Tucker wants fascism

Stay ignorant my friend… here’s some reading for you… check out the Art of War by Sun Tzu. It will teach you why it’s important to understand your enemies.

But let me guess… you don’t read anything coming from China, am I right?!
Dems are the ignorant ones.
Ok let’s hone in on this for a minute. Because what the Pfizer executives were admitting to was not manipulating studies and defrauding the world. They said they did not test for transmissibility. It was not a requirement to test for that under emergency authorization that Trump and Warp speed granted them.

They tested for safety and efficacy. Efficacy stands for effectiveness if you didn’t know and the vaccines ranged from 69-90% effective when they first came out.

So how exactly are you drawing the conclusion that they don’t work and in what way is this transmissibility issue important/relevant to you?

If you didn't know? I can recognize snake oil when I hear it, and have been told by their lead researcher, who WAS BANNED from big tech, and now? They are admitting it, and you STILL can't recognize it. :rolleyes:

We know the government, media, and big pharma have consistently lied and misrepresented the COVID vaccines. Hence nothing they say can be trusted. Of course, I never trusted any of them BEFORE COVID, because they've been lying and misrepresenting for decades. It’s all a big scam designed to enrich and empower a small cabal of elites.
That’s fine don’t trust anything they say. I have no problem with that. Just don’t proclaim the things they say as false unless you have proof to back it up

If you didn't know? I can recognize snake oil when I hear it, and have been told by their lead researcher, who WAS BANNED from big tech, and now? They are admitting it, and you STILL can't recognize it. :rolleyes:

Nothing in your post proves your claims of manipulation and fraud. Got anything else?
That’s fine don’t trust anything they say. I have no problem with that. Just don’t proclaim the things they say as false unless you have proof to back it up
Well I’m one of those people who believes if you lie to me over and over again, I’m never believing a word you say.
Nothing in your post proves your claims of manipulation and fraud. Got anything else?
Not to you, because you have some serious mass formation psychosis going on.

Anyone that knows how to do critical thinking? Yeah, they can put two and two together.

Exhibit A; Pfizer is a known corrupt company that has a history of illegal and corrupt dealings to defraud the public.


Exhibit B; The interlocking directorate demonized, slandered, and libeled, hundreds and hundreds of scientists and doctors all over the world, for blowing the whistle on these bogus jabs. You can't seriously believe they were all cranks, nut jobs and "conspiracy theorists." Seriously?!?

The logical parallels for folks that studied similar mass hypnosis by authoritarian regimes, that went on in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and every other place where scapegoating folks when totalitarian narratives were rolled out? IS OBVIOUS.

Hell, my family was even convinced to exclude folks that were not jabbed for a Christmas family get together. The TEE VEE and Fauci told them to do that. WHY?! Why if the jabs were never meant to stop transmission? It was a divide and rule bullshit, meant to have everyone get them. It was all based on a lie. I don't know why you will not wake up from this fraud.
That’s fine don’t trust anything they say. I have no problem with that. Just don’t proclaim the things they say as false unless you have proof to back it up

I just posted the proof that they lie, that's how this whole conversation got started again, and you posted a link to Reuters trying to convince you that they never did. You are hopeless. You can even have the establishment lie to you, say they lied to you, and then read an article, with video of them ADMITTING THAT THEY LIED TO YOU, with them saying, no, that's not us admitting that we are lying to you.

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Well I’m one of those people who believes if you lie to me over and over again, I’m never believing a word you say.
Again I’ll say it… it’s fine if you don’t blindly believe them. Be a skeptic. But that doesn’t mean everything they say is a lie. In fact if you look at all their statements only a very small fraction could be coined as lies or misleading. Even a notorious liar like Trump doesn’t lie most of the time.

So if you’re going to be calling something a lie or false then you need to back it up with something more than skepticism
Not to you, because you have some serious mass formation psychosis going on.

Anyone that knows how to do critical thinking? Yeah, they can put two and two together.

