Tucker Carlson responds to politicized military

The Obama administration purged the senior leadership of the military leaving only weak minded yes men and stupid Democrats. Common for Leftest governments to do that.

They are not obeying their oaths to protect the Constitution but are helping to make America a Socialist shithole.

They deserve ridicule. Shame!
Just another example of how the government is weaponized against dissenters in a democrat administration. Tucker can expect special attention from the IRS.
Just as Trump treated his foes and naysayers...Absolutely no diff, but you support it when your side does it.
Name one instance of a government agency going after a Trump adversary.
As president, Donald Trump selectively revealed highly classified information to attack his adversaries, gain political advantage and impress or intimidate foreign governments, in some cases jeopardizing U.S. intelligence capabilities. As an ex-president, there’s every reason to worry he will do the same, thus posing a unique national security dilemma for the Biden administration, current and former officials and analysts said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...9c853e-229e-11eb-952e-0c475972cfc0_story.html
The Obama administration purged the senior leadership of the military leaving only weak minded yes men and stupid Democrats. Common for Leftest governments to do that.

They are not obeying their oaths to protect the Constitution but are helping to make America a Socialist shithole.

They deserve ridicule. Shame!
Then why did the Trump administration do the same?
Women can do certain things in the military and are not qualified to do other things in the military. This nice but fake idea that both genders are equal in every way is pernicious and weakens the nation in many ways.
I think it would be funny, if the bowtie-wearing milquetoast was stalked by some of these women and laughed at when he whined about it.
Condescending pseudo intellectual college cancel culture bravado is not a quality I've ever seen in the actual combat vets I've known. Dismissive criticism of perceived posers in positions of 'authority' be they military or civilian is.

Tucker's show motto as an independent thinker is "the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think".

Some people find that offensive, I don't, and may disagree with his opinion but can agree with much of what he points out as being absurdity in an unmatched intelligently reasonable and articulate manner which why he is so popular.

Don't like it? Don't watch it .. dismiss it! Pretty frigging simple.. but not to the leftist goons who can't comprehend any live and let live common decency tolerance they tout but can't live out.
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At a time when we are facing extreme threats from China ....the same nation who introduced us and the rest of the world to a terrible virus from which they have benefited ....we unfortunately have a President who downplays the Chinese threat and on top of that has and is instituting policies in our military which makes politics more important than military readiness to deal with any hostile military action towards America

The blob downplayed the virus...still does to this day.
What are these women in the military thinking?

Even Tucker Carlson knows they are supposed to be virgins. That way you don’t need special flight suits

One woman fighter pilot commented that during the time she was pregnant, her unborn child logged more flight hours than all of the critics of womens role in the military combined.
At a time when we are facing extreme threats from China ....the same nation who introduced us and the rest of the world to a terrible virus from which they have benefited ....we unfortunately have a President who downplays the Chinese threat and on top of that has and is instituting policies in our military which makes politics more important than military readiness to deal with any hostile military action towards America

The cold war started with tramp during the trade war.
So to you having the Chinese make more and more of the products we use while losing more and more manufacturing jobs at home is the way to go. Now that Biden is in it does not matter anymore. The game is over. Politicians think for the now. Joe biden of the 1970's did not care about future Joe Biden ten years later, over the turn of the century or up to now from any era he made legislation. Future Joe is the present now from laws made in the past. People who suffer or have suffered he does not care about.
Does anyone seriously think that any nation would fear an army full of Tucker Carlsons?
Would you prefer an army full of Jerry Nadlers?


Or an army of Swalwells? They would all defect to the enemy.

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At a time when we are facing extreme threats from China ....the same nation who introduced us and the rest of the world to a terrible virus from which they have benefited ....we unfortunately have a President who downplays the Chinese threat and on top of that has and is instituting policies in our military which makes politics more important than military readiness to deal with any hostile military action towards America

Biden is an apologist for genocidal dictators.

Does anyone seriously think that any nation would fear an army full of Tucker Carlsons?
Would you prefer an army full of Jerry Nadlers?


Or an army of Swalwells? They would all defect to the enemy.

Jerry Nadler's not talking smack about anyone though. What's more valuable to our country... a brave woman willing to die for her country or a punk like carlson, or a draft dodger like trump for that matter?
How does Tucker Carlson's opinion rise to the level of "current events"? You almost gotta laugh that lefties seem more concerned about Carlson's opinions than the president.
Does anyone seriously think that any nation would fear an army full of Tucker Carlsons?
The guy who complains about a branch of the govt. he has never bothered to serve in.
um the military isn't a "branch" of Govt.
Tell that to the Space Force...
I will....I think they realize, like most educated people that the military is not a branch of Govt....it's part of a branch of Govt. Only in leftwing regimes is the military it's own branch......

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