Tucker told us Cheney was lying... mentions her motives for being against Trump

Tucker is a self professed liar. He has never raised a great point in his life.

As usual, you say stupid things while obviously not even having watched his video.

Tards like you avoid the stuff you have no answers for to protect your delicate snowflake bubble reality.

Someone else raised the great point of now what? Consider what Lez has really done:
  1. Merrick Garland must now try to criminally prosecute Trump; if he does not, the Leftist base goes ballistic and suicidal.
  2. If they prosecute Trump and win, they act as a force multiplier greatly energizing the conservative base further and Trump merely gets replaced with a Trump clone maybe like DeSantis.
  3. Merely prosecuting Trump and dragging this non-issue on TV while the nation battles with real, staggering issues like $10.00/gallon gasoline, food shortages, crime, borders and hyperinflation along with attacks on SCOTUS justices and scoffing at their protection just proves to everyone that democrats are insincere, hypocrites and utterly tone deaf to the situations they've created obsessed with Trump instead. Democrats lose badly.
  4. If Garland prosecutes Trump and loses (and based on the show trial last night, he would), Trump walks back into the WH a vindicated man.
So, you have reduced your options to:
  • Lose.
  • Lose badly.
  • Lose in disgrace.
  • Lose getting your asses stomped.
Good work, Ace.
Tucker is a self professed liar. He has never raised a great point in his life.

Carlson told conservative talk show host Dave Rubin that he lies on his show if he's "cornered." He clarified that he "doesn't like" lying, but does it "out of weakness or whatever."
Please tell us what he lied about. I know!
1) Illegal Immigration and the fact that we are being invaded
2) He’s lying about inflation; it doesn’t exist
3) Gas prices are NOT rising at almost a daily rate
4) Hunter Biden’s Drug and Sex Addition
5) Son and Father’s shady business dealings
5) He is in cognitive decline
That’s for starters

this is not the exact site I was looking for but here Tucker says she wants to be president...


I am still reading through this, but at another site I cannot now find she called the Jan 6 thing "a brutal attack"


the officer who died apparently died of some health problem

the ones who were KILLED were killed by "them" (gummit)

yeh, Cheney... why don't you talk about how brutal the attack was for Ashley Babbit
It's clear that tucker (and you) support a criminal and his crimes.
Please tell us what he lied about. I know!
1) Illegal Immigration and the fact that we are being invaded
2) He’s lying about inflation; it doesn’t exist
3) Gas prices are NOT rising at almost a daily rate
4) Hunter Biden’s Drug and Sex Addition
5) Son and Father’s shady business dealings
5) He is in cognitive decline
That’s for starters

Bidenista's are so lame, the doctor slapped their mothers' when they were born.
Because Ashli Babbit stormed the capital with a violent mob and was trying to go through a window the mob she was with busted out hoping to get to the Speaker.
sounds like a death penalty crime to me


and that's assuming you are even half ass correct, which I do not assume...

can't trust liberals...

they invented lying

this is not the exact site I was looking for but here Tucker says she wants to be president...


I am still reading through this, but at another site I cannot now find she called the Jan 6 thing "a brutal attack"


the officer who died apparently died of some health problem

the ones who were KILLED were killed by "them" (gummit)

yeh, Cheney... why don't you talk about how brutal the attack was for Ashley Babbit
What about the words of Bill Barr, the ultimate Trump lap dog. How about the words of Ivanka Trump? How about the words and body cam images of Capitol police. How about the concern of the top military brass. How about DOJ personnel and WH lawyer threatening to resign rather than back Trump because it would violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. How about 40 lawsuits trying to prove voter fraud were lost by Trump team. How about Republican secretary of states and governors refusing to comply with Trump asking them to find votes and turn the election results around in their states.

