Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?

The liberals will destroy our military just like they destroy everything else they touch. The sonofabitches in the Joe Dufus administration are planning on brainwashing our troops with the Critical Race Theory garbage instead of have them train for war like they suppose to do.

The Leftest in this country want to turn our military into the muscle for their Socialist revolution just like other countries have done. That is why they are brainwashing them with Leftest propaganda filth and purging the Patriots.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?
Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy? - American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson
The U.S. military has now turned its wrath inward on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The new secretary of defense relayed his “revulsion” for Carlson’s questioning the role of women in combat—a position that had been the military’s centuries-long orthodoxy until about seven years ago.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby even compared Carlson to the Communist Chinese military: “What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host, or the Chinese military.”
The now-cocky Department of Defense website further boasted, “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host.”
So what was the biblically “smitten” Carlson’s crime?
He objected to the military’s fixation on race and gender in high-profile appointments—and questioned whether standards were relaxed to permit women in combat units.
Carlson objected that the Capitol is currently domestically militarized. More troops are on guard against purported American “insurrectionists” than are currently serving in war zones in Afghanistan.
He noted far too many defense secretaries—he singled out the current secretary, retired General Lloyd Austin—revolve in and out from corporate defense contractor boards and billets.
His subtext is that too many of our retired top brass virtue signal their wokeness, while otherwise seeking to make a great deal of corporate money from their prior and often future government service and contacts.
Aside from the fact that the military usually does not use its top officials to react to journalists, the Pentagon should try to refute Carlson rather than comparing him to the hostile Communist Chinese.
The military has announced it is now conducting internal audits to root out American soldiers suspected of harboring supposedly dangerous ideas. What is going on?
One, the Left now dotes on what it envisions will soon be a woke military. It believes the chain of command can green-light progressive social changes—from women in combat units to subsidies for transgender transition surgeries to timely displays of massive force on the streets of Washington—without bureaucratic red tape or opposition from Congress.
Two, federal agencies in therapeutic fashion often dilute their traditional missions to accommodate social awareness agendas.
Whereas all administrations used to prioritize traditional military preparedness, now leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
The elite military echelon adjusts—given that careers and promotions are either enhanced or sidetracked accordingly.
As a result, many of our top brass often are far more politicized than in the past, and can grow more ideologically distant from their own lower-ranking officer corps and enlisted personnel.
This recent extraordinary, thin-skinned Pentagon effort to lump Tucker Carlson in with critics like the Communist Chinese military is one more illustration of this far larger—and increasingly dangerous—pathology.

IMHO, Canada will not invade us. Mexico will not invade us any more than they already are. And China will not invade us, they've already bought and infiltrated the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left..
Professor Hanson has justly described what has happened to our military hiearchy.
It began over a decade ago with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and his purge of the military Officer Corps and forcing out Non-Commissioned Officers.
Our once proud, strong military is rapidly becoming a joke...The loyal rank and file professional soldiers are embarrassed and the elite in the Pentagon are harrumphing themselves as egoistic perfumed fop princesses...
A point of fact.... is Vindman's promotion. Had this situation occurred prior to 2009, Vindman would have been forcefully retired because of his political opions and testimony last year.
See: Twin Brother of Creepy Impeachment Witness Vindman Is Already Getting a Promotion in Biden's Army
The truth of the matter is that our Department of Defense has not kept pace with the rest of our enemies and when we are finally faced with an aggressive China we will lose.
See: The US Keeps Losing In Every Simulated War-Game Against China | Washington Watch

China will continue their soft power strategies in their sphere of influence. They don't want a war with the US. You're inventing reasons and conspiracy theories.
China is preparing for war with the United States

And when they think they can win they will make their move, probably against Taiwan
If you look at the Capitol currently, it is clear. . .

Especially with that current new anti-terror legislation, the establishment's new enemy is going to be the American People.
Our military has made up foreign enemies. An old purposeful design to make sure the MIC is flush with taxpayer cash, some of which gets funneled nicely back to the two criminal political gangs via campaign donations. A racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Our military is a mercenary force for the ultra wealthy and their big corporations. They most certainly intend to make sure any Americans who actively oppose them, meet a quick demise.

That's pretty much what Trump was selling.
If you look at the Capitol currently, it is clear. . .

