Tulsi: Trump lied about being anti-war

How many leftists enlisted to protest Trump pulling troops out of Syria?

Hint: Zero.

I fully supported it. Trump could only live up to his words if "leftists" supported him? Really?
No. You said conservatives don't support the wars they want.

So I asked if leftists enlisted to support the war they wanted. And they did want it, because they opposed Trump ending it.

Get it now?

Many did and they are idiots. It's only too bad that Trump didn't really mean it.
No, no leftists enlisted because Trump threatened to end the war in Syria. That's asinine.

But it did reveal the left is not anti-war at all.

Democrats are not. You can look to the support Sanders has to see what the left thinks. I read an article today that it's pissing Obama off also.

Screw him.
The left doesn't think at all. You all operate solely on emotion.

You all hate Trump so bad, you're siding with a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy that kills people for homosexuality and for dissenting against the government.

You don't think. At all.
I fully supported it. Trump could only live up to his words if "leftists" supported him? Really?
No. You said conservatives don't support the wars they want.

So I asked if leftists enlisted to support the war they wanted. And they did want it, because they opposed Trump ending it.

Get it now?

Many did and they are idiots. It's only too bad that Trump didn't really mean it.
No, no leftists enlisted because Trump threatened to end the war in Syria. That's asinine.

But it did reveal the left is not anti-war at all.

Democrats are not. You can look to the support Sanders has to see what the left thinks. I read an article today that it's pissing Obama off also.

Screw him.
The left doesn't think at all. You all operate solely on emotion.

You all hate Trump so bad, you're siding with a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy that kills people for homosexuality and for dissenting against the government.

You don't think. At all.

My position on Trump is no different than my position on Obama or Bush.

All deserve to rot in hell for what they have done.
I don't support Trump escalating things. He isn't the one doing the escalation. He is responding to events as they occur. And doing a reasonable job at it too.

He said the Iraq war was stupid to start with. He ran on ending it. He said more than once he was. If he had been a man of his word, this doesn't happen.

your assertion about our building military bases in other countries is absurd. We have built them in the support and aide of many countries.

We have never done that. We build them in an attempt to control other countries.

We freed Iraq from a pretty horrible dictator who was spending billions on terrorism around the globe.

Billions I tell you, billions. Lol.

If they wish to be ungrateful, that is their prerogative, but we don't have to leave the means by which they defend themselves.

By all means, leave and leave them at the mercy of Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

Oh, and I would also destroy their refining capability and continue to destroy it unless they agree to pay us back for our costs.

So you would have a fit like a spoiled 5 year old? That helps explain your support of Trump.
An attack on an embassy is an attack on the owning nation's soil.

And yes, that applies even to America.

Suleimani's forces attacked American soil. You don't have to accept this simple, basic fact. Your refusal to acknowledge it changes nothing.

It just makes you look stupid.

After slaughtering tens of thousands of their women, children, neighbors and friends they have every right to run us off.
When did we slaughter tens of thousands of Iranians?

Oh, that's right -- never.

You and your bullshit are dismissed. Dumbass.

Iraq....stay on topic. The embassy is in Iraq.
The embassy is. The attackers were Iranian.

It is clear that public opinion has turned against Iran-backed militias in Iraq — especially since the beginning of anti-government protests Oct. 1 in which militias close to Iran are accused of being involved in the death of protesters and the abduction of a large number of them.

Their conduct during the violent anti-US protests only served to raise more criticism against them, as they raised their militia flags and put Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei photos on their chests. One could barely see Iraq flags. Their slogans were also mostly about Iran, like “Qasem Soleimani is our leader” and “US out out, Iran remain free.”

The last slogan was very controversial in comparison with the slogans during anti-government protests, one of which was “Iran out out, Iraq remains free." This has presented them as loyal militias to Iran with no sympathy for Iraq or Iraqis.
Iraqis don't like the Iranian militias. Perhaps you should stop talking about subjects of which you're profoundly ignorant.
No. You said conservatives don't support the wars they want.

So I asked if leftists enlisted to support the war they wanted. And they did want it, because they opposed Trump ending it.

Get it now?

Many did and they are idiots. It's only too bad that Trump didn't really mean it.
No, no leftists enlisted because Trump threatened to end the war in Syria. That's asinine.

