Tulsi: Trump lied about being anti-war

Rig 2020 election? You are talking about Trump again.

Why wouldn't Iran want to rig the 2020 election in favor of Bite Me?

They would be back on Easy Street and get their "Deal" back

You have any proof Iran will hack the election or you are trying to save your comrade Putin?

I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?

Russia still there after 3 years Donnie still dicking with it blaming the Ukraine saving his lover boy Putin.
We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...WITHOUT REDACTION.


...and the great thing is the conspirators have left a trail leading right back to Barry (thank you for the texts, Strzok) ... the Asst Director of the CIA stated Barry made every decision for the CIA, to even include what furniture they bought...and former NSA Director said during an interview that he was not sure why HE, Brennan, Comey, and others were being investigated ' they 'JUST DID WHAT OBAMA ORDERED THEM TO DO'!

Your BS has been debunked a thousand times over, the WEISMANN-Mueller report proved just the opposite of what you are claiming, and Schiff and Nadler's circus still prove the Democrats have no crime, no evidence, no witnesses...and are the only ones going to jail when all is said and done.

Calling the Mullahs, apologizing for the US taking out their terrorist leader, and pledging their support to them instead of the US / this President is NOT going to go over well at election time, either.
Last edited:
Odd, you can claim I never served. Odd, you can demean Tulsi who did serve..
If you ever served you did so without honor, discipline, respect...

Tulsi brags how she was in Iraq - again, so what? Not everyone was in harm's way. He'll, I probably know a COOK who saw more combat than her. Tulsi also says what she would do when she gets into the WH but she should also remember few plans survive 1st contact...if she saw action. And undermining a Commander and Chief is a great tactic if you want to join the ranks of self-serving career politicians but truly honorable soldiers / vets wouldn't do it. She has embraced the dark side of the a Democrat party, demonstrating her belief in attacking and destroying others rather than selling people on yourself.

The fact that she wants to lead that nest of seditious treasonous voters in that party, that she wants to be one of them is unimpressive....

And her cop-out 'present' vote BS was political cowardice.

'Lead, follow, or GTF Out of the Way'.
- She could have led by voting against Impeachment. She could have followed the other lemmings. She chose to duck her head down and GTF Out of the way, allowing her later to tell different crowds she was for it or was against it as needed.

Unimpressed. Sorry you are offended by that snow flake.

Either you are ignorant or just plain lying again. Tulsi served as medic. Isn’t it?
We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...

Where this came from? From your lying opinion or from lying unknown media?
We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...WITHOUT REDACTION.


...and the great thing is the conspirators have left a trail leading right back to Barry (thank you for the texts, Strzok) ... the Asst Director of the CIA stated Barry made every decision for the CIA, to even include what furniture they bought...and former NSA Director said during an interview that he was not sure why HE, Brennan, Comey, and others were being investigated ' they 'JUST DID WHAT OBAMA ORDERED THEM TO DO'!

Your BS has been debunked a thousand times over, the WEISMANN-Mueller report proved just the opposite of what you are claiming, and Schiff and Nadler's circus still prove the Democrats have no crime, no evidence, no witnesses...and are the only ones going to jail when all is said and done.

Calling the Mullahs, apologizing for the US taking out their terrorist leader, and pledging their support to them instead of the US / this President is NOT going to go over well at election time, either.

And yes we have 100% evidence Putin rape our democracy. Evidence was presented to this lousy president from his own intelligence agencies that he hired.
Then Russian loving traitors like you doesn’t believe that except you believe Putin.
Mueller never exonerate Trump they just could not indict a sitting president. That’s a fact.
We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...WITHOUT REDACTION.


...and the great thing is the conspirators have left a trail leading right back to Barry (thank you for the texts, Strzok) ... the Asst Director of the CIA stated Barry made every decision for the CIA, to even include what furniture they bought...and former NSA Director said during an interview that he was not sure why HE, Brennan, Comey, and others were being investigated ' they 'JUST DID WHAT OBAMA ORDERED THEM TO DO'!

Your BS has been debunked a thousand times over, the WEISMANN-Mueller report proved just the opposite of what you are claiming, and Schiff and Nadler's circus still prove the Democrats have no crime, no evidence, no witnesses...and are the only ones going to jail when all is said and done.