Especially with that current new anti-terror legislation, the establishment's new enemy is going to be the American People.
Our military has made up foreign enemies. An old purposeful design to make sure the MIC is flush with taxpayer cash, some of which gets funneled nicely back to the two criminal political gangs via campaign donations. A racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Our military is a mercenary force for the ultra wealthy and their big corporations. They most certainly intend to make sure any Americans who actively oppose them, meet a quick demise.

That's pretty much what Trump was selling.
Unfortunately Don is a poor salesman and a total dumb ass. Just like Old Joe.
If you look at the Capitol currently, it is clear. . .

Especially with that current new anti-terror legislation, the establishment's new enemy is going to be the American People.
Our military has made up foreign enemies. An old purposeful design to make sure the MIC is flush with taxpayer cash, some of which gets funneled nicely back to the two criminal political gangs via campaign donations. A racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Our military is a mercenary force for the ultra wealthy and their big corporations. They most certainly intend to make sure any Americans who actively oppose them, meet a quick demise.

That's pretty much what Trump was selling.
Unfortunately Don is a poor salesman and a total dumb ass. Just like Old Joe.

Trump believes everyone is corrupt. CIA, FBI, CDC.. etc, etc, etc.
If you look at the Capitol currently, it is clear. . .

Especially with that current new anti-terror legislation, the establishment's new enemy is going to be the American People.
Our military has made up foreign enemies. An old purposeful design to make sure the MIC is flush with taxpayer cash, some of which gets funneled nicely back to the two criminal political gangs via campaign donations. A racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Our military is a mercenary force for the ultra wealthy and their big corporations. They most certainly intend to make sure any Americans who actively oppose them, meet a quick demise.

That's pretty much what Trump was selling.
Unfortunately Don is a poor salesman and a total dumb ass. Just like Old Joe.

Trump believes everyone is corrupt. CIA, FBI, CDC.. etc, etc, etc.
And he might be right.
The meatheads enemy ? The liars at the Pentagram and the upper jingles who parrot their BS for more jingles.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?
Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy? - American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson
The U.S. military has now turned its wrath inward on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The new secretary of defense relayed his “revulsion” for Carlson’s questioning the role of women in combat—a position that had been the military’s centuries-long orthodoxy until about seven years ago.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby even compared Carlson to the Communist Chinese military: “What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host, or the Chinese military.”
The now-cocky Department of Defense website further boasted, “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host.”
So what was the biblically “smitten” Carlson’s crime?
He objected to the military’s fixation on race and gender in high-profile appointments—and questioned whether standards were relaxed to permit women in combat units.
Carlson objected that the Capitol is currently domestically militarized. More troops are on guard against purported American “insurrectionists” than are currently serving in war zones in Afghanistan.
He noted far too many defense secretaries—he singled out the current secretary, retired General Lloyd Austin—revolve in and out from corporate defense contractor boards and billets.
His subtext is that too many of our retired top brass virtue signal their wokeness, while otherwise seeking to make a great deal of corporate money from their prior and often future government service and contacts.
Aside from the fact that the military usually does not use its top officials to react to journalists, the Pentagon should try to refute Carlson rather than comparing him to the hostile Communist Chinese.
The military has announced it is now conducting internal audits to root out American soldiers suspected of harboring supposedly dangerous ideas. What is going on?
One, the Left now dotes on what it envisions will soon be a woke military. It believes the chain of command can green-light progressive social changes—from women in combat units to subsidies for transgender transition surgeries to timely displays of massive force on the streets of Washington—without bureaucratic red tape or opposition from Congress.
Two, federal agencies in therapeutic fashion often dilute their traditional missions to accommodate social awareness agendas.
Whereas all administrations used to prioritize traditional military preparedness, now leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
The elite military echelon adjusts—given that careers and promotions are either enhanced or sidetracked accordingly.
As a result, many of our top brass often are far more politicized than in the past, and can grow more ideologically distant from their own lower-ranking officer corps and enlisted personnel.
This recent extraordinary, thin-skinned Pentagon effort to lump Tucker Carlson in with critics like the Communist Chinese military is one more illustration of this far larger—and increasingly dangerous—pathology.

