Tulsi: Trump lied about being anti-war

You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


All of that came from unknown media. You don’t have any brains on your own.

Noticed you don’t have any links this time. That is why I don’t bother to read your lying post.
And you know how funny this is? All these bullshit crap............ The Republicans are going to jail. How many of Trump buddies are in jail? Stone is next. Then Guilliani.
Poor lil' tantrum-throwing snowflake.

How many Trump associates are in jail as a result of the 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' proven false conspiracy claims made by Hillary, Obama and his proven criminal organization, the Democrats, and the Leftist media?
- Let me help you out: That would be NONE!

How many Obama administration personnel, Agency Directors, Agency Deputy Directors, and Agency members have been exposed for Constitutional violations, crimes, and / or have been recommended for indictment?

Hillary was proven to have committed literally thousands of crimes as the FBI publicly declared they had recovered thousands of official subpoenaed e-mails she had tried to destroy, each one proving to be a violation of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act because she never turned them in as required by both laws.
- Each deleted e-mail represented 1 criminal count of Obstruction, 1 criminal count of Violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act, 1 criminal count of illegally destroying a classified document, 1 criminal count of illegally storing / handling classified information....those alone equal 5 criminal counts per document with the FBI reporting it had recovered over 2,000 documents. That's over 10,000 criminal counts against Hillary alone.

Comey admitted Hillary broke the law then justified his protecting her by declaring she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, falsely claiming ignorance of the law was a legitimate defense for breaking the law.

Comey admitted to illegally leaking confidential information, bragging later how the US was in jeopardy and only HE could save us all. The US IG reported Comey did leak info, that he was inept and crooked, that he and his FBI had knowingly failed to monitor / assess foreign intel sources - like Steele - to ensure they were trustworthy, were not lying, and did not have false agenda....all of which they knew to be true about Steele.

To make a long story short, the US IG has recommended for Indictment Comey, Strzok,and McCabe, has exposed the fact that Clapper / Brennan / Rosenstein / Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Clinesmith all participated in criminal activity to commit FISA Court Abuses...McCabe just apologized on national TV to committing felony perjury....Comey is under investigation for perjury, several of these clowns are going to jail, they have already pointed fingers at each other so its a race to see who turns states' evidence / agrees to rat on the others, and several of them have already stated it goes all the way back to Barry....


Do you expect me to read your LIES?
You can't read....
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

Yes the far left stayed silent and ignores to this day!

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

And the far left was silent, no anti war protests, no far left demanding reasoning, just silent!
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

Yes the far left stayed silent and ignores to this day!

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

And the far left was silent, no anti war protests, no far left demanding reasoning, just silent!

The left comprises a very small segment of the (D) constituent. As noted in the article, Obama was sued over this.

A friend of mine is holding an anti-war rally Thursday. I told him I would be there but it will hold no weight with anyone unless he was also going to call out Obama's war record. If he doesn't, I will.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.

Yes you supported the killing of Americans without due process that Obama committed. The far left was silent and Obama was the only one to do it!

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

It was the Obama administration and the far left..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights

Obama and the far left was silent.. Obama and his administration was the sole creators, while the far left set silent!
Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.

Yes you supported the killing of Americans without due process that Obama committed. The far left was silent and Obama was the only one to do it!

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

It was the Obama administration and the far left..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights

Obama and the far left was silent.. Obama and his administration was the sole creators, while the far left set silent!

I never voted for Obama. I voted Jill Stein last time. I am not a Democrat.
Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

Yes the far left stayed silent and ignores to this day!

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

And the far left was silent, no anti war protests, no far left demanding reasoning, just silent!

The left comprises a very small segment of the (D) constituent. As noted in the article, Obama was sued over this.

A friend of mine is holding an anti-war rally Thursday. I told him I would be there but it will hold no weight with anyone unless he was also going to call out Obama's war record. If he doesn't, I will.

No the left is the (D), but it just goes to show how far to the left you really are to say otherwise..