But it did reveal the left is not anti-war at all.

Democrats are not. You can look to the support Sanders has to see what the left thinks. I read an article today that it's pissing Obama off also.

Screw him.
The left doesn't think at all. You all operate solely on emotion.

You all hate Trump so bad, you're siding with a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy that kills people for homosexuality and for dissenting against the government.

You don't think. At all.

My position on Trump is no different than my position on Obama or Bush.

All deserve to rot in hell for what they have done.
An emotional response. Gasp.
He said the Iraq war was stupid to start with. He ran on ending it. He said more than once he was. If he had been a man of his word, this doesn't happen.

We have never done that. We build them in an attempt to control other countries.

Billions I tell you, billions. Lol.

So you would have a fit like a spoiled 5 year old? That helps explain your support of Trump.
An attack on an embassy is an attack on the owning nation's soil.

And yes, that applies even to America.

Suleimani's forces attacked American soil. You don't have to accept this simple, basic fact. Your refusal to acknowledge it changes nothing.

It just makes you look stupid.

After slaughtering tens of thousands of their women, children, neighbors and friends they have every right to run us off.
When did we slaughter tens of thousands of Iranians?

Oh, that's right -- never.

You and your bullshit are dismissed. Dumbass.

Iraq....stay on topic. The embassy is in Iraq.
The embassy is. The attackers were Iranian.

It is clear that public opinion has turned against Iran-backed militias in Iraq — especially since the beginning of anti-government protests Oct. 1 in which militias close to Iran are accused of being involved in the death of protesters and the abduction of a large number of them.

Their conduct during the violent anti-US protests only served to raise more criticism against them, as they raised their militia flags and put Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei photos on their chests. One could barely see Iraq flags. Their slogans were also mostly about Iran, like “Qasem Soleimani is our leader” and “US out out, Iran remain free.”

The last slogan was very controversial in comparison with the slogans during anti-government protests, one of which was “Iran out out, Iraq remains free." This has presented them as loyal militias to Iran with no sympathy for Iraq or Iraqis.
Iraqis don't like the Iranian militias. Perhaps you should stop talking about subjects of which you're profoundly ignorant.

That's between Iraq and Iran. Almost 20 years. Why?
Many did and they are idiots. It's only too bad that Trump didn't really mean it.
No, no leftists enlisted because Trump threatened to end the war in Syria. That's asinine.

But it did reveal the left is not anti-war at all.

Democrats are not. You can look to the support Sanders has to see what the left thinks. I read an article today that it's pissing Obama off also.

Screw him.
The left doesn't think at all. You all operate solely on emotion.

You all hate Trump so bad, you're siding with a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy that kills people for homosexuality and for dissenting against the government.

You don't think. At all.

My position on Trump is no different than my position on Obama or Bush.

All deserve to rot in hell for what they have done.
An emotional response. Gasp.

Imagine that. I have emotions. I guess not having any is how others are able to sleep at night.

Isn't a lack of emotions a clinical trait of a psychopath?
Even she (whom conservatives love) says it:

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter
Gabbard is an ignorant bit@h. A good leader can oppose war and yet still do what he must to protect his country. If she is saying she would not have taken this evil monster out after he has murdered so many and was planning more there is no way I want her as my President.

In the military we also have I'd I was in charge' Paton-wannabes who proved once they got in positions of authority they knew nothing and were worthless.

Her big claim was she was in Iraq. So the F* WHAT. I served with great troops and shitty troops. Which one was she? So far she has shown me she can undermine her Commander and Chief....
Even she (whom conservatives love) says it:

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter
Gabbard is an ignorant bit@h. A good leader can oppose war and yet still do what he must to protect his country. If she is saying she would not have taken this evil monster out after he has murdered so many and was planning more there is no way I want her as my President.

In the military we also have I'd I was in charge' Paton-wannabes who proved once they got in positions of authority they knew nothing and were worthless.

Her big claim was she was in Iraq. So the F* WHAT. I served with great troops and shitty troops. Which one was she? So far she has shown me she can undermine her Commander and Chief....

You never served.
An attack on an embassy is an attack on the owning nation's soil.

And yes, that applies even to America.

Suleimani's forces attacked American soil. You don't have to accept this simple, basic fact. Your refusal to acknowledge it changes nothing.

