Tucker: Inflation is proof the people in charge are reckless and stupid

They aren't reckless or stupid. The reality is they simply do not care. They don't care about america or Americans, all they care about is their own personal political and financial gain. As long as it doesn't effect them they don't give a shit.
They aren't reckless or stupid. The reality is they simply do not care. They don't care about america or Americans, all they care about is Israel their own personal or tribal political and financial gain. As long as it doesn't effect them they don't give a shit.
They aren't reckless or stupid. The reality is they simply do not care.

They are all 3. They thought they could give away tons of free money and stuff without consequence, and obviously they were wrong. And they still want to spend even more money, have you seen Biden's latest budget? But for Manchin and Sinema, inflation would be even worse than it is now.
They are all 3. They thought they could give away tons of free money and stuff without consequence, and obviously they were wrong. And they still want to spend even more money, have you seen Biden's latest budget? But for Manchin and Sinema, inflation would be even worse than it is now.
Trump started off the debacle of zero interest rates and pumping trillions of fed dollars into bad bonds...Plus, all the free shit he gave away and shutting down the federal govt.
Trump started off the debacle of zero interest rates and pumping trillions of fed dollars into bad bonds...Plus, all the free shit he gave away and shutting down the federal govt.
To verify what you typed would not make a difference. 1913 the Fiat Currency commenced. 1971 the last thread to gold by the Bretton Woods agreement was snipped. No relation to gold in the currency since 1913 though for printing only for the World Reserve Currency which was 95% of the planet after WW 2. 1960's...LBJ Great Society, Moon Program and Viet Nam War. Government growing massively since then with Bonds and other instruments used. A lot of the budget is built in and increasing more than the annual growth making the budget deficits worse as anything extra is used for expanding government. And then after all the Social programs and there are many, comes Social Security and Medicare which growing big time as the boomers retire and go from payers into payees.

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