And the far left was silent!

No protests, no far left screaming, nothing!
The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.

Yes you supported the killing of Americans without due process that Obama committed. The far left was silent and Obama was the only one to do it!

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

It was the Obama administration and the far left..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights

Obama and the far left was silent.. Obama and his administration was the sole creators, while the far left set silent!

I never voted for Obama. I voted Jill Stein last time. I am not a Democrat.

Does not matter what you say, you have shown you supported the illegal wars of Obama and deny that Obama was the sole administration to get rid of due process and kill american citizens.
The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

Yes the far left stayed silent and ignores to this day!

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

And the far left was silent, no anti war protests, no far left demanding reasoning, just silent!

The left comprises a very small segment of the (D) constituent. As noted in the article, Obama was sued over this.

A friend of mine is holding an anti-war rally Thursday. I told him I would be there but it will hold no weight with anyone unless he was also going to call out Obama's war record. If he doesn't, I will.

No the left is the (D), but it just goes to show how far to the left you really are to say otherwise..

And the far left was silent!

No protests, no far left screaming, nothing!

I find it really sad that so many consider the idea of being " anti-war" as being "far left". That doesn't say much for society.
The "left" almost got him to stay out of Syria. He tried to get it approved in Congress but could not. Not that he allowed that to stop him.

To note, the "right" approved of him killing American citizens while dispensing with due process. Are you upset that the "left" supported the "right" here?

Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.

Yes you supported the killing of Americans without due process that Obama committed. The far left was silent and Obama was the only one to do it!

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

It was the Obama administration and the far left..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights

Obama and the far left was silent.. Obama and his administration was the sole creators, while the far left set silent!

I never voted for Obama. I voted Jill Stein last time. I am not a Democrat.

Does not matter what you say, you have shown you supported the illegal wars of Obama and deny that Obama was the sole administration to get rid of due process and kill american citizens.

I've long ago understood it's a waste of time to discuss anything with anyone like yourself who is unable to discuss anything honestly.
Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

Yes the far left stayed silent and ignores to this day!

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

And the far left was silent, no anti war protests, no far left demanding reasoning, just silent!

The left comprises a very small segment of the (D) constituent. As noted in the article, Obama was sued over this.

A friend of mine is holding an anti-war rally Thursday. I told him I would be there but it will hold no weight with anyone unless he was also going to call out Obama's war record. If he doesn't, I will.

No the left is the (D), but it just goes to show how far to the left you really are to say otherwise..

And the far left was silent!

No protests, no far left screaming, nothing!

I find it really sad that so many consider the idea of being " anti-war" as being "far left". That doesn't say much for society.

Yes the far left is only anti war when the person has a (R) next to their name. Otherwise they say nothing and are silent!

Just like you!
Yes Obama killed Americans without due process and you supported it!

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong point.

Yes you supported the killing of Americans without due process that Obama committed. The far left was silent and Obama was the only one to do it!

Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald

It was the Obama administration and the far left..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights

Obama and the far left was silent.. Obama and his administration was the sole creators, while the far left set silent!

I never voted for Obama. I voted Jill Stein last time. I am not a Democrat.

Does not matter what you say, you have shown you supported the illegal wars of Obama and deny that Obama was the sole administration to get rid of due process and kill american citizens.

I've long ago understood it's a waste of time to discuss anything with anyone like yourself who is unable to discuss anything honestly.

Yes it is true, that the far left will deny reality when presented to them, they want to pretend that things never happened or that the "right" made them do it!

But being far left means you can not see out side the small tiny religious dogma world that has been created for you!

The far left is not about discussion, it is about pushing the agenda!
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We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?

Russia still there after 3 years Donnie still dicking with it blaming the Ukraine saving his lover boy Putin.

Na, Russia went down the drain with the careers of allot of guys at the FBI. This is why we get the continuous screeching from y'all. If Trump has anyone to thank for his reelection it's y'all. On all forms of media y'all have driven people away from yalls side to Trump. Trump would likely have unelected himself, but the 4 year tantrum reelected him.

