Trump that we simply never got to see it because those messages were not revealed.

I’m invested in America we have a shit economy with high home prices, drug addicted Americans all over the country, hi grocery prices, high gas prices it’s bad. We have tyrannical people in political power who cancel people they don’t like.

You haven’t shown any lies by Carlson you showed him having different opinions on Mr. Trump… he’s not lying to anybody. For him to lie for example would be saying 3+3 = 7. Come on man. Somebody on the news often has to report on stories that they don’t like ….so what you’re talking about above is not a lie not even close.

What are you trying to say millions of Americans who watch Tucker Carlson are cowards? . What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. You and every other critic of Carlson never talk about the fact that he sticks up for socialists, he doesn’t agree with supporting Ukraine, he brings on a plethora of different guests some who disagree with him… you guys never talk about that it’s all the same propaganda. Like what you talk about above it’s pure propaganda from your slave masters at CNN….

Could you imagine the text messages that Anderson Cooper sent in private to his producers. I mean seriously this is the best you’ve got. You’ve got to be kidding me.
It was proven in court Fox lied to its audience...

Fox accepted that it lied...

You don't want to believe you were lied too... You know that saying that would separate you from your Fox news watching tribe, you can't take that so it is better you conflate someway that tries to say you weren't lied too..

We understand, you just can't take it... So back to sitting in front of Fox again like a good little moron... Murdoch is right, he can lie all day to ye as long as he tells you what you want to hear...

By the way who says I watch CNN... This is another lie you got from Fox, if you don't watch Fox you must be watching CNN..
It was proven in court Fox lied to its audience...

Fox accepted that it lied...

You don't want to believe you were lied too... You know that saying that would separate you from your Fox news watching tribe, you can't take that so it is better you conflate someway that tries to say you weren't lied too..

We understand, you just can't take it... So back to sitting in front of Fox again like a good little moron... Murdoch is right, he can lie all day to ye as long as he tells you what you want to hear...

By the way who says I watch CNN... This is another lie you got from Fox, if you don't watch Fox you must be watching CNN..
The FACT remains that BOTH PARTIES settled OUT OF COURT.
NOTHING was PROVEN either way!
Fox lied? OK
Dominion lied too, OK????????
Fox News is just as much part of the Operation Mockingbird Media as the rest of them ALL!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are pathetic in your "victory" dance in this PATHETIC GAME.
There was also a report suggesting that Rupert Murdoch was offended by Tucker Carlson‘s pro Christian views at a recent speech he gave at the heritage foundation. Tucker had said abortion is like child sacrifice and that praying for 10 minutes a day could help out. Of course what he was saying was truthful was pro American and that may have played a role in his dismissal.
Explain how Tucker's views are more proAmerican than someone who has the opposite views...

A majority of Americans think abortion should be available in some capacity in America. So you think someone proclaiming somethink a majority of Americans don't support as being pro American.

Also how does praying make someone more American or less American... Under your reasoning the Saudis (who attend prayer multiple times a day) must be super Americans...
The FACT remains that BOTH PARTIES settled OUT OF COURT.
NOTHING was PROVEN either way!
Fox lied? OK
Dominion lied too, OK????????
Fox News is just as much part of the Operation Mockingbird Media as the rest of them ALL!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are pathetic in your "victory" dance in this PATHETIC GAME.
You shit on all them approach wont work...

The court had a preliminary judgement that they lied and Fox agreed with that.

Where have you it that Dominion lied? You don't... Unless you believe Fox News..

Then you are going for that Fox doesn't matter because they aren't really belonging to the right anyway...

Dude you are pathetic..
You shit on all them approach wont work...

The court had a preliminary judgement that they lied and Fox agreed with that.

Where have you it that Dominion lied? You don't... Unless you believe Fox News..

Then you are going for that Fox doesn't matter because they aren't really belonging to the right anyway...

Dude you are pathetic..
They fucking SETTLED OUT OF COURT!!!!
Your "preliminary judgment" doesn't mean ANYTHING!!!!!
YOU are the PATHETIC one!!!!
The Mockingbird Media and Dominion are ON THE SAME TEAM!!!!
You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist ASSHOLE that is hyper-partisan and too BRAINWASHED to recognize that.
Fuck off cOwBoY
Faux News cannot be trusted. Faux has wrecked the GOP and America by bringing in the "Karl Rove voter," the Pro Israel Christian, an individual devoid of any intelligence and not a bit fiscally conservative = JUST THE OPPOSITE.

Anyone who watched Faux fraud/hype up of W's invasion of Iraq and never questioned it is an


Democrats overwhelmingly voted for GW2. Go suck an egg, asshole.

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