Tuesday is Coming. GO VOTE!

I'm making the point is that if you want to complain about the two party system we work under do the work at the grassroots level to supplant one of the parties.
I'm not complaining about the two party system. I'm complaining about people voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's just fucking stupid.
Or work on getting a Constitutional Amendment passed so we go towards a more Parliamentary system.
I have hope for changes like that, especially RCV. But stupid is what stupid is. If voters are so dumb that they fall for lesser-of-two-evils, they'll fuck a parliamentary system too.
If enough people did it, yes that is correct.

But too many are like you and have sold their souls to one party or the other .
Why do you suppose the “third parties” can’t sell their message to the masses? It really shouldn’t be that hard to accomplish since the problems with the duopoly are so obvious…right?
I'm not complaining about the two party system. I'm complaining about people voting for bad candidates on purpose. That's just fucking stupid.

I have hope for changes like that, especially RCV. But stupid is what stupid is. If voters are so dumb that they fall for lesser-of-two-evils, they'll fuck a parliamentary system too.

I'd rather someone I agree with mostly win than someone I disagree with entirely win.
Why do you suppose the “third parties” can’t sell their message to the masses? It really shouldn’t be that hard to accomplish since the problems with the duopoly are so obvious…right?

Because people like you have been brainwashed into thinking your beloved party is beyond reproach and the other side is 100% pure evil.
I'd rather someone I agree with mostly win than someone I disagree with entirely win.

Nothing will change until voters get over this idiocy.
Sure. It's the reality that our electorate has been conned, and they're too frightened and stupid to break out of it. Do you want to concede to that "reality", or change it?

Playing the "you are a dupe" trope isn't going to win you any points.

You want to change the system? work for it. I am OK working within the system until it can be changed.
I'm not looking to "win points". I'm pleading with voters to stop voting for bad candidates on purpose. It's destroying our nation.

So don't participate, or vote for a candidate that is doomed to lose with 0.5% of the vote?
So don't participate, or vote for a candidate that is doomed to lose with 0.5% of the vote?
Do whatever you want. Just don't vote for bad candidates on purpose. And don't try to convince others to make the same mistake.
Do whatever you want. Just don't vote for bad candidates on purpose. And don't try to convince others to make the same mistake.

I'm voting for Zeldin in the NY governor's race, is he a "bad candidate" according to you?

If things hold until then, I'm going to vote for DeSantis in the Republican Primary in 2024. Is he a "bad Candidate" according to you?
I'm voting for Zeldin in the NY governor's race, is he a "bad candidate" according to you?
Beats me. That's for you to decide. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm just asking you to rise above the lesser-of-two-evils cesspool. If you think candidates like Biden and Trump are the cream of the crop - go for it. Vote for one of them.

If, on other hand, you know they both suck, but you feel compelled to vote for the one who sucks less, because the media convinced you it's the only option - well, I'm going to laugh at you. But then I'll stop laughing, because - as ridiculous as it might be - it's not funny. It's the core conceit undermining democracy.

We can eliminate it with RCV. But if voters are too chickenshit stupid to reject Lo2E, it's unlikely they'll see the wisdom in RCV.
If things hold until then, I'm going to vote for DeSantis in the Republican Primary in 2024. Is he a "bad Candidate" according to you?
One of the worst, in my view. But again, I'm not telling you who to vote for. If you think DeSantis is good, vote for him.

But if you're just voting for him because he's not as bad as someone else, please don't. You're perpetuating (even promoting) bad candidates.
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I voted early and actually voted for a Republican for our City Council. It needs to be balanced and I hope it turns out that way.
For State Controller, again I voted for another Republican, Lanhee Chen. I believe he is fair and qualifies for the post.
I also voted for Newsom (+34). I couldn't fathom voting for Dahle. Like he has a chance, anyway.

Good luck all.
I encourage every democrat to go to the polls on WEDNESDAY and vote for the lib of their choice

And I encourage every Republican to stay home and relax. Remember, the Dems have fixed it so that you can't win. So, don't waste your time!
And I encourage every Republican to stay home and relax. Remember, the Dems have fixed it so that you can't win. So, don't waste your time!
Thats not going to happen

Repubs are motivated to vote

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