Tucson woman fighting for life after hundreds of bees attack


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A Tucson woman is fighting for her life after she was stung by hundreds of Africanized bees.

Yvonne Martinez’s family said nurses had to remove nearly 500 stingers after a swarm attacked the 65-year-old on April 30.

“There were up to 500 stingers in her,” said her husband Jerry Nassif. “She swelled up and has been intubated ever since.”

Ten days later, she’s still hospitalized and on a ventilator.

So, I've discovered a fear.
A Tucson woman is fighting for her life after she was stung by hundreds of Africanized bees.

Yvonne Martinez’s family said nurses had to remove nearly 500 stingers after a swarm attacked the 65-year-old on April 30.

“There were up to 500 stingers in her,” said her husband Jerry Nassif. “She swelled up and has been intubated ever since.”

Ten days later, she’s still hospitalized and on a ventilator.

So, I've discovered a fear.

I hate bees. Sure, the little bastards make honey and pollinate flowers but as far as I'm concerned, they can all die.

And wasps too. And fire ants. And spiders. And snakes.

Damn nature. You scary.
They are trying to throw out there a bee scare story. So that everyone will agree to have the government to destroy them so that they can bring out their safe bees that will be paid by tax dollars.
We need bees or else we die.

Africanized bees are not more toxic. You are just more likely to be attacked by the swarm if you get near their nests if she had 500 bees on a nest on her house, she let that thing go for too long. Those Asian giant hornets scare me more and I do see them every summer since buying my house. Fortunately, I am seeing them less often each year so hopefully they die off.

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