Tulsi Gabbard wants to be...

Oh, yeah. You're the idiot who thinks Gabbard is vying for a Vice Presidency by being off putting to all the other Democratic candidates.

You guys on the right have this weird fixation on her that nobody else seems to.

This thread has you triggered doesn't it? Take a chill pill and comeback when you sober up... Maybe go to a meeting...
Oh, yeah. You're the idiot who thinks Gabbard is vying for a Vice Presidency by being off putting to all the other Democratic candidates.

You guys on the right have this weird fixation on her that nobody else seems to.

This thread has you triggered doesn't it? Take a chill pill and comeback when you sober up... Maybe go to a meeting...

Nope, not triggered but if you can't answer the question then I guess you'll just make excuses.

Why is the right so into Gabbard when there is no evidence anyone else is to any major degree?
Vice President of the United States... And she is willing to bet her career in Congress for the job...

Gabbard drops congressional race to focus on presidential

View attachment 286252
I think she wants to be POTUS, but is trying to hedge her bet.

She's crapping on the Democratic party but she's trying to get on the ticket as someone's veep? I doubt it. Or she's really fucking stupid.
No Presidential candidate with half a brain would pick her to be their VP when they know that would put her one unfortunate accident away from being President. That old, drunk poopy pants is a dangerous lady.

Why weird. People drop dead around that lady all the time, especially when it benefits her.
I've felt at her young age this has all been an exercise for experience. I'll hold on to my hope that she'll shoot for the governorship of her state which I see as a more promising route to the presidency.
Vice President of the United States... And she is willing to bet her career in Congress for the job...

Gabbard drops congressional race to focus on presidential

View attachment 286252
I think she wants to be POTUS, but is trying to hedge her bet.

She's crapping on the Democratic party but she's trying to get on the ticket as someone's veep? I doubt it. Or she's really fucking stupid.
No Presidential candidate with half a brain would pick her to be their VP when they know that would put her one unfortunate accident away from being President. That old, drunk poopy pants is a dangerous lady.

Why weird. People drop dead around that lady all the time, especially when it benefits her.

Why is the right so into Gabbard when there is no evidence anyone else is to any major degree?

Personally I am not that impressed with Gabbard and she represents the State I live in, so where you deduced I was "into" her... It was political news when she said she was not going to run for he congressional seat again... I started the thread based on that... Your assumption was wrong that I was into her and her politics... I did like the fact that she bitch-slapped Bill's wife though... That was awesome...
I've felt at her young age this has all been an exercise for experience. I'll hold on to my hope that she'll shoot for the governorship of her state which I see as a more promising route to the presidency.

Probably should be worried more about hanging onto her own seat first.

New poll shows favor for Kahele in Gabbard's district

New poll shows favor for Kahele in Gabbard's district
A new poll found that at least half of the voters in Gabbard's district would prefer someone else in her House seat.

Two out of three Democratic primary voters in Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District say U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard should give up her presidential aspirations, according to a new survey released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling.

The poll also found that at least half of the voters in Gabbard's district would prefer someone else in her House seat.

While accurate polling is notoriously difficult in Hawaii, neither of those numbers spell good news for Gabbard, someone who once was considered one of the Aloha State's most popular politicians.

According to Public Policy Polling, the survey was conducted via phone from Sept. 27-29 and included 990 Democratic voters. The margin of error is 3.1%.

Gabbard tied for third in her district among Democratic presidential contenders.

The survey found U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren led all candidates with 25% of the voter share in the district with former Vice President Joe Biden trailing with 22%. Gabbard and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders tied with 13% support among those polled.

Gabbard excelled with voters who supported Donald Trump in the 2016 election with 26% saying they would vote for her over the other Democratic candidates. The next closest was Biden with 15%.

Forty percent of Trump voters said they would prefer a candidate not included in the poll.

One of the more concerning numbers for Gabbard is that 50% of Democratic primary voters said they would prefer to vote for someone else in the upcoming CD2 election.

Although Gabbard has yet to declare whether she'll seek another term in the House should her presidential bid fail, state Sen. Kai Kahele has already announced his candidacy.

In a head-to-head primary match-up, the poll found voters still preferred Gabbard over Kahele 48% to 26% with 27% still undecided.

Although that gives Gabbard with a 22-point cushion, it does indicate that a race between her and Kahele — who's already received the endorsement of three former governors — would be tighter than any she's faced since first being elected to Congress in 2012.

Gabbard beat her last Democratic primary opponent, Sherry Alu Campagna, 76% to 11%.

Kahele told Civil Beat that his campaign was not affiliated with the Public Policy Polling survey, but that it's clear to him voters in the district want a change. More than anything, he said, they want someone who will pay attention to the needs of the district.

"The poll is reflective of what I've been hearing, feeling and experiencing throughout the second congressional district," Kahele said. "They want full-time representation."

Why is the right so into Gabbard when there is no evidence anyone else is to any major degree?

Personally I am not that impressed with Gabbard and she represents the State I live in, so where you deduced I was "into" her... It was political news when she said she was not going to run for he congressional seat again... I started the thread based on that... Your assumption was wrong that I was into her and her politics... I did like the fact that she bitch-slapped Bill's wife though... That was awesome...

I have no idea what you think of her. It's also probably best she not run for reelection as there are rumblings of discontent in her own district about her. Probably why she isn't going to run and has next to nothing to do with national politics.
I've felt at her young age this has all been an exercise for experience. I'll hold on to my hope that she'll shoot for the governorship of her state which I see as a more promising route to the presidency.

While this maybe a back up plan I don't believe it will ever work out for her... She really is not all that popular here in the Islands... The machine will not let it happen...
"Tulsi Gabbard has put her life on the line to defend this country. People can disagree on issues, but it is outrageous for anyone to suggest that Tulsi is a foreign asset." - Crazy Bernie

"Tulsi Gabbard deserves much more respect and thanks than this. She literally just got back from serving our country abroad" - Young Andrew Yang

Senator Mike Gravel: "Tulsi Gabbard has more credibility in talking about peace and proper use of the military than any other candidate literally in American history."
Just what we need. Another stupid Moon Bat. Like we don't have enough already.


So what, at least she is normal

Crater-face has no chance.

Why do you hate her?

Since the politician you cheer-lead for is a corporatist warmonger, I can only assume that you are a corporatist warmonger, who doesn't care about corruption.

Well at least we know now that you're not a true Democrat. :113:
The reason she dropped reelection to her House seat is that she is being primaried by another even further left libtard!

Please believe me when I say Hawaii is full of "even further left libtards"… It is almost mandatory to be a moonbat to be allowed in the state... I was vetted 40 years ago and they can't keep me out or throw me out... Its good to be me... :04:
Imagine calling everyone who disagrees with you a “Russian asset.” Hilarious! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣

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