Tulsi Gabbard Finds A Acorn

You guys don’t know a media hound when you see it? Oh yea… you don’t…. You elected one as President in ‘16

Wrong again.
Tulsi spoke out against the "Arab Spring" stance Hillary took in supporting the toppling of all the Islamic governments in the Mideast.
A media hound would have gone along with the majority of racists who hate Islam.
Only a principled person would risk trying to stop illegal US colonialism and imperialism on ethical grounds.
Tulsi has NEVER just gone with what the populists would lap up, and instead has consistently been right on every issue.
If you want another, try gun control.
The wealthy elite are pushing federal gun control, but that is a total contradiction to a democratic republic, and against the constitution.
Old Tulsi

Bernie Sanders is about the single most conservative member of congress.
He is the strongest on a balanced budget and was one of the few to vote AGAINST the invasion of Iraq.

The fact Tulsi and Bernie get along so well is because they are both honest, about the only ones who are.
And? She still supports those things that caused her to support Sanders.

Any sane and rational person supports the socialism Bernie talks about.
Socialism is not about free stuff in order to buy votes.
Socialism is about investing in your community so there is pay back later.
Like the idea of free college tuition.
How else are we going to compete against the Chinese, who have free college tuition?
In the future, most jobs are going to require a college degree, so then who do you think is going to win, the US or Chinese?

Socialism is the realization that the profit motive is insufficient.
For example, Amtrak.
It uses a forth the energy of other means of transportation, and has far less hospitalization and death.
But like the Post Office, it can't make a profit and still go everywhere like the population needs.
You do realize that she is a gun-grabber, right?

I don't think so.
I have never heard her favor federal gun control, and has not signed any bill for gun control I know of.


Hawaii Democrat Defends Stance On Guns After Actress Questions Her Silence On Bill​

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says a $400 NRA donation from more than a decade ago had nothing to do with it.
Carla Herreria Russo
03/01/2018 09:35pm EST | Updated March 16, 2018

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is defending her stance on gun violence after actress Amber Tamblyn called her out for not co-sponsoring a bill on assault weapons.
In a tweet Wednesday, the 34-year-old actress pointed out that Gabbard’s name did not appear on the list of co-sponsors on the newly introduced Assault Weapons Ban of 2018, also known as H.R. 5087.

Tamblyn also noted that the Democrat had previously received money from a gun lobby group. Hawaii Citizens’ Rights, a political action group linked to the National Rifle Association’s Hawaii affiliate, once donated $400 to Gabbard’s campaign.

Tulsi has one of the best voting records against gun control you can find.
There are no blind squirrels on the Left dick head; Democrats understand and see exactly what is going on.

So, your idea of divisiveness is calling out criminals who try and cheat the countries citizens out of free and fair elections? The hell you say.

Hillary was spot on.

Hillary is the evil hawk who supported every single illegal war the US could ever have considered.
Like her bloody "Arab Spring" to kill Saddam, Qaddafi, Morsi, Assad, and the Ayatollah.
It is just fortunate she failed to murder most of them.
Hillary also was pushing the most evil and draconian dictatorship with her retroactive assault weapons ban proposals.
A decent person does not try to win an election with fear tactics, calling half the country evil names, when it is Hillary herself who is pushing the most harmful legislation. For example, the War on Drugs, mandated private health insurance, etc.
You do realize that she is a gun-grabber, right?
With tits like that she can grab whatever the fuck she wants.
hint: gun grabbers talk big but have no real authority. How did that AR ban work out for them in CA?
She's as socialist as AOC and Bernie Sanders.

But if you knew anything about socialism, you would know that is a very good thing.
Do you have anything against the success of Volvo for example?
Their board of directors are 75% representatives of the public or employees.
I did not know you were a socialist!

Everyone with at least half a brain is a socialist.
The profit motive is extremely inefficient.
Not only does that leave voids in services that are inherently not that profitable, but a for profit company can just decide to switch to something else at any time, move to China, or change a needed product so only the wealthy can afford it.
For example, think about how much better cars could be if they did not spend half the cost of the car on advertising?
They could either sell the cars for half as much, or make good cars instead that did not have stupid things like remote locks, computer climate control, etc.
Tulsi‘s a Socialist? Please explain.

Everyone is actually a socialist.
Do you want to charge your children for room and board, make all schooling private, allow the post office to only deliver to areas that are profitable, etc.?
Any sane and rational person supports the socialism Bernie talks about.
Socialism is not about free stuff in order to buy votes.
Socialism is about investing in your community so there is pay back later.
Like the idea of free college tuition.
How else are we going to compete against the Chinese, who have free college tuition?
In the future, most jobs are going to require a college degree, so then who do you think is going to win, the US or Chinese?

Socialism is the realization that the profit motive is insufficient.
For example, Amtrak.
It uses a forth the energy of other means of transportation, and has far less hospitalization and death.
But like the Post Office, it can't make a profit and still go everywhere like the population needs.

95% of the country supports Socialist programs, the only difference is who is the recipient of most of it.
I know its a waste of time but do you have a link to support those numbers??

Off the top of my head. I base it upon how people were quiet when Trump instituted his socialist policies so since we know the other side supports it, that doesnt leave very many people.

And it does not count to say you didn't support it but would vote for it anyway.
Off the top of my head. I base it upon how people were quiet when Trump instituted his socialist policies so since we know the other side supports it, that doesnt leave very many people.

And it does not count to say you didn't support it but would vote for it anyway.
so you lied,, got it,,
You do realize that she is a gun-grabber, right?

She would fail, like Biden is doing right now legally. They can say they are going to take your guns, but only the foolish believe that they can actually accomplish this here. You might convince New York and Commifornia to give them up, but try that shit in Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, West Virginia, etc. They can try, but it won't work.

By the way, my statement about voting for Gabbard was not a statement of intention but rather an example of how I appreciate her not being a crazy alt left democrat, and if I had to pick a democrat theoretically, I'd vote for her.
With tits like that she can grab whatever the fuck she wants.
hint: gun grabbers talk big but have no real authority. How did that AR ban work out for them in CA?

Tulsi has always spoken out against any AR bans.
She has several ARs of her own.
95% of the country supports Socialist programs, the only difference is who is the recipient of most of it.

When you have public education, then you have better workers and less crime, so everyone benefits.

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