Tucker has been on fire tonight. He's more serious than usual, it's as if he's said "F this, I'm just gonna call it all out"

Just an observation.
Does it give you a reason to live?

Do riots, rape, and looting give you reason to live?
Not that I know of..How about yous?

I'm not a democrat.
Neither am I, so we do have something in common..

And yet you support and promote democrats 100% of the time.

Funny dat....
Just an observation.
Does it give you a reason to live?

Do riots, rape, and looting give you reason to live?
Not that I know of..How about yous?

I'm not a democrat.
Neither am I, so we do have something in common..

And yet you support and promote democrats 100% of the time.

Funny dat....
No, I don't but, thanks for trying to tell me what I do in my life. I know we are not married. And I don't watch FOX or any cable news because they suck also just like political parties.
Just an observation.

This man will be President.
If he wants to be possibly yes, I think he could definitely run the right kind of campaign. He is smoother than Trump and actually seems to believe in what he says.
I endorse his sponsors.. we gotta reward them
For staying with tucker
Yep! I think its time to buy myself and my wife a pillow from that pillow guy in Minnesota. Who else has stuck with him and told BLM and the leftist assholes to fuck off?

Imagine being so socially inept that politics rule your purchasing choices. Fucking yikes.
You're either broke, not very bright, or both.

Of course I make informed decisions on where I spend my money. You'd be a fool not to. There's a reason it's called voting with your wallet.
Just an observation.

This man will be President.
If he wants to be possibly yes, I think he could definitely run the right kind of campaign. He is smoother than Trump and actually seems to believe in what he says.
I endorse his sponsors.. we gotta reward them
For staying with tucker
Yep! I think its time to buy myself and my wife a pillow from that pillow guy in Minnesota. Who else has stuck with him and told BLM and the leftist assholes to fuck off?

Imagine being so socially inept that politics rule your purchasing choices. Fucking yikes.
You're either broke, not very bright, or both.

Of course I make informed decisions on where I spend my money. You'd be a fool not to. There's a reason it's called voting with your wallet.

Keep on truckin.
You know I actually sometimes watch Tucker Carlson, like when the neo-liberal / neo-con militarists are launching a new adventure somewhere, or after the Soleimani assassination, in the usually vain hope he might say something truthful and intelligent about the MIC. Usually he is just an abominable, but VERY CLEVER reactionary propagandist. He knows how to make the stupid mistakes of Democrats look even stupider, how to mock liberal identity politics, and wax indignant at the liberal “Establishment.” He is the most effective propagandist in the country.

Watching Fox News and Tucker regularly is dangerous for your mental health, though. One utterly mad fan here wrote this insane threatening comment, which at least seven fools gave theIr thumbs up to:

“We are on the threshold of having to eliminate virtually every fascist democrat infesting the land, and we definitely need to take out Bill Gates, all of google's board, Jack Dorcey, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, the Koch bro's, the despicable and sinister Mark Zuckerberg, and every other industry that has sold out the United States in favor of China.“
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Police department rips Tucker Carlson for "inaccurate" protest report

The police department in Fort Worth, Texas issued a statement Monday condemning Fox News host Tucker Carlson for an "absolutely inaccurate" report about its handling of recent protests. The police force said Carlson was reckless and contributed to "an environment of confusion and bitterness."

The department posted a response on its Facebook page to a Carlson segment from May 31, which alleged that Police Chief Ed Kraus had "dropped all charges" against dozens of rioters who were arrested for looting and vandalism. Carlson featured it in a segment about Republican-controlled cities that he said were "bowing" to Black Lives Matter.
You know I actually sometimes watch Tucker Carlson, like when the neo-liberal / neo-con militarists are launching a new adventure somewhere, or after the Soleimani assassination, in the usually vain hope he might say something truthful and intelligent about the MIC. Usually he is just an abominable, but VERY CLEVER reactionary propagandist. He knows how to make the stupid mistakes of Democrats look even stupider, how to mock liberal identity politics, and wax indignant at the liberal “Establishment.” He is the most effective propagandist in the country.

Watching Fox News and Tucker regularly is dangerous for your mental health, though. One utterly mad fan here wrote this insane threatening comment, which at least seven fools gave theIr thumbs up to:

“We are on the threshold of having to eliminate virtually every fascist democrat infesting the land, and we definitely need to take out Bill Gates, all of google's board, Jack Dorcey, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, the Koch bro's, the despicable and sinister Mark Zuckerberg, and every other industry that has sold out the United States in favor of China.“
Is it better to watch the inept propagandists of CNN and MSNBC?
Better? No! I want NEWS, not spin and editorializing. When I am just cooking or eating dinner I often watch Bloomberg, because it has far fewer talking head propagandists and more economic and world news. It also has short interviews with powerful men and women from around the globe. Of course one always has to listen and watch critically. Why on earth would I spend much of my precious time watching mainstream media like CNN, NBC and FOX?

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