You are a bunch of lemmings who parrot anything Trump tells you.
You are traitors to your country. You are pathetic. You are disgusting. You are mindless and braindead. Other than that you are OK.
I dont understand why pols lie when it is so easily debunked.
Oh yeah, because America is full of complete dumbfucks. Thats why
yeh, Cheney seems to be one of them.... I used to like her father but then I found out some unsavory things about him... I'd have to go back to my notes and I doubt that would be a quick and easy thing but... yeh...

again, there don't seem to be many people w/ integrity in DC, of either party... I am very thankful for the ones who are doing their best.. Rand Paul comes to mind... but... The R party needs work

What about the words of Bill Barr, the ultimate Trump lap dog. How about the words of Ivanka Trump? How about the words and body cam images of Capitol police. How about the concern of the top military brass. How about DOJ personnel and WH lawyer threatening to resign rather than back Trump because it would violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. How about 40 lawsuits trying to prove voter fraud were lost by Trump team. How about Republican secretary of states and governors refusing to comply with Trump asking them to find votes and turn the election results around in their states.

You are a bunch of lemmings who parrot anything Trump tells you.
You are traitors to your country. You are pathetic. You are disgusting. You are mindless and braindead. Other than that you are OK.
The courts in the US are corrupt like damn near everything else... (to answer one of thse items)

oh wait... why am I answering you at all...? I just now see the last sentence

when people resort to egregious ad hominem and name calling, I lose all respect for them

outa here.

Have a blessed day... watchingfake news

this is not the exact site I was looking for but here Tucker says she wants to be president...


I am still reading through this, but at another site I cannot now find she called the Jan 6 thing "a brutal attack"


the officer who died apparently died of some health problem

the ones who were KILLED were killed by "them" (gummit)

yeh, Cheney... why don't you talk about how brutal the attack was for Ashley Babbit
If you tards have not yet figured out Tucker Carlson is lying to you on a daily basis, then you are brain damaged beyond all hope.
IT is painful to watch people act like complete fools, acting on there lowest base instincts. Matters not what group or political party they belong to, And why anyone would support the caveman out of control actions of any group that act like a spoiled five year old laying on the floor & kicking its feet. We need to get a grip & at least attempt to think and act like adults.
As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge[] political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. 600 W. 115th Corp. v. Von Gutfeld, 80 N.Y.2d 130, 141, 603 N.E.2d 930, 936 (1992). Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable.

Like I said, any retard who has not yet figured out Tucker Carlson lies to them is brain damaged beyond all hope.
As usual, you say stupid things while obviously not even having watched his video.

Tards like you avoid the stuff you have no answers for to protect your delicate snowflake bubble reality.

Someone else raised the great point of now what? Consider what Lez has really done:
  1. Merrick Garland must now try to criminally prosecute Trump; if he does not, the Leftist base goes ballistic and suicidal.
  2. If they prosecute Trump and win, they act as a force multiplier greatly energizing the conservative base further and Trump merely gets replaced with a Trump clone maybe like DeSantis.
  3. Merely prosecuting Trump and dragging this non-issue on TV while the nation battles with real, staggering issues like $10.00/gallon gasoline, food shortages, crime, borders and hyperinflation along with attacks on SCOTUS justices and scoffing at their protection just proves to everyone that democrats are insincere, hypocrites and utterly tone deaf to the situations they've created obsessed with Trump instead. Democrats lose badly.
  4. If Garland prosecutes Trump and loses (and based on the show trial last night, he would), Trump walks back into the WH a vindicated man.
So, you have reduced your options to:
  • Lose.
  • Lose badly.
  • Lose in disgrace.
  • Lose getting your asses stomped.
Good work, Ace.
I love this!

the dims are always losers, they just don't know it yet... too dim to know much of anything...

I hope they repent before the end comes... but sometimes I think that some people are just hopeless.. God knows..
You can be sure the Trumptards did not watch the hearing. They waited for liars like Tucker Carlson to manufacture bullshit for them to gobble down and regurgitate.

This is willful blindness by submissive cucks of the worst order.

Fox is so terrified of Liz Cheney they didn't air the hearing. They don't want the rubes to get the facts which would destroy all the hard gaslighting their propagandists at Fox have built.
As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge[] political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. 600 W. 115th Corp. v. Von Gutfeld, 80 N.Y.2d 130, 141, 603 N.E.2d 930, 936 (1992). Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable.

Like I said, any retard who has not yet figured out Tucker Carlson lies to them is brain damaged beyond all hope.
well, Fox News won their court case... so

yeh... I guess Carlson is in the category of OPINION

not news..

Gee... whoda thunk it?!

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