Tucker Carlson hates trump, passionately.

I see the lefties received their talking points packet.
Yup, straight from Tuckems himself!

There is NO way trump stays silent on this.
trump doesn't have the mental capacity to ignore this.
This message "I hate him passionately" needs to be shown ad nauseam.
trump will eventually crack and attack Tuckems Swanson NcNear.
There is NO way trump stays silent on this.
trump doesn't have the mental capacity to ignore this.
This message "I hate him passionately" needs to be shown ad nauseam.
trump will eventually crack and attack Tuckems Swanson NcNear.
host of a political opinion program
Like Morning Joe, Don Lemon, or any of the democrat opinion shows.
And if tomorrow it came to light Don Lemon has been calling Biden an idiot all this time while praising him on air, you’d be calling him a hypocrite.

How can you not call Carlson one?
Tucker's batting average is still way better than the MSM's, considering the Fau-Chi lies about the origin of Covid, the Russian Collusion lies, covering up for the Biden admin and Hunter's laptop, etc.
In terms of credibility

The mighty Tucker has struck out
He can claim whatever he wants. Unlike you I don’t demand total obedience to my opinions.

What I would ask him as I’ve asked you what was the disaster? The secure border, the booming economy, record low unemployment, rising wages, energy independence, low gas prices, low inflation. Where’s the disaster.
He inherited all of that...

What he brought didn't work out very well....as Tucker now admits.
And if tomorrow it came to light Don Lemon has been calling Biden an idiot all this time while praising him on air, you’d be calling him a hypocrite.
How can you not call Carlson one?
We Repubs all have conflicted opinions about Trump.
I'm not going to vote for Trump in the primary
However, if Trump wins the GOP nomination I will vote for him over any democrat.
We Repubs all have conflicted opinions about Trump.
I'm not going to vote for Trump in the primary
However, if Trump wins the GOP nomination I will vote for him over any democrat.

The only thing that I am conflicted about is whether he was in the top three Presidents of all time or only the top 5.

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