Tucker Is Correct; The Pentagon Continues Attack On Christians

I need a Godly opinion on whether or not I should get a flu shot. I also need a Godly opinion on what stocks I should by and whether God allows me to wear jeans. Is tea allowed instead of coffee? Should I call carlson or frankie graham?
Who is your god then? You?
Who is your god then? You?

I have my own ideas as to what the Universal Creator is. Of course, there is not one person on the planet who knows for sure. It's ridiculous to allow any other person to dictate to you on this matter, as no one knows any more than the next person even if they think they do and have a title and wear fancy gear.
I have my own ideas as to what the Universal Creator is. Of course, there is not one person on the planet who knows for sure. It's ridiculous to allow any other person to dictate to you on this matter, as no one knows any more than the next person even if they think they do and have a title and wear fancy gear.
It's ridiculous that you ridicule others' beliefs to tell you the truth. Frankly your "Universal Creator" is just as a figment of your imagination as those who you ridicule who believe in God.
People who did not get vaccinated died. People who did get vaccinated have also died. It doesn't look like the vaccination does much good. It was a covid experiment in mass manipulation and worked quite well.
People who did not get vaccinated died. People who did get vaccinated have also died. It doesn't look like the vaccination does much good. It was a covid experiment in mass manipulation and worked quite well.
lots of folks died WITH covid in their systems. That does not mean they
actually died of covid.
All that I do know is that when people practices their religion, that it makes them happy. And if anyone who interferes while they are practicing it. That the congregation has the right to remove them from office that are a hindrance or a stone on the path to their happiness. And we all have the right to pursuit happiness.

And so there should be vaccine free zones or sanctuary sport arenas or establishments where people can go to that will not interfere with their religious belief.

—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —


"Fox News host Tucker Carlson made his strongest anti-vaccine false claim to date on Monday night. "The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who doesn't love Joe Biden and make them leave immediately," Carlson said.

"There is zero scientific basis for any of this," Carlson said at another point. "The fighting strength of the military is young healthy people, virtually all of them at extremely low risk of dying from COVID." Carlson did not present any evidence to back up his claims on testosterone levels, nor did he offer a working definition for "sincere Christians" and what that has to do with vaccines."

Tucker is 200% correct on this one...Vaccines reduce male testosterone levels by 876%....the fact of the matter is.....The military is for young healthy Christians....not a bunch of soycucks who bow down to big pharma and their communist vaccines.....Biden is using this vaccine to not just force true Christians to leave the military, but to essentially murder them...since we all know that upwards to a million Christians have already died from receiving the vaccine.....

Although, members of the military receives over a dozen vaccines already -- those vaccines were approved by God therefore, they are totally Christian....in fact, Christian vaccines have been mandated by the military and in use since the 1700's -- but the difference is, these were Christian vaccines, not Satanic big-pharma Communist vaccines...Any person who takes this vaccine and does not die isn't a real Christian....

When people practices their religion puts them in a happy mood. And disrupting that mood creates unhappiness.

But in unhealthy nations, religion offered an advantage, in terms of an uptick in well-being. It ends up that your life circumstances influence the presence and benefits of being religious.


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