Tulsa crowd cheers as Trump successfully drinks a cup of water and throws it on the ground

And Biden thought he was in Ohio when, in actuality, he was in Iowa (and he's suffered that gaffe more than once) and Obama thought there were 59 states.

People misspeak.

I'm talking about his actual ability to convey a cogent thought. The actual mechanics of opening his mouth and speaking clearly seems to present quite a challenge to Biden...
Correction, Obama thinks there are 57 states. Thank you.
How many stories did we have from the MSM about how Trump walked down that ramp and picked up that glass of water last week? How many post and threads about it did we have here? I love how the far left keeps trying to make nothing into something in regards to Trump and then he turns it around and beats them over the head with it. They try this over and over and Trump always gets the better of them maybe some day they will learn but it doesn't seem likely.
MSM reported very little about Trumps ramp escapades. They were reporting on Trump losing in court, Bolton’s books and his sinking ratings.

What does Trump respond to?

I could have walked down the ramp but I was tired of saluting so much and I had sunburn.
He used one hand like a big boy! His supporters are so supportive of his Alzheimer’s progress.

I love how he has this stupid smirk on face afterwards like he owned the media or something stupid lol. Total cringe.
That was the best part of his whole speech, explaining how the ramp thing and the water with two hands thing happened. It was pretty entertaining and I'm sure it was 100% honest. Slippery soled leather shoes are a real thing. Ladies' high heels are famous for it. And yeah, going down a steep ramp without a railing is not a pretty thing in slippery soled shoes (he should try it with 3 inch heels, too!). I thought it was sensible for a tidy freak like him to want to keep big blots of condensation from his glass getting all over his silk tie. He was giving a speech and being video'd. Who wants big dark blotches all over your tie?

It was pretty hilarious that people started guessing he had Parkinson's. I could definitely relate to him on that. It was amusing.
And Biden thought he was in Ohio when, in actuality, he was in Iowa (and he's suffered that gaffe more than once) and Obama thought there were 59 states.

People misspeak.

I'm talking about his actual ability to convey a cogent thought. The actual mechanics of opening his mouth and speaking clearly seems to present quite a challenge to Biden...

You need to listen to more than RW misinformation. Biden gives daily briefings where he shows he understands the complexities of COVID more than our President who can’t read
You're a coward Billy. PROGS are trained to project. You're not even good at it, but you get an E for effort. You know Biden shows signs of dementia, and what's your response under your wicked ways? Trump has Alzheimer’s.

Why do you believe false validation helps you?

Biden certainly isn’t as sharp as he used to be. I’d call it old age, not dementia. Trump obviously says retarded things on a daily basis while Biden just has a gaffe here and there.
Actually, we're both wrong.

He said he'd been to 57 states "I think with one left to go".

I thought he'd said "with two to go)...

Thanks for the clarification, Clarence! (But I doubt your name IS Clarence.) MY real name IS Steve, but you CAN call me Shirley, if you'd like. Not to mention Loretta, Wendy, Jenny, Mary, OR even Wanda. But you DOESN'T have to call me Johnson.....................
MSM reported very little about Trumps ramp escapades. They were reporting on Trump losing in court, Bolton’s books and his sinking ratings.

What does Trump respond to?

I could have walked down the ramp but I was tired of saluting so much and I had sunburn.
Actually they made quite a big deal about it as the leftwingers here did Boltons book will be forgotten within a week as all these insider tell all's do no matter who the President in question is and suspect Trumps ratings will go back up as he continues with his rallies
He used one hand like a big boy! His supporters are so supportive of his Alzheimer’s progress.

I love how he has this stupid smirk on face afterwards like he owned the media or something stupid lol. Total cringe.
You are too stupid to know when Trump is mocking you. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump doesn't want 4 debates, he just claims he does? Now if that ain't some retarded liberal logic.

Clearly you don't know Donald Trump. That was posturing by fucknugget Parscale.
When push comes to shove, he'll attempt to bail cuz ... VERY unfair!
Unless of course, the moderators are from Newsmax, Breitbart, OANN or his Fox News favorites.

Biden certainly isn’t as sharp as he used to be. I’d call it old age, not dementia. Trump obviously says retarded things on a daily basis while Biden just has a gaffe here and there.
With Progs, as long as Hitler or Stalin speaks with great vigor and cross the T's and dots the I's, that makes for great leadership. We have had to much of that. Every Repub President gets the same standard Saul Alinsky derived Prog produced treatment. You can almost speak for what the Progs are going to say. The so called new people at press conferences are just swamp shills. You can see it. You can smell it. It needs to be fumigated.
Those two stories were great. They were funny, Relatable, and a bit self deprecating.

You really don’t get things like that are what make him likable.

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