Tucker rips news media apart in new video, announces moving his prime time show to twitter, calling it basically the last bastion of free speech

The material facts of everything is the source code of dominion's software, in particular the code in use on Election Day 2020.
No, they are not. You have no idea what those words even mean. Instead you just make shit up and assert that it is relevant. They never interviewed Obama's dogs either. Oh shit, it's a conspiracy!
No, they are not. You have no idea what those words even mean. Instead you just make shit up and assert that it is relevant. They never interviewed Obama's dogs either. Oh shit, it's a conspiracy!

Yes they are, the lawsuit was designed to avoid having to expose their code, and the Biden Judicial system went along with it.
Yes they are, the lawsuit was designed to avoid having to expose their code, and the Biden Judicial system went along with it.
More delusions.

The lawsuit was 'designed' to pursue defamation from FOX directly lying about their machines. And here is where the material facts are not in dispute even if you have no clue what that means. And fox had to pay almost a billion dollars because they were lying.

Mr. Snow died last year. There is no evidence that he was killed. No evidence that there was foul play. No evidence that his death was not natural. But, because he died I plastered all over my platform that you killed him. That you were a monster and should be reviled, ignored and financially destitute because you are a filthy murderer. When we go to court over defamation I demand that you submit to a search of your home, your car, your workplace and release all financial records because, you know, there might be evidence there when there is no evidence anywhere else. Of course you tell me to go pound sand because you do not have to give me jack shit.

But you seem to think that it should be required to give all that up because....

Yes, we know you still have no idea what you are talking about.
More delusions.

The lawsuit was 'designed' to pursue defamation from FOX directly lying about their machines. And here is where the material facts are not in dispute even if you have no clue what that means. And fox had to pay almost a billion dollars because they were lying.

Mr. Snow died last year. There is no evidence that he was killed. No evidence that there was foul play. No evidence that his death was not natural. But, because he died I plastered all over my platform that you killed him. That you were a monster and should be reviled, ignored and financially destitute because you are a filthy murderer. When we go to court over defamation I demand that you submit to a search of your home, your car, your workplace and release all financial records because, you know, there might be evidence there when there is no evidence anywhere else. Of course you tell me to go pound sand because you do not have to give me jack shit.

But you seem to think that it should be required to give all that up because....

Yes, we know you still have no idea what you are talking about.

Keep the wool over your eyes, sheep.

Keep the wool over your eyes, sheep.

I know, a 1:1 comparison directly showing you are a complete idiot and the best you can do is point and say nu uh.

It is breathtaking that the very same people feeding you this insane bullshit openly admitted they lied to your face and you go on believing it anyway. When the right falls, and at this rate they will, it will be completely the result of the morons like you in the party.
I know, a 1:1 comparison directly showing you are a complete idiot and the best you can do is point and say nu uh.

It is breathtaking that the very same people feeding you this insane bullshit openly admitted they lied to your face and you go on believing it anyway. When the right falls, and at this rate they will, it will be completely the result of the morons like you in the party.

It's all about the program, but this lawsuit slicked away from it, and they got a back door judge to prevent FOX from asking about the programming to defend themselves.
join me in this effort, join Tucker in this effort, join Megyn Kelly in this effort, and let's reclaim free speech for generations to come!

Tucker Carlson admitted during a recent interview with conservative talk show host Dave Rubin that he “sometimes lies” on his show.

The Fox News host appeared on a YouTube programme hosted by Mr Rubin on Sunday and was asked to explain why, supposedly, other TV network anchors lie.

Carlson responded: “I mean, I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie.”

He added: “I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t â I don’t like lying [but] I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.”


I enjoy investigating different points of view. What I demand from a commentator is honesty.
Tucker Carlson admitted during a recent interview with conservative talk show host Dave Rubin that he “sometimes lies” on his show.

The Fox News host appeared on a YouTube programme hosted by Mr Rubin on Sunday and was asked to explain why, supposedly, other TV network anchors lie.

Carlson responded: “I mean, I lie if I’m really cornered or something. I lie.”

He added: “I really try not to. I try never to lie on TV. I just don’t â I don’t like lying [but] I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.”