IMHO, Canada will not invade us. Mexico will not invade us any more than they already are. And China will not invade us, they've already bought and infiltrated the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left..
Professor Hanson has justly described what has happened to our military hiearchy.
It began over a decade ago with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and his purge of the military Officer Corps and forcing out Non-Commissioned Officers.
Our once proud, strong military is rapidly becoming a joke...The loyal rank and file professional soldiers are embarrassed and the elite in the Pentagon are harrumphing themselves as egoistic perfumed fop princesses...
A point of fact.... is Vindman's promotion. Had this situation occurred prior to 2009, Vindman would have been forcefully retired because of his political opions and testimony last year.
See: Twin Brother of Creepy Impeachment Witness Vindman Is Already Getting a Promotion in Biden's Army
The truth of the matter is that our Department of Defense has not kept pace with the rest of our enemies and when we are finally faced with an aggressive China we will lose.
See: The US Keeps Losing In Every Simulated War-Game Against China | Washington Watch
I see nothing wrong with pregnant women in combat...when I was in the military, the girls got knocked up less than six months in
Were you the father in the case of all these knocked up women?
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?
Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy? - American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson
The U.S. military has now turned its wrath inward on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The new secretary of defense relayed his “revulsion” for Carlson’s questioning the role of women in combat—a position that had been the military’s centuries-long orthodoxy until about seven years ago.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby even compared Carlson to the Communist Chinese military: “What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host, or the Chinese military.”
The now-cocky Department of Defense website further boasted, “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host.”
So what was the biblically “smitten” Carlson’s crime?
He objected to the military’s fixation on race and gender in high-profile appointments—and questioned whether standards were relaxed to permit women in combat units.
Carlson objected that the Capitol is currently domestically militarized. More troops are on guard against purported American “insurrectionists” than are currently serving in war zones in Afghanistan.
He noted far too many defense secretaries—he singled out the current secretary, retired General Lloyd Austin—revolve in and out from corporate defense contractor boards and billets.
His subtext is that too many of our retired top brass virtue signal their wokeness, while otherwise seeking to make a great deal of corporate money from their prior and often future government service and contacts.
Aside from the fact that the military usually does not use its top officials to react to journalists, the Pentagon should try to refute Carlson rather than comparing him to the hostile Communist Chinese.
The military has announced it is now conducting internal audits to root out American soldiers suspected of harboring supposedly dangerous ideas. What is going on?
One, the Left now dotes on what it envisions will soon be a woke military. It believes the chain of command can green-light progressive social changes—from women in combat units to subsidies for transgender transition surgeries to timely displays of massive force on the streets of Washington—without bureaucratic red tape or opposition from Congress.
Two, federal agencies in therapeutic fashion often dilute their traditional missions to accommodate social awareness agendas.
Whereas all administrations used to prioritize traditional military preparedness, now leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
The elite military echelon adjusts—given that careers and promotions are either enhanced or sidetracked accordingly.
As a result, many of our top brass often are far more politicized than in the past, and can grow more ideologically distant from their own lower-ranking officer corps and enlisted personnel.
This recent extraordinary, thin-skinned Pentagon effort to lump Tucker Carlson in with critics like the Communist Chinese military is one more illustration of this far larger—and increasingly dangerous—pathology.

IMHO, Canada will not invade us. Mexico will not invade us any more than they already are. And China will not invade us, they've already bought and infiltrated the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left..
Professor Hanson has justly described what has happened to our military hiearchy.
It began over a decade ago with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and his purge of the military Officer Corps and forcing out Non-Commissioned Officers.
Our once proud, strong military is rapidly becoming a joke...The loyal rank and file professional soldiers are embarrassed and the elite in the Pentagon are harrumphing themselves as egoistic perfumed fop princesses...
A point of fact.... is Vindman's promotion. Had this situation occurred prior to 2009, Vindman would have been forcefully retired because of his political opions and testimony last year.
See: Twin Brother of Creepy Impeachment Witness Vindman Is Already Getting a Promotion in Biden's Army
The truth of the matter is that our Department of Defense has not kept pace with the rest of our enemies and when we are finally faced with an aggressive China we will lose.
See: The US Keeps Losing In Every Simulated War-Game Against China | Washington Watch
I see nothing wrong with pregnant women in combat...when I was in the military, the girls got knocked up less than six months in