So you are saying that Trump is not blaming the Ukrainian saving Putin?
Are you saying Trump is lying again?

Obama allowed Putin to invade Ukraine!

Were you asleep before 2016?

I know you are in love with Obama but good for you. We are talking about Trump loving Putin not Obama. Pay attention.
And you know how funny this is? All these bullshit crap............ The Republicans are going to jail. How many of Trump buddies are in jail? Stone is next. Then Guilliani.
Poor lil' tantrum-throwing snowflake.

How many Trump associates are in jail as a result of the 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' proven false conspiracy claims made by Hillary, Obama and his proven criminal organization, the Democrats, and the Leftist media?
- Let me help you out: That would be NONE!

How many Obama administration personnel, Agency Directors, Agency Deputy Directors, and Agency members have been exposed for Constitutional violations, crimes, and / or have been recommended for indictment?

Hillary was proven to have committed literally thousands of crimes as the FBI publicly declared they had recovered thousands of official subpoenaed e-mails she had tried to destroy, each one proving to be a violation of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act because she never turned them in as required by both laws.
- Each deleted e-mail represented 1 criminal count of Obstruction, 1 criminal count of Violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act, 1 criminal count of illegally destroying a classified document, 1 criminal count of illegally storing / handling classified information....those alone equal 5 criminal counts per document with the FBI reporting it had recovered over 2,000 documents. That's over 10,000 criminal counts against Hillary alone.

Comey admitted Hillary broke the law then justified his protecting her by declaring she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, falsely claiming ignorance of the law was a legitimate defense for breaking the law.

Comey admitted to illegally leaking confidential information, bragging later how the US was in jeopardy and only HE could save us all. The US IG reported Comey did leak info, that he was inept and crooked, that he and his FBI had knowingly failed to monitor / assess foreign intel sources - like Steele - to ensure they were trustworthy, were not lying, and did not have false agenda....all of which they knew to be true about Steele.

To make a long story short, the US IG has recommended for Indictment Comey, Strzok,and McCabe, has exposed the fact that Clapper / Brennan / Rosenstein / Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Clinesmith all participated in criminal activity to commit FISA Court Abuses...McCabe just apologized on national TV to committing felony perjury....Comey is under investigation for perjury, several of these clowns are going to jail, they have already pointed fingers at each other so its a race to see who turns states' evidence / agrees to rat on the others, and several of them have already stated it goes all the way back to Barry....


Do you expect me to read your LIES?
You can't read....

The problem with your post. Are lies catered to protect Russian interests. I suspect either you are a Russian or American paid by Russian to spread lies..

Look at your links that you used. Those are nobody from unknown media to fit your propaganda..
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Anwar al-Awlaki - Wikipedia

al-Awlaki's family was begging for a trial. Yes, we can try someone in absentia. We did it with Ira Einhorn.

Ira Einhorn - Wikipedia

If need be it could have been a military trial. At least the "proof" would have been on record even if not immediately available. The administration refused. And then we had..........

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

This article does also note that not everyone supported all of this and that Obama is not the only guilty party but since so few condemned (and still refuses to condemn him) there isn't much they can say about Trump.

To me it was an impeachable offense.

If these Americans choose to join the dark sides with the terrorist and live as terrorist.
I don’t have a problem killing them. I don’t have a problem supporting Obama.
The problem with your post. Are lies catered to protect Russian interests.
Hey lil' snowflake, the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' BS died a horrendous death with the WEISMANN-Mueller Report - which confirmed no collusion between Trump or anyone on his team ever occurred - and the pathetic Congressional appearance by Mueller regarding the report.

The false narrative / coup attempt was exposed, and snowflakes like you keep reminding us that you nut jobs refuse to accept reality, such as Hillary's defeat in 2016 or the fact that the only ones who ever colluded with Russians were Barry, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, and Steele.

Thanks for proving talking to you is, as always, a complete waste of time.

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