Tucker rips news media apart in new video, announces moving his prime time show to twitter, calling it basically the last bastion of free speech


I wish Elon would create a YouTube alternative, since YouTube is so censored.

Lefty authoritarians habe ruined everything.

Agreed. Youtube is highly censored. Rumble is the alternative.

There was speculation that Tucker would launch his new show on Rumble or Twitter, and he has chosen Twitter. He and Elon will make a very powerful force.

PS: Rumble videos post just fine here at USMB. I always look for Rumble videos before going to Youtube. The one thing I have not figured out yet, is how to time-stamp a Rumble video so that it begins at a certain point.
Must be why Elon has been tweeting about the blue check money being used to pay content creators not him.
I'm sure I will see many of his videos here, especially when he sets you commies hair on fire. I have never had a twitter account or an account on any other social media and don't plan to start now.

Hey...whatever floats your boat. Hope you enjoy them. As long as he keeps driving a wedge between the GOP and blob supporters....net win for the good guys.
Hey...whatever floats your boat. Hope you enjoy them. As long as he keeps driving a wedge between the GOP and blob supporters....net win for the good guys.
Trump will not destroy your ways. Trump will not promote the destruction of other people's ways. He spoke no words of gay and others when President. Even with a more conservative supreme court.
As far as Tucker being hired by Twitter (if that is what happened--still sort of unclear it seems), good move by Musk. There is a market for his content and this will cause the subscriber base to increase which is what he wants.

We have Twitter blocked at work so it's a big win for me to not see his frumpy resting bitch face on a still from a video that I will never click on.

What is happening though is that high profile hires become the de-facto corporate spokesman for your company. And that doesn't go well for the company a lot of times. The reason Barkley and Whoopi were hired by Weight Watchers was because they were edgy and stood out from the pack. That same edgyness leads them to making comments that are not in the best interest of the company so they end up being dismissed. It will be fun to see what happens when Tucker criticizes Twitter.

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