Calling the Mullahs, apologizing for the US taking out their terrorist leader, and pledging their support to them instead of the US / this President is NOT going to go over well at election time, either.

And you know how funny this is? All these bullshit crap............ The Republicans are going to jail. How many of Trump buddies are in jail? Stone is next. Then Guilliani.
We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...WITHOUT REDACTION.


...and the great thing is the conspirators have left a trail leading right back to Barry (thank you for the texts, Strzok) ... the Asst Director of the CIA stated Barry made every decision for the CIA, to even include what furniture they bought...and former NSA Director said during an interview that he was not sure why HE, Brennan, Comey, and others were being investigated ' they 'JUST DID WHAT OBAMA ORDERED THEM TO DO'!

Your BS has been debunked a thousand times over, the WEISMANN-Mueller report proved just the opposite of what you are claiming, and Schiff and Nadler's circus still prove the Democrats have no crime, no evidence, no witnesses...and are the only ones going to jail when all is said and done.

Calling the Mullahs, apologizing for the US taking out their terrorist leader, and pledging their support to them instead of the US / this President is NOT going to go over well at election time, either.

These came from unknown lying media Trump supporter that you promotes.

You are just scared to post the link because you know I will trashed it.
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...

These came from unknown lying media Trump supporter that you promotes.
Then you should have no problem providing evidence to unquestionably disprove / debunk the information that is driving you so insane....we're all waiting.
Why wouldn't Iran want to rig the 2020 election in favor of Bite Me?

They would be back on Easy Street and get their "Deal" back

You have any proof Iran will hack the election or you are trying to save your comrade Putin?

I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?

Russia still there after 3 years Donnie still dicking with it blaming the Ukraine saving his lover boy Putin.

Na, Russia went down the drain with the careers of allot of guys at the FBI. This is why we get the continuous screeching from y'all. If Trump has anyone to thank for his reelection it's y'all. On all forms of media y'all have driven people away from yalls side to Trump. Trump would likely have unelected himself, but the 4 year tantrum reelected him.
And you know how funny this is? All these bullshit crap............ The Republicans are going to jail. How many of Trump buddies are in jail? Stone is next. Then Guilliani.
Poor lil' tantrum-throwing snowflake.

How many Trump associates are in jail as a result of the 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' proven false conspiracy claims made by Hillary, Obama and his proven criminal organization, the Democrats, and the Leftist media?
- Let me help you out: That would be NONE!

How many Obama administration personnel, Agency Directors, Agency Deputy Directors, and Agency members have been exposed for Constitutional violations, crimes, and / or have been recommended for indictment?

Hillary was proven to have committed literally thousands of crimes as the FBI publicly declared they had recovered thousands of official subpoenaed e-mails she had tried to destroy, each one proving to be a violation of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act because she never turned them in as required by both laws.
- Each deleted e-mail represented 1 criminal count of Obstruction, 1 criminal count of Violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act, 1 criminal count of illegally destroying a classified document, 1 criminal count of illegally storing / handling classified information....those alone equal 5 criminal counts per document with the FBI reporting it had recovered over 2,000 documents. That's over 10,000 criminal counts against Hillary alone.

Comey admitted Hillary broke the law then justified his protecting her by declaring she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, falsely claiming ignorance of the law was a legitimate defense for breaking the law.

Comey admitted to illegally leaking confidential information, bragging later how the US was in jeopardy and only HE could save us all. The US IG reported Comey did leak info, that he was inept and crooked, that he and his FBI had knowingly failed to monitor / assess foreign intel sources - like Steele - to ensure they were trustworthy, were not lying, and did not have false agenda....all of which they knew to be true about Steele.

To make a long story short, the US IG has recommended for Indictment Comey, Strzok,and McCabe, has exposed the fact that Clapper / Brennan / Rosenstein / Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Clinesmith all participated in criminal activity to commit FISA Court Abuses...McCabe just apologized on national TV to committing felony perjury....Comey is under investigation for perjury, several of these clowns are going to jail, they have already pointed fingers at each other so its a race to see who turns states' evidence / agrees to rat on the others, and several of them have already stated it goes all the way back to Barry....

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump.

What would that' evidence' be, snowflake, and whydidn't you / Schiff / Nadler present THAT evidence instead of Schiff resorting to attempting to submit his own personally-authored fictional account of a phone call as 'evidence'.

