Tucker Carlson: If you let Democrats force you to get the vaccine, they'll have complete control forever

Taking the vaccine voluntarily (I know of no current government mandates for such) is NOT "letting the Democrats force you to get the vaccine". That's the stupid lie hiding in Tucker's bloviating.
We have been insisting children get vaccinated before starting school for decades. The polio vaccine started in 1955 (I'd say it worked).

Many will argue against this and they have a right to argue that but to argue this is some grand conspiracy to control the people is the rantings of someone with mental issues.

The difference is those vaccines went through extensive testing. These vaccines are experimental and not approved by the FDA. There is always some risk something could go wrong and people have to take that into consideration.

Argue that you don't trust them yet, I won't argue but it's not some big conspiracy to control people. People are already largely ignoring the restrictions.
"The Association of American Surgeons & Physicians thinks this is a terrible idea, and so do I."
This stupid group always crops us with these idiots. It’s a fringe group of doctors who publish such brilliance like HIV doesn’t cause AIDS and autism comes from vaccines.

These guys are a cancer on medicine.
Has vaccines been around for thousands of years? We have invested hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars in Bio weapons. Other nations in the world have also. There were people adamant that HIV is a Bio weapon also. Bio weapons attack certain parts of the body finding its designed weakness. This Covid still needs a lot of understanding. And time iw what it takes. Of course the vaccines could have been ready when the virus was released for all we know. And perma shots is not an answer. It means potential control.
We have been insisting children get vaccinated before starting school for decades. The polio vaccine started in 1955 (I'd say it worked).

Many will argue against this and they have a right to argue that but to argue this is some grand conspiracy to control the people is the rantings of someone with mental issues.

The difference is those vaccines went through extensive testing. These vaccines are experimental and not approved by the FDA. There is always some risk something could go wrong and people have to take that into consideration.
You bet. And I don't hold it against anyone who has such concerns. My brother and sister-in-law are in that camp. It's the ridiculous conspiracy-theorizing that is so toxic. The paranoia that permeates so much of our politics is, literally, killing us.
Argue that you don't trust them yet, I won't argue but it's not some big conspiracy to control people. People are already largely ignoring the restrictions.

No, there is no conspiracy here. But you can't blame some people for having reservations about taking it. I'm on the fence myself and I have a cousin who was the supervisor of her medical lab. She even worked with Dr. Fauci in the past so she's pretty much up there. She told me it was completely safe and I'm still not sure; not that I don't trust her. She's the most brilliant family member we have.
Taking the vaccine voluntarily (I know of no current government mandates for such) is NOT "letting the Democrats force you to get the vaccine". That's the stupid lie hiding in Tucker's bloviating.

His point was that there is not much of a difference. If you can never have a normal life again by not taking the vaccine, then you are being pressured to take it.
Argue that you don't trust them yet, I won't argue but it's not some big conspiracy to control people. People are already largely ignoring the restrictions.

No, there is no conspiracy here. But you can't blame some people for having reservations about taking it. I'm on the fence myself and I have a cousin who was the supervisor of her medical lab. She even worked with Dr. Fauci in the past so she's pretty much up there. She told me it was completely safe and I'm still not sure; not that I don't trust her. She's the most brilliant family member we have.

I have never condemned those who say they have reservations over it.
Taking the vaccine voluntarily (I know of no current government mandates for such) is NOT "letting the Democrats force you to get the vaccine". That's the stupid lie hiding in Tucker's bloviating.

His point was that there is not much of a difference.
This a really dangerous POV. It used to be mostly liberals who pushed it. But now Trumpsters are on board. There is an overriding, radical difference between laws that compel behavior and social pressure. Defying one lands you in jail (or dead), defying the other is merely inconvenient.
This a really dangerous POV. It used to be mostly liberals who pushed it. But now Trumpsters are on board. There is an overriding, radical difference between laws that compel behavior and social pressure. Defying one lands you in jail (or dead), defying the other is merely inconvenient.

If you can't return to college because you didn't get the vaccine, that's something a lot of students will be forced to do in order to continue their education. Unless the state writes laws against it, any business can insist on vaccinations to enter their establishment. The government can't force us to do that since it would be unconstitutional, but the private market can.
This a really dangerous POV. It used to be mostly liberals who pushed it. But now Trumpsters are on board. There is an overriding, radical difference between laws that compel behavior and social pressure. Defying one lands you in jail (or dead), defying the other is merely inconvenient.

If you can't return to college because you didn't get the vaccine, that's something a lot of students will be forced to do in order to continue their education. Unless the state writes laws against it, any business can insist on vaccinations to enter their establishment. The government can't force us to do that since it would be unconstitutional, but the private market can.