I enjoy investigating different points of view. What I demand from a commentator is honesty.
Tucker is a piece of shit, him and his followers are a big threat to this country , they sold out this country and support traitors, that actually makes them traitors themselves , I think that the death sentence should be used for traitors. These are the truest enemy of this country and it's biggest threat.
These people can never be forgotten or forgiven , for what they tried to do to this country/
Tucker is a piece of shit, him and his followers are a big threat to this country , they sold out this country and support traitors, that actually makes them traitors themselves , I think that the death sentence should be used for traitors. These are the truest enemy of this country and it's biggest threat.
I view Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump as symptoms of a problem. The problem is that most blacks have not lived up to the early hopes white liberals had for them when the civil rights movement began.

Liberals have good intentions. Unfortunately, the results of their intentions are often bad. This is currently true of sanctuary cities. The people in those cities are being over run by illegal immigrants. They do not like it,
Agreed. Youtube is highly censored. Rumble is the alternative.

There was speculation that Tucker would launch his new show on Rumble or Twitter, and he has chosen Twitter. He and Elon will make a very powerful force.

PS: Rumble videos post just fine here at USMB. I always look for Rumble videos before going to Youtube. The one thing I have not figured out yet, is how to time-stamp a Rumble video so that it begins at a certain point.
Elon..... Rumble...... Free speech.....

"I will say what I want to say, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."

Integrity is priceless.

Tucker is a piece of shit, him and his followers are a big threat to this country , they sold out this country and support traitors, that actually makes them traitors themselves , I think that the death sentence should be used for traitors. These are the truest enemy of this country and it's biggest threat.
Tucker and his followers should be killed? That would amount to at least 10 million people. We are on holocaust levels here.

And you think they are the ones that pose a threat? The irony here is amazing. Even more so when you thought making such a statement was not monumentally moronic.
Tucker and his followers should be killed? That would amount to at least 10 million people. We are on holocaust levels here.

And you think they are the ones that pose a threat? The irony here is amazing. Even more so when you thought making such a statement was not monumentally moronic.
Who in the hell said that clown boy, they should be charged with treason, they should be tried in court for treason, and they should be found guilty of treason.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason​

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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) The part that is relevant is "adheres to their enemies ,giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, THAT MEANS THE SUPPORTERS OF THE ACTION < THAT'S YOU PEOPLE ISN'T IT?
I view Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump as symptoms of a problem. The problem is that most blacks have not lived up to the early hopes white liberals had for them when the civil rights movement began.

Liberals have good intentions. Unfortunately, the results of their intentions are often bad. This is currently true of sanctuary cities. The people in those cities are being over run by illegal immigrants. They do not like it,
Who in the hell said that clown boy, they should be charged with treason, they should be tried in court for treason, and they should be found guilty of treason.

You just did, again moron. You directly stated millions of Americans should be put to death. You just restated that again. Is your brain functioning?

And you said it here:
Tucker is a piece of shit, him and his followers are a big threat to this country , they sold out this country and support traitors, that actually makes them traitors themselves , I think that the death sentence should be used for traitors. These are the truest enemy of this country and it's biggest threat.

Can you not follow your own statements, Nazi?
You just did, again moron. You directly stated millions of Americans should be put to death. You just restated that again. Is your brain functioning?

And you said it here:

Can you not follow your own statements, Nazi?
Our treason laws have the death penalty (18 U.S. Code § 2381 ), and that is for the person who is the traitor and anyone who supports them. That's you scumbag.Who's the Moron , are you saying treason shouldn't have a death penalty, Well hot rod I don't agree and 90% of this country doesn't either. , yes all you traitors and people who supported those traitors should be put to death, You people are just scum anyway.
Our treason laws have the death penalty (18 U.S. Code § 2381 ), and that is for the person who is the traitor and anyone who supports them. That's you scumbag.Who's the Moron , are you saying treason shouldn't have a death penalty, Well hot rod I don't agree and 90% of this country doesn't either. , yes all you traitors and people who supported those traitors should be put to death, You people are just scum anyway.
See, when you said 'who said that' you were clearly lying. You think that millions of Americans should be put to death.

Hitler would be impressed.
See, when you said 'who said that' you were clearly lying. You think that millions of Americans should be put to death.

Hitler would be impressed.
Because I'm agreeing with AMERICAN LAW. YOU ARE A IDIOT.
Elon..... Rumble...... Free speech.....

"I will say what I want to say, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."

Integrity is priceless.


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