Tucker told us Cheney was lying... mentions her motives for being against Trump

As usual, you say stupid things while obviously not even having watched his video.

Tards like you avoid the stuff you have no answers for to protect your delicate snowflake bubble reality.

Someone else raised the great point of now what? Consider what Lez has really done:
  1. Merrick Garland must now try to criminally prosecute Trump; if he does not, the Leftist base goes ballistic and suicidal.
  2. If they prosecute Trump and win, they act as a force multiplier greatly energizing the conservative base further and Trump merely gets replaced with a Trump clone maybe like DeSantis.
  3. Merely prosecuting Trump and dragging this non-issue on TV while the nation battles with real, staggering issues like $10.00/gallon gasoline, food shortages, crime, borders and hyperinflation along with attacks on SCOTUS justices and scoffing at their protection just proves to everyone that democrats are insincere, hypocrites and utterly tone deaf to the situations they've created obsessed with Trump instead. Democrats lose badly.
  4. If Garland prosecutes Trump and loses (and based on the show trial last night, he would), Trump walks back into the WH a vindicated man.
So, you have reduced your options to:
  • Lose.
  • Lose badly.
  • Lose in disgrace.
  • Lose getting your asses stomped.
Good work, Ace.
The tards who went "ballistic" were the traitors who followed Trump's instructions to invade the Capitol.

Get your head right, son.
well, Fox News won their court case... so

yeh... I guess Carlson is in the category of OPINION

not news..

Gee... whoda thunk it?!
Yes, they won their case by admitting Carlson is a liar and that his viewers should know that going in.

So I say again, if you tards have not yet figured that out, then you are brain damaged beyond all hope.
Oh, I see. It's a known liar's OPINION that someone else is a liar. A guy who "does not state actual facts".


And you tards rush here to tell us this. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh, man. That's priceless.
We're down the rabbit hole now, folks. "Alternative facts". OPINIONS from a known liar who "does not state actual facts".

This is who the tard herd worships and parrots.


I could say pretty much the same thing about Obama, if you're asking...

I have some opinions about the failure currently occupying the office as well...

So, I've got nothing good to say about the last three occupants who took a seat in the big chair. I haven't fallen for any of their bullshit.


You, I presume, voted for and support Trump. A man who you probably used as a punchline for his ridiculous "reality" show, a man you more than likely held in some contempt for the many foolish things he said over the years... until Obama... until Trump switched party affiliation... until he started spewing the rhetoric that appealed to your heart and mind, no matter how ridiculous... you fell for it, for him. You can't quit him...

And you call me retarded...

I've been called worse things by much better people than you.
Wow. Sounds like you suffer from Trump-voter-derangement-syndrome to boot.
Wow. Sounds like you suffer from Trump-voter-derangement-syndrome to boot.
yeh, i love the way the libs go even more insane than they already are every time someone says something good about Trump

you know what that means, don't you?

We all need to pile it on saying good things about Trump...

I now envision something I saw years a go...

The Wizard of Oz... the wicked witch melting... Why do I think of that right now? hmmmmmmm... one for Freud, I reckon...



this is not the exact site I was looking for but here Tucker says she wants to be president...


I am still reading through this, but at another site I cannot now find she called the Jan 6 thing "a brutal attack"


the officer who died apparently died of some health problem

the ones who were KILLED were killed by "them" (gummit)

yeh, Cheney... why don't you talk about how brutal the attack was for Ashley Babbit

Tucker Carlson is the lying little Nazi.

You really think that what happened on Jan 6 helped his health?

Ashley Babbit got what she deserved. All the police officers should have opened fire and mowed these terrorists down.
Tucker Carlson is the lying little Nazi.

You really think that what happened on Jan 6 helped his health?

Ashley Babbit got what she deserved. All the police officers should have opened fire and mowed these terrorists down.
Yeah, it's funny. The same people who say negroes who have been shot by the police should have obeyed the officer's commands are all upset that ONE white insurrectionist was shot.

Fucking hypocritical schizos.

It's amazing there was not a bloodbath. The Capitol Police demonstrated superhuman restraint.
The majority does not believe this. More fake news.
no, it is true.

months ago 55% said the election was stolen... a majority obviously

today it is probably 70% or more...

too bad people refuse to be deceived... sorry about that.... your baby killing, America hating party can't win em all, can they? which is why they steal...

great party you have there... criminals...
Please tell us what he lied about. I know!
1) Illegal Immigration and the fact that we are being invaded
2) He’s lying about inflation; it doesn’t exist
3) Gas prices are NOT rising at almost a daily rate
4) Hunter Biden’s Drug and Sex Addition
5) Son and Father’s shady business dealings
5) He is in cognitive decline
That’s for starters

You start with 6 lies.
no, it is true.

months ago 55% said the election was stolen... a majority obviously

today it is probably 70% or more...
Nope. Not even close.

Your head is just FULL of bullshit, kid. That's what you get for eating Tucker Carlson's turds.
It is healthy to have multiple views. We have 99% Prog views on TV to one channel with a few people who are as tired of this as half the population.
Talking about “healthy multiple views” what do you think about Fox News ignoring the Jan 6th hearing?
Beam me up, Scottie

no interesting posts to be found in this desolate land... Where's the intelligent life?

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