Tulsa crowd cheers as Trump successfully drinks a cup of water and throws it on the ground

Yet ANOTHER 'Sigh'...............................................................................................'Sigh'...............................................................

I agree
It is sad to watch how far he has degenerated
Lets look at the evidence

Trump hasn’t spoke to his minions in three months. He had a lot of ground to cover. But he felt compelled to spend ten minutes explaining that he is capable of drinking water with one hand and why he couldn’t walk down a ramp.

I was embarrassed for him.

Dang, good thing Biden knows how to talk to you guys.

Yep, Old Kamel-Toe, herself. The Dems really ARE screwed, aren't they?

So many of the young Progs who support them are completely ignorant of history. It will be fun to see their heads explode if the fact that the Dems are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow ever penetrates their bubble.
He used one hand like a big boy! His supporters are so supportive of his Alzheimer’s progress.

I love how he has this stupid smirk on face afterwards like he owned the media or something stupid lol. Total cringe.

You're a coward Billy. PROGS are trained to project. You're not even good at it, but you get an E for effort. You know Biden shows signs of dementia, and what's your response under your wicked ways? Trump has Alzheimer’s.

Why do you believe false validation helps you?
Biden's handlers might agree to some debates but they won't allow anything but caned questions, nothing of the cuff.
They hope they can work with him long and hard enough to keep on track.
I don't think he will make it through the first one before he losses it and his handlers have to shut down the debates
Biden can't remember anything. If the debates were about staring into space and drooling, biden would win going away.

You guys keep saying that shit but can’t back it up.

You have a thin skinned, loose cannon who thinks Washington captured airports and that windmills cause cancer.

Wind him up and let him go......he will dig his own grave
How many stories did we have from the MSM about how Trump walked down that ramp and picked up that glass of water last week? How many post and threads about it did we have here? I love how the far left keeps trying to make nothing into something in regards to Trump and then he turns it around and beats them over the head with it. They try this over and over and Trump always gets the better of them maybe some day they will learn but it doesn't seem likely.
Lets look at the evidence

Trump hasn’t spoke to his minions in three months. He had a lot of ground to cover. But he felt compelled to spend ten minutes explaining that he is capable of drinking water with one hand and why he couldn’t walk down a ramp.

I was embarrassed for him.

I didn't see it, but if you have a link to that I'd like to check it out.

That notwithstanding, this isn't a comparison of the stupid stuff that Trump does to the stupid stuff that Biden does. I's a discussion of how absolutely foolish Biden comes across whenever he's speaking in public. You have to admit, the guy ain't exactly the best in front of a microphone. Hell, on IMDB (movie/tv streaming thing) there's a Biden campaign ad which plays before the show plays, and he even fucks up in that, and that can be edited! I can only believe whoever directed that said, at the end of what I'm sure was a really long shooting day, "Fuck it, that's the best he's gonna' do."

Trump is going to crush Biden in the debates, be there two of them or ten of them. Democrats will mock him for the words he uses, but Biden will expose what I believe are genuine failures of his mental and cognitive stability...
You guys keep saying that shit but can’t back it up.

You have a thin skinned, loose cannon who thinks Washington captured airports and that windmills cause cancer.

Wind him up and let him go......he will dig his own grave

All you have to do is watch retard joe talk. There are hundreds of youtube videos.
You guys keep saying that shit but can’t back it up.

You have a thin skinned, loose cannon who thinks Washington captured airports and that windmills cause cancer.

Wind him up and let him go......he will dig his own grave

And Biden thought he was in Ohio when, in actuality, he was in Iowa (and he's suffered that gaffe more than once) and Obama thought there were 59 states.

People misspeak.

I'm talking about his actual ability to convey a cogent thought. The actual mechanics of opening his mouth and speaking clearly seems to present quite a challenge to Biden...
Why do Dims support no debates between Biden and Trump?

What is the logic?

Because they're paralyzed with fear by the prospect of Biden having to actually speak clearly, intelligently and with purpose.

In all honesty, the guy is starting to remind me of my grandfather who had Alzheimer's...
So many of the young Progs who support them are completely ignorant of history. It will be fun to see their heads explode if the fact that the Dems are the party of the KKK and Jim Crow ever penetrates their bubble.

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