Exhibit A; Pfizer is a known corrupt company that has a history of illegal and corrupt dealings to defraud the public.

View attachment 711111

Exhibit B; The interlocking directorate demonized, slandered, and libeled, hundreds and hundreds of scientists and doctors all over the world, for blowing the whistle on these bogus jabs. You can't seriously believe they were all cranks, nut jobs and "conspiracy theorists." Seriously?!?

The logical parallels for folks that studied similar mass hypnosis by authoritarian regimes, that went on in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and every other place where scapegoating folks when totalitarian narratives were rolled out? IS OBVIOUS.

Hell, my family was even convinced to exclude folks that were not jabbed for a Christmas family get together. The TEE VEE and Fauci told them to do that. WHY?! Why if the jabs were never meant to stop transmission? It was a divide and rule bullshit, meant to have everyone get them. It was all based on a lie. I don't know why you will not wake up from this fraud.
The first article of yours I clicked on was the Stanford protest. These were doctors and residents speaking out because they weren’t given priority to take the vaccine while they were responsible for treating patients.

How does that support your point.? Seems like it supports mine
I just posted the proof that they lie, that's how this whole conversation got started again, and you posted a link to Reuters trying to convince you that they never did. You are hopeless. You can even have the establishment lie to you, say they lied to you, and then read an article, with video of them ADMITTING THAT THEY LIED TO YOU, with them saying, no, that's not us admitting that we are lying to you.

Be very specific. What do you think they lied about?

Because their testimony shows them admitting they didn’t test for transmissibility. I don’t remember hearing anything about them claiming they did that transmissibility. I remember hearing them talk about efficacy and symptoms, which are two different things.

So simply state what you think their big lie was
Again I’ll say it… it’s fine if you don’t blindly believe them. Be a skeptic. But that doesn’t mean everything they say is a lie. In fact if you look at all their statements only a very small fraction could be coined as lies or misleading. Even a notorious liar like Trump doesn’t lie most of the time.

So if you’re going to be calling something a lie or false then you need to back it up with something more than skepticism
They can’t be trusted. You shouldn’t trust them EVER.
I just posted the proof that they lie, that's how this whole conversation got started again, and you posted a link to Reuters trying to convince you that they never did. You are hopeless. You can even have the establishment lie to you, say they lied to you, and then read an article, with video of them ADMITTING THAT THEY LIED TO YOU, with them saying, no, that's not us admitting that we are lying to you.

You just avoided the topic to rant about me being a dupe for the establishment. That’s a dodge.

What are you claiming was their big lie? State it clearly… not a bunch of Twitter links or memes. Just say it. Let’s debate it.
They can’t be trusted. You shouldn’t trust them EVER.
I don’t. But that doesn’t automatically mean everything they say is a lie. If you’re going to claim it is a lie then you need to prove it. Showing a government lie from the past and saying they aren’t trustworthy is not proof of them lying about the subject at hand.
I don’t. But that doesn’t automatically mean everything they say is a lie. If you’re going to claim it is a lie then you need to prove it. Showing a government lie from the past and saying they aren’t trustworthy is not proof of them lying about the subject at hand.
I’ll tell you what, when our government and big pharma admit they lied to us, begin prosecutions of those responsible, and the vax makers are put out of business I’ll consider future statements.
I’ll tell you what, when our government and big pharma admit they lied to us, begin prosecutions of those responsible, and the vax makers are put out of business I’ll consider future statements.
Not likely. My statements are true whether you consider them or not

Why else would Carlson be in Hungary praising an authoritarian prime minister? Because he wants a fascist system in the United States with Trump as it's dictator. Trump would fit that bill completely.

Any doubts, then do a little reading on fascism, especially as it deals with the two preeminent fascists who ever existed, Hitler and Mussolini.
Trip to Hungary = fascism

Thats quite a leap. Do left wing journalists actually report any news anymore?

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