Tucker Carlson hates trump, passionately.

So, it seems Tucker is playing Fox viewers and feeding them BS and lies while he privately admits to despising Trump and mocks his stolen election claims
I watch Tucker every evening. I don't always agree with him as he tends to hyperbole. But overall, I tend to agree with him.

I disagree with him on Ukraine. The more Russians we help kill the better.

Couple of things...

Why would the congress critters who held McCarthy hostage for speakership, want these tapes released to Tucker or Fox, when it only regurgitates the 1/6 insurrection attempt???
As I just wrote on another thread (maybe)....McCarthy is an institutionalist. GOP Corporate is an institutionalist. You hear loons here state time and again that "the popular vote doesn't matter". GOP Corporate knows better.

They would accept Trump as President but they would prefer someone who has some tangential interest in actually governing. Their version of government is vindictive, mean and has been roundly rejected long before Trump came along but now it's vindictive, mean, and illegal bordering on illegitimate had the insurrection been successful.
All the liberal coverage will remind voters of what the day REALLY looked like....how trump tweeted to continue it, instead of stopping it....and then did nothing for three hours, to send help....????
Again...the average lady/man driving to work gets a ping from her cell phone where she likely follows CNN, NPR, AP, etc... and all she sees is January 6. Someone who doesn't pay that much attention to politics is just being reminded about it over and over again.

Is Fox doing this to help DeSantis somehow? Or just viewership? Showing relatively peaceful people at the visitor entrance side of the Capitol proves nothing...so what's the purpose?
I think you've unearthed it. It helps the heir apparent who doesn't have a Samsonite factory of baggage, it drives ratings much in the same way that Elon's nothing burger drew mouse clicks. But it does something else. It helps turn the page. In his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Thomas Friedman quotes a columnist who summarizes Schumpeter....

James Surowiecki, the business columnist for Slate magazine, reviewing Grove’s book, neatly summarized what Schumpeter and Grove have in common, which is the essence of globalization economics. It is the notion that: “Innovation replaces tradition. The present—or perhaps the future—replaces the past. Nothing matters so much as what will come next, and what will come next can only arrive if what is here now gets overturned.
DeSantis is seen as "what's next" but something has to be next. So I don't know if it's to help DeSantis as much as it is to fire a shot across the bow of Trump. The funny thing is that Trump likely doesn't see it. The political hucksters around him do though...I guarantee you.

One last thought in this too-long response. Remember Solyndra? If I had been advising Mitt Romney back in 2012, I would have coached him to have brought up Solyndra every day. It was a complete object lesson on why you shouldn't (if you hold this view) let government pick winners and losers and Obama's fingerprints were all over it. A $535B loan to one company....a loss of about $525B....federal raids, bankruptcy filings, malfeasance on a grotesque scale... all happening in 2011. Lets pretend that there was a similar storehouse of video of Solyndra that there was on the insurrection that we've all seen vis-a-vis the coverage of 1/6 on every other network besides Fox. But there is another video of the plant making solar tubes as well. Would MSNBC have aired it with the initiative of "Look...they were making solar tubes" and expect anyone with a brain to ignore all of the other stuff? I hope not. MSNBC viewers and Fox viewers are two sides of the same coin and maybe they would have eaten it up.

Any move Obama/the left would have made on Solyndra would have been a loss because it would remind everyone about it. Any move that Trump/the right makes on 1/6 is a loss because it reminds everyone about it.
That is not what Tucker said

“That’s the last four years. We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.”

Honestly how someone can call that fake nuz when it came straight from a text by Fucker Carlson is just to damn funny!
The neo-fascist marxist party that likes to fuck kids is concerned about truth in the media now?


I just wet myself a little bit. They're jumping off buildings because Tucker is blowing up their J6 lies.... one thing they can't stand is transparency.
You wouldn't know Carlson hated trump from what he says on his show, but that was explained too by the internal Emails fox released in response to a subpoena in the Dominion lawsuit. Emails show Rupert Murdock and all his top on air personalities knew there was nothing to trump's claims of a stolen election, but they continued supporting trump's lies because they feared viewer loss if they didn't support trump.

Tucker Carlson said he “passionately” hated Donald Trump and fantasised in 2021 about the day he would no longer have to cover his fellow conservative, according to new messages released as part of a defamation lawsuit against Fox News.
“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Mr Carlson told an unknown Fox News employee just two days before the January 6 Capitol riot, according to the court documents. “I truly can’t wait.”
“I hate him passionately,” he added.
In other disclosures, Carlson called Mr Trump “a demonic force, a destroyer,” while labelling Trump campaign officials and attorneys liars spreading “offensive” conspiracies about the election.
“It’s unbelievably offensive to me,” Carlson said in one exchange. “Our viewers are good people and they believe it.”

Tucker Carlson is embarrassed that his true beliefs have been revealed. Now he's sweating the monsters he created will defect to Newsmax.

After being outed calling Trump a demonic force, he is working double overtime to earn his way back into the demon club.

The man is pure evil. Eyeballs and clicks over country. Ratings over the truth.
The neo-fascist marxist party that likes to fuck kids is concerned about truth in the media now?


I just wet myself a little bit. They're jumping off buildings because Tucker is blowing up their J6 lies.... one thing they can't stand is transparency.
And you know they are neo- fascists, Marxists and pederasts.....because FOX told you....

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