Tucker Carlson: Tony Blinken’s Statement Is an Admission the US Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings (VIDEO)

Lol, this whole discussion is only fought on message boards and by people like Tucker Carlson. The countries involved are perfectly aware or at the very least strongly suspect who did it and why. International relations aren't courts of law. The only people Putin needs to convince are those in the governments of the West.

So no, Putin doesn't need to claim responsibility. In fact, by not doing so, people like Tucker Carlson are free to confuse the situation providing plausible deniability for him within the general populace. While at the same time making it clear to the West that it's a mistake to believe they know what he will and won't do. Do you have any idea how much of a gift having someone like Tucker Carlson blaming his own country is for the Kremlin? They can have their talking heads on state tv say" look even Americans admit to it."
So you don't know either and to raise the question is somehow wrong?? Nah; I am not confident that Biden won't blunder into catastrophe as he really IS that stupid!!!

I do NOT want to "believe" that Biden took out the Nord Stream pipeline, but there are several things that just don't add up. Is this Biden's "Osama" moment?? Where he takes out THE major "enemy"?? Frankly I don't "know", but hell I really am wondering. I am also wondering: who is doing the investigation??

This is NOT good.


Personally, I'm of the view that everything going on geo-politically is being orchestrated in Davos by WEF globalists.

I think we're dealing with globalist factions and I think governments and central economic entities are just their willing utilities at this point.

So many people always ask who is actually dictating the Biden adminisration's foreign, domestic and economic policies.

Well...all you really have to do is conpare the policies to what they're echoing in broad daylight back at the WEF in Davos. It's effectively a mirror image.

And Trump was right there in the mix with the WEF globalists himself.

Vee haz eenfeeltrated zee cabeenets, I think it was...
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So you don't know either and to raise the question is somehow wrong?? Nah; I am not confident that Biden won't blunder into catastrophe as he really IS that stupid!!!

The question is actively helping the Kremlin, I consider that wrong.

The answer to the question that Tucker provides also doesn't make much strategic sense. Is it possible? Perhaps, but only if you believe that the President Of the United States is willing to do something both dangerous and pointless, for unknown ends.

My theory only expects people to believe that Putin is cynical enough to use violence to achieve his ends. I believe in Occam's Razor. Maybe you should too?
Lol, this whole discussion is only fought on message boards and by people like Tucker Carlson. The countries involved are perfectly aware or at the very least strongly suspect who did it and why. International relations aren't courts of law. The only people Putin needs to convince are those in the governments of the West.

So no, Putin doesn't need to claim responsibility. In fact, by not doing so, people like Tucker Carlson are free to confuse the situation providing plausible deniability for him within the general populace. While at the same time making it clear to the West that it's a mistake to believe they know what he will and won't do. Do you have any idea how much of a gift having someone like Tucker Carlson blaming his own country is for the Kremlin? They can have their talking heads on state tv say" look even Americans admit to it."
This isn’t about Tucker. Logically your theory doesn’t work.
At the moment Putin is losing a war he started.
Did he? Or is this just the continuation of a long-standing conflict with Ukraine that Putin was further pushed into by NATO/USA's insistence in violating its compact with Russia not to expand NATO eastward?

It shows that Putin is willing to engage in violence
Really? Putin needed to prove that?

So is the idea that the US would blow up a pipeline
But the USA was just in the region recently and both Biden and his Sec. of State made clear earlier this year that they would end Nord Stream and could!

So the US blowing up those lines is both stupid and pointless. Not so for Russia.
All of that is just speculation and theory.
This isn’t about Tucker. Logically your theory doesn’t work.
Point out the problems. I've yet to see any actual logical fault pointed out by you.

The only thing you have tried is to offer objections based on I'm sorry to say a limited knowledge of the way deterrence and realpolitik work in real-time.

It is not something that is your fault. It is relatively complex.
You make my point for me.
I see. So I made your point by asking three questions which you cannot and did not answer?

What benefit would we get from doing this?
And there you go right back with another question of your own! Obviously the Bidenistas benefit, because now, not only has Biden again sated his ego of putting the screws to Putin to show what a BMOC he is, but now we get to sell more of our evil NG away to the EU, stupid.

Funny how you can't come to terms with that fact when if Trump was in office, you'd be leading the charge that Trump did it and should be impeached for environmental terrorism.

Extra funny that no one in Biden's bought and paid media has even ASKED him this question after telling the world he WAS going to do it much less denied doing it.

