Tucker: They suddenly care about borders . . . but not ours

The fact of the matter is this: We are witnessing the last gasps of the American "empire". A China/Russo alliance will dominate the 21st century. Wokeism has killed our might and our influence. Our "enemies" don't give a flying fuck anymore.
Well said and I agree. I'm concerned about our borders and couldn't give shit one about Europe. Let them take care of their own shit. Every country has an army, let them us those armies.

Our border is my concern. A million new illegals in our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions every year. Many have the Chinese virus and the walking, talking disaster is bussing flying those maggots all over the US.

That my concern. Europe can piss off for my money.
Well yeah, Tucker is a white nationalist bigot, and he adores Russians.

So naturally he is more terrified of a brown immigrant 1000 miles away looking for food and water than he is a Russian soldier looking to put a bullet in someone's brain.

Just like his target audience. It's literally the only reason anyone has ever heard of this nauseating turd.
^^ It’s interesting to see these leftwingers make excuses for the warmongers. If you are against getting involved in a war between two white ethno-national states like Russia and Ukraine….then that means you’re a racist.

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