When I was in the military nurses and female medical personnel got discharged when they were preggo.
Hmmm..... I can see it now a preggo Ranger in the middle of a fire fight giving birth.
What are the Rules of Engagement in shooting or hand to hand fighting a woman especially if pregnant?
My God, how old are you?
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?
Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy? - American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
18 Mar 2021 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson
The U.S. military has now turned its wrath inward on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
The new secretary of defense relayed his “revulsion” for Carlson’s questioning the role of women in combat—a position that had been the military’s centuries-long orthodoxy until about seven years ago.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby even compared Carlson to the Communist Chinese military: “What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host, or the Chinese military.”
The now-cocky Department of Defense website further boasted, “Press Secretary Smites Fox Host.”
So what was the biblically “smitten” Carlson’s crime?
He objected to the military’s fixation on race and gender in high-profile appointments—and questioned whether standards were relaxed to permit women in combat units.
Carlson objected that the Capitol is currently domestically militarized. More troops are on guard against purported American “insurrectionists” than are currently serving in war zones in Afghanistan.
He noted far too many defense secretaries—he singled out the current secretary, retired General Lloyd Austin—revolve in and out from corporate defense contractor boards and billets.
His subtext is that too many of our retired top brass virtue signal their wokeness, while otherwise seeking to make a great deal of corporate money from their prior and often future government service and contacts.
Aside from the fact that the military usually does not use its top officials to react to journalists, the Pentagon should try to refute Carlson rather than comparing him to the hostile Communist Chinese.
The military has announced it is now conducting internal audits to root out American soldiers suspected of harboring supposedly dangerous ideas. What is going on?
One, the Left now dotes on what it envisions will soon be a woke military. It believes the chain of command can green-light progressive social changes—from women in combat units to subsidies for transgender transition surgeries to timely displays of massive force on the streets of Washington—without bureaucratic red tape or opposition from Congress.
Two, federal agencies in therapeutic fashion often dilute their traditional missions to accommodate social awareness agendas.
Whereas all administrations used to prioritize traditional military preparedness, now leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
The elite military echelon adjusts—given that careers and promotions are either enhanced or sidetracked accordingly.
As a result, many of our top brass often are far more politicized than in the past, and can grow more ideologically distant from their own lower-ranking officer corps and enlisted personnel.
This recent extraordinary, thin-skinned Pentagon effort to lump Tucker Carlson in with critics like the Communist Chinese military is one more illustration of this far larger—and increasingly dangerous—pathology.

IMHO, Canada will not invade us. Mexico will not invade us any more than they already are. And China will not invade us, they've already bought and infiltrated the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left..
Professor Hanson has justly described what has happened to our military hiearchy.
It began over a decade ago with the election of Barack Hussein Obama and his purge of the military Officer Corps and forcing out Non-Commissioned Officers.
Our once proud, strong military is rapidly becoming a joke...The loyal rank and file professional soldiers are embarrassed and the elite in the Pentagon are harrumphing themselves as egoistic perfumed fop princesses...
A point of fact.... is Vindman's promotion. Had this situation occurred prior to 2009, Vindman would have been forcefully retired because of his political opions and testimony last year.
See: Twin Brother of Creepy Impeachment Witness Vindman Is Already Getting a Promotion in Biden's Army
The truth of the matter is that our Department of Defense has not kept pace with the rest of our enemies and when we are finally faced with an aggressive China we will lose.
See: The US Keeps Losing In Every Simulated War-Game Against China | Washington Watch

China will continue their soft power strategies in their sphere of influence. They don't want a war with the US. You're inventing reasons and conspiracy theories.
China is preparing for war with the United States

And when they think they can win they will make their move, probably against Taiwan
We will all be dead and gone before they try ,or dead and gone if they are stupid enough to try!
If you look at the Capitol currently, it is clear. . .

Especially with that current new anti-terror legislation, the establishment's new enemy is going to be the American People.
Our military has made up foreign enemies. An old purposeful design to make sure the MIC is flush with taxpayer cash, some of which gets funneled nicely back to the two criminal political gangs via campaign donations. A racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Our military is a mercenary force for the ultra wealthy and their big corporations. They most certainly intend to make sure any Americans who actively oppose them, meet a quick demise.

That's pretty much what Trump was selling.
Unfortunately Don is a poor salesman and a total dumb ass. Just like Old Joe.

Trump believes everyone is corrupt. CIA, FBI, CDC.. etc, etc, etc.
... and he would be right!
China is a long way behind us in almost every aspect of their military. They would be easily defeated in battle.
I suspect you are wrong

And I think our military knows that

China and russia has anti ship missiles that we may not be able to stop

But our greatest deficiency could be in cyber security and our ability to communicate on the battlefield
China cannot win a war vs the us. Our military is far and away the greatest on earth and the work ethic found in america is truly unrivaled. Nobody wants a war with that.
That's the way it used to be. A woke military will never and can never prevail against a warrior military.


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