I guess one way of coming out denying your culpability is to be sure you don't let any of your media put you in that uncomfortable corner by being ASKED that question in the first place, then no one can prove you lied.
I see. So I made your point by asking three questions which you cannot and did not answer?

And there you go right back with another question of your own! Obviously the Bidenistas benefit, because now, not only has Biden again sated his ego of putting the screws to Putin to show what a BMOC he is, but now we get to sell more of our evil NG away to the EU, stupid.

Funny how you can't come to terms with that fact when if Trump was in office, you'd be leading the charge that Trump did it and should be impeached for environmental terrorism.
Hey moron, Russia turned off the spigot a while ago. There was no gas going through that pipe.

And oh yea… you act like a Biden owns a LNG company. He doesn’t
Hey moron, Russia turned off the spigot a while ago. There was no gas going through that pipe.
Right. I've said that. Don't you read? Further proof that Putin had nothing to gain by blowing up his own pipe when he had already accomplished the same goal a month earlier with the simple turning of a valve.

And oh yea… you act like a Biden owns a LNG company.
Biden is a fascist who controls the means and is more than happy to export our evil dirty NG to the EU to get it out of here. All major energy companies are now controlled by the Biddum Fascist Regime. In Biden's world, you don't operate in his USA or stay in operation without the blessings of his mob of thugs who control all the means of production now.
Did he? Or is this just the continuation of a long-standing conflict with Ukraine that Putin was further pushed into by NATO/USA's insistence in violating its compact with Russia not to expand NATO eastward?

Really? Putin needed to prove that?

But the USA was just in the region recently and both Biden and his Sec. of State made clear earlier this year that they would end Nord Stream and could!

All of that is just speculation and theory.
Yes, he did. On both counts. I didn't see anyone invading besides Putin.
Really? Putin needed to prove that?
Yes, Putin most definitely needed to prove that he isn't just willing to blow up stuff in Ukraine but that he's willing to blow up something in the Baltic a few miles outside Danish territorial waters and directly attack European interests. If you don't understand how that would be different I can't help you.
But the USA was just in the region recently and both Biden and his Sec. of State made clear earlier this year that they would end Nord Stream and could!
So was Russia and as for what was said and what wasn't. I suggest you look at the entire clip, you will for instance see the German Chancelor say that the reason Biden was cryptic about what they would do to stop Nordstream is that they didn't want to give Putin that information. This was the GERMAN chancelor. The same person you claim Biden just attacked in your opinion.
All of that is just speculation and theory.
Sure it is. Speculation and theory is all we have. At least my theory is coherent in how it provides an explanation for what happened.

In any event YOU asked someone to explain how Russia benefitted. You moving the goalpost when this is done is pretty pathetic.
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That makes no sense.
Russia paid for and built Nordstream, and obviously was still using it to supply Germany with gas when it was blown up.
So the only country who wanted to stop Russia and Germany from using the pipeline was the US.
And about the only country that could have found and blown up the pipeline is the US.

The reality is that Putin is vastly more moral and refrains from illegal violence than the US.
It is the US that illegally used force in China, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Angola, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc.

This might surprise you but Europe is backing Ukraine. They had already cut down on the flow of gas to Europe. The US had no reason to do so. Russia is also capaqble of blowing it up. If you think that Putin is more moral that the US, you clearly have lost your mind.
At least my theory is coherent in how it provides an explanation for what happened.

Joe is the only one who has confessed to the act. Whoops! There goes your theory.

In any event YOU asked someone to explain how Russia benifitted.
I asked someone else who ran with tail between legs. Putin already had closed the pipe off and gains nothing now by wrecking his own pipe.
Following your logic Putin would want it known he blew them up. He hasn’t claimed responsibility and as more evidence comes forth, it points to the USG.

No evidence points to the US. Treasonous traitors like you need to be deported to Russia.
Joe is the only one who has confessed to the act. Whoops! There goes your theory.

I asked someone else who ran with tail between legs. Putin already had closed the pipe off and gains nothing now by wrecking his own pipe.

He has not confessed to anything.
Hey moron, Russia turned off the spigot a while ago. There was no gas going through that pipe.

And oh yea… you act like a Biden owns a LNG company. He doesn’t
They usually own him. See Burisma where Hunter used to work or The Chinese Energy Company Hunter is now working for that Joe sold Billions of Barrels of Oil to from our Strategic Reserve.

They don't call him Quid Pro Joe for nothing and they don't call Hunter his Bag Man for no reason.

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