You realize how much you sound like a liberal? Businesses can't force us to do anything. All they can do is refuse to serve us. That's why the Constitution doesn't apply to them, and why it does apply to the government.
You realize how much you sound like a liberal? Businesses can't force us to do anything. All they can do is refuse to serve us. That's why the Constitution doesn't apply to them, and why it does apply to the government.

They can refuse to let you enter their establishment just like some businesses do if you're carrying a firearm. I hope it doesn't come down to that but it can unless the state legislatures create laws to stop them.
You realize how much you sound like a liberal? Businesses can't force us to do anything. All they can do is refuse to serve us. That's why the Constitution doesn't apply to them, and why it does apply to the government.

They can refuse to let you enter their establishment just like some businesses do if you're carrying a firearm. I hope it doesn't come down to that but it can unless the state legislatures create laws to stop them.
Businesses should be allowed to refuse service for any fucking reason they dream up, including no reason at all.
Businesses should be allowed to refuse service for any fucking reason they dream up, including no reason at all.

Yes they can, but again, if the state legislatures don't write laws against that, then places will be requiring a vaccination card to get in. That's the point of Tucker's rant.
but hasnt tucker been vaccinated?

That is not his point. Yes, Tucker is vaccinated and recommends others be vaccinated.

His point is that there are legitimate reasons why some do not want the vaccine and that should be respected. There have been no long-term studies on the vaccine and we do not know what the long-term effects might or might not be.

Colleges are mandating students have proof of being vaccinated before being allowed back in class. Why? They are among the least at risk.

Some women have reported their menstrual cycle being disrupted by the vaccine. That could be of

The far-left Liberals once again set their hair on fire over, NOTHING. Tucker is simply saying that we should be free to make our own decision when it comes to our health and the health of our loved ones.

How is that a bad thing?
funny how top republicans got the vaccine as telling people it was a hoax

Who has said the vaccine is a hoax? Although, now that you mention it, after receiving the vaccine, the Bidens still wear their masks outside and when separated. Do they know something we don't?
We have been insisting children get vaccinated before starting school for decades. The polio vaccine started in 1955 (I'd say it worked).

Many will argue against this and they have a right to argue that but to argue this is some grand conspiracy to control the people is the rantings of someone with mental issues.

Which vaccines, are kids now required to take, (I think there are 16 or18), have never been approved by the FDA, and have no long-term studies?
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We have been insisting children get vaccinated before starting school for decades. The polio vaccine started in 1955 (I'd say it worked).

Many will argue against this and they have a right to argue that but to argue this is some grand conspiracy to control the people is the rantings of someone with mental issues.

Which vaccines are kids now required to take, I think there are 16 or18, have never been approved by the FDA, and have no long-term studies?

Sheesh, I've covered this already.
If they don't want to take it, fine. They should segregate themselves from the rest of us, then. Why would we want to associate with virus-variant factories and put our own health in danger, just because of their feelz and raaghts?

Why should anyone be segregated from you? If you have had the vaccine, you're safe, the one without the vaccine is supposedly at risk.
So what is next? It’s not a question of the vaccine. You may want the vaccine for yourself and your children, you may not. It’s a question of being forced to take it. And if we allow ourselves to be forced to take it, what next? Anything is the answer to that question. If the authorities are permitted to control a health care decision this intimate — if they can force you and your children to take a vaccine you don’t want and are afraid of — what can’t they do? Nothing. They’ll have total power over your body and your mind, forever. What’s the limit to their power? There isn’t one.

A few parents seem to understand this and have taken timid steps to resist it. One anonymous mother posted the letter she wrote to the college dean when she learned her children would be required to get the shot.

"The Association of American Surgeons & Physicians thinks this is a terrible idea, and so do I."

She didn’t give her name, she didn’t give the name of the school. Good for her, but where are the rest of the mothers? The ones who are willing to go on the record? There must be some. They know that if they go public, they’ll be attacked immediately by Barack Obama and CNN and AP. They’ll be denounced as anti-vaxxers — as if there are actually many people actually oppose vaccines. There aren’t. Virtually every college student in America has already received some or all of the 15 separate vaccines the CDC tells parents to give their children by the age of 18. They’ve literally been vaccinated since birth. So Americans are for vaccines. They always have been for vaccines.

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...

He doesn’t mean the vaccine itself, but the forcing of taking it at the risk of your economic health. If they can tie your ability to live your life to having to take a vaccine, they can do that to you over and over and over again.

They can line their pockets with billions of dollars of taxpayer funded vaccines, that you must take or lose your ability to hold a job or own a house.
Send Tucker to India for an indepth report.

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