Is this same '100% evidence' of Trump-connected Russian interference be the same non-existing BS Schiff claimed to have for 2+ years, only to admit he lied?

You are right, we do have evidence of Russian interference and a President's complicity in it....except that the President guilty of such action is not Trump but instead Barry!

In 2012, as the entire world has seen, Barry quietly told Medvedev to pass onto Vlad that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election. 2 years later (2014), after being re-elected, Barry gave Russia uranium, Crimea, and 2 years of un-challenged attempts to hack into our power grid, of Counter-Intelligence operations using social media that resulted in snowflakes just like you conned into organizing and even marching for them, and 2 years of meddling in our politics. I posted the link to the NY Times article several times in which Barry's own administration people admitted they never did enough to stop the Russians, that hey 'choked'.

The 'Russian Collusion Delusion' was no THAT crazy 0 after all, it DID happen. It was just that the Democrats projected what they did themselves onto Trump and his team. (The tactic of accusing others of what hey have done / are doing is a favorite of the Democrats - and snowflakes.) It was HILLARY Clinton - the proven criminal Barry and his administration protected from going to prison so she could stay in the race and win so she could protected his 'legacy'- who colluded with foreigners and the Russians, paying a Trump-hating, anti-American agenda-driven foreign spy for the delivery of Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda that Hillary and Barry would both attempt to use to further alter the 2016 election in Hillary's favor.

The US IG has already proven that Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others were involved in the conspiracy that illegally used foreign agents KNOWN to be liars and have alternate agendas and the KNOWN false information they pushed to illegally commit FISA Court Abuses, lying to the Court, withholding information from the Court...even he FISA Court has come out to slam Barry's FBI and gave them a deadline to publicly release EVERYTHING - every document related to their criminal FISA Court requests as well as the requests themselves...WITHOUT REDACTION.


...and the great thing is the conspirators have left a trail leading right back to Barry (thank you for the texts, Strzok) ... the Asst Director of the CIA stated Barry made every decision for the CIA, to even include what furniture they bought...and former NSA Director said during an interview that he was not sure why HE, Brennan, Comey, and others were being investigated ' they 'JUST DID WHAT OBAMA ORDERED THEM TO DO'!

Your BS has been debunked a thousand times over, the WEISMANN-Mueller report proved just the opposite of what you are claiming, and Schiff and Nadler's circus still prove the Democrats have no crime, no evidence, no witnesses...and are the only ones going to jail when all is said and done.

Calling the Mullahs, apologizing for the US taking out their terrorist leader, and pledging their support to them instead of the US / this President is NOT going to go over well at election time, either.

And yes we have 100% evidence Putin rape our democracy. Evidence was presented to this lousy president from his own intelligence agencies that he hired.
Then Russian loving traitors like you doesn’t believe that except you believe Putin.
Mueller never exonerate Trump they just could not indict a sitting president. That’s a fact.
It's simply impossible to take seriously anyone who still parrots the Russian collusion garbage.
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.
These came from unknown lying media Trump supporter that you promotes.
Then you should have no problem providing evidence to unquestionably disprove / debunk the information that is driving you so insane....we're all waiting.

I did all the time you posted that came from unknown media catered to your lies. I blast you all the time spreading lies in support of your ignorance and stupidity. AND LIES. Supporting Putin an American traitor like you and Trump.
And you know how funny this is? All these bullshit crap............ The Republicans are going to jail. How many of Trump buddies are in jail? Stone is next. Then Guilliani.
Poor lil' tantrum-throwing snowflake.

How many Trump associates are in jail as a result of the 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' proven false conspiracy claims made by Hillary, Obama and his proven criminal organization, the Democrats, and the Leftist media?
- Let me help you out: That would be NONE!

How many Obama administration personnel, Agency Directors, Agency Deputy Directors, and Agency members have been exposed for Constitutional violations, crimes, and / or have been recommended for indictment?

Hillary was proven to have committed literally thousands of crimes as the FBI publicly declared they had recovered thousands of official subpoenaed e-mails she had tried to destroy, each one proving to be a violation of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act because she never turned them in as required by both laws.
- Each deleted e-mail represented 1 criminal count of Obstruction, 1 criminal count of Violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act, 1 criminal count of illegally destroying a classified document, 1 criminal count of illegally storing / handling classified information....those alone equal 5 criminal counts per document with the FBI reporting it had recovered over 2,000 documents. That's over 10,000 criminal counts against Hillary alone.

Comey admitted Hillary broke the law then justified his protecting her by declaring she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, falsely claiming ignorance of the law was a legitimate defense for breaking the law.

Comey admitted to illegally leaking confidential information, bragging later how the US was in jeopardy and only HE could save us all. The US IG reported Comey did leak info, that he was inept and crooked, that he and his FBI had knowingly failed to monitor / assess foreign intel sources - like Steele - to ensure they were trustworthy, were not lying, and did not have false agenda....all of which they knew to be true about Steele.

To make a long story short, the US IG has recommended for Indictment Comey, Strzok,and McCabe, has exposed the fact that Clapper / Brennan / Rosenstein / Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Clinesmith all participated in criminal activity to commit FISA Court Abuses...McCabe just apologized on national TV to committing felony perjury....Comey is under investigation for perjury, several of these clowns are going to jail, they have already pointed fingers at each other so its a race to see who turns states' evidence / agrees to rat on the others, and several of them have already stated it goes all the way back to Barry....


Do you expect me to read your LIES?
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.
You have any proof Iran will hack the election or you are trying to save your comrade Putin?

I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?

Russia still there after 3 years Donnie still dicking with it blaming the Ukraine saving his lover boy Putin.

Na, Russia went down the drain with the careers of allot of guys at the FBI. This is why we get the continuous screeching from y'all. If Trump has anyone to thank for his reelection it's y'all. On all forms of media y'all have driven people away from yalls side to Trump. Trump would likely have unelected himself, but the 4 year tantrum reelected him.

So you are saying that Trump is not blaming the Ukrainian saving Putin?
Are you saying Trump is lying again?
You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.
I accept your 'surrender'. You are regurgitating the same false claims and self-projections already perpetrated by your fellow snowflakes on this board 100 times....a day...every time based on their whiny-assed OPIION and unsubstantiated claims.

You admit I posted a link, an article, information...substantiated facts that gnaws at your gut and drives you snowflakes insane because you CAN NOT provide anything to disprove what the article says. You have yet to post your 1st. You can always tell when a snowflake can't disprove a fact presented - they always 1) attack the source because they can not disprove what is being reported, and 2) have a TDS-suffering, emotional breakdown and ruthlessly, incoherently, and insanely engage in personal attacks ... like you did:

1) This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporte from no where to prove 2) your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

You FAILED to disprove the substance of what was reported. 'NUH-UH' and attacking me does not do so, lil' emotional, fragile snowflake. Your claiming that my posts are lies - while failing miserably to disprove anything stated or provided - and calling me worthless does nothing but prove you are a fragile, easily-offended, easily emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, mentally unstable, incompetent snowflake who can not disprove the fact that drove you 'off the edge' and forced you to irrationally attack me.

Every time you snowflakes attack me and call me a liar, you do so in the same exact way, proving you are triggered snowflakes still running from reality - like the results of the 2016 election - as if they were shadows and you are children afraid of the dark in your rooms....yet even more afraid of the light.

Poor lil' snowflakes....you are going to have to suffer like this for 5 more years...


Surender? Very funny. LMAO.

I don’t even read your long post because I know you are a big time liar and a waste of my time. I only read the first few sentences.

The far left supported the illegal wars of Obama. Obama kills Americans without due process and they said nothing.

Can you explain that? Killing Americans without due process. Cause you loss me.

Thank you for showing that you supported the illegal wars and the killing of Americans without due process!
I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?

Russia still there after 3 years Donnie still dicking with it blaming the Ukraine saving his lover boy Putin.

Na, Russia went down the drain with the careers of allot of guys at the FBI. This is why we get the continuous screeching from y'all. If Trump has anyone to thank for his reelection it's y'all. On all forms of media y'all have driven people away from yalls side to Trump. Trump would likely have unelected himself, but the 4 year tantrum reelected him.

So you are saying that Trump is not blaming the Ukrainian saving Putin?
Are you saying Trump is lying again?

Obama allowed Putin to invade Ukraine!

Were you asleep before 2016?

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