It just makes you look stupid.

After slaughtering tens of thousands of their women, children, neighbors and friends they have every right to run us off.
When did we slaughter tens of thousands of Iranians?

Oh, that's right -- never.

You and your bullshit are dismissed. Dumbass.

Iraq....stay on topic. The embassy is in Iraq.
The embassy is. The attackers were Iranian.

It is clear that public opinion has turned against Iran-backed militias in Iraq — especially since the beginning of anti-government protests Oct. 1 in which militias close to Iran are accused of being involved in the death of protesters and the abduction of a large number of them.

Their conduct during the violent anti-US protests only served to raise more criticism against them, as they raised their militia flags and put Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei photos on their chests. One could barely see Iraq flags. Their slogans were also mostly about Iran, like “Qasem Soleimani is our leader” and “US out out, Iran remain free.”

The last slogan was very controversial in comparison with the slogans during anti-government protests, one of which was “Iran out out, Iraq remains free." This has presented them as loyal militias to Iran with no sympathy for Iraq or Iraqis.
Iraqis don't like the Iranian militias. Perhaps you should stop talking about subjects of which you're profoundly ignorant.

That's between Iraq and Iran. Almost 20 years. Why?
Our embassy. Our soil.

If you ignore this fact any harder, you'll hurt yourself.
No, no leftists enlisted because Trump threatened to end the war in Syria. That's asinine.

But it did reveal the left is not anti-war at all.

Democrats are not. You can look to the support Sanders has to see what the left thinks. I read an article today that it's pissing Obama off also.

Screw him.
The left doesn't think at all. You all operate solely on emotion.

You all hate Trump so bad, you're siding with a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy that kills people for homosexuality and for dissenting against the government.

You don't think. At all.

My position on Trump is no different than my position on Obama or Bush.

All deserve to rot in hell for what they have done.
An emotional response. Gasp.

Imagine that. I have emotions. I guess not having any is how others are able to sleep at night.

Isn't a lack of emotions a clinical trait of a psychopath?
Oh, I have emotions. But they don't rule my life.

You ought to give that a try sometime.
Even she (whom conservatives love) says it:

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter
Gabbard is an ignorant bit@h. A good leader can oppose war and yet still do what he must to protect his country. If she is saying she would not have taken this evil monster out after he has murdered so many and was planning more there is no way I want her as my President.

In the military we also have I'd I was in charge' Paton-wannabes who proved once they got in positions of authority they knew nothing and were worthless.

Her big claim was she was in Iraq. So the F* WHAT. I served with great troops and shitty troops. Which one was she? So far she has shown me she can undermine her Commander and Chief....

You never served.
Screeching NUH UH is not a credible rebuttal.
You never served.
F* You, troll!

Over 20 years in active duty. Spent approx 270+ days a year away from home last 5 years throughout the ME in some of the most god-forsaken places you will never see in conditions you can't even imagine.

Spent another 11 - going on 12 years now - serving my country as a civilian. Approx 185+ days a year 1st overseas during the 1st 5 years. Helped train every commander who went fwd to run the Iraq war, put them on a plane the day after training, & took them to Iraq.

Still serving my country - given a lifetime to it, something you don't / didn't have the balls or love of country to do.

Don't ever insult someone's service who was brave enough to do what you were / are not, snowflake.
You never served.
F* You, troll!

Over 20 years in active duty. Spent approx 270+ days a year away from home last 5 years throughout the ME in some of the most god-forsaken places you will never see in conditions you can't even imagine.

Spent another 11 - going on 12 years now - serving my country as a civilian. Approx 185+ days a year 1st overseas during the 1st 5 years. Helped train every commander who went fwd to run the Iraq war, put them on a plane the day after training, & took them to Iraq.

Still serving my country - given a lifetime to it, something you don't / didn't have the balls or love of country to do.

Don't ever insult someone's service who was brave enough to do what you were / are not, snowflake.

Odd, you can claim I never served. Odd, you can demean Tulsi who did serve.

Odd, you can claim I never served. Odd, you can demean Tulsi who did serve..
If you ever served you did so without honor, discipline, respect...

Tulsi brags how she was in Iraq - again, so what? Not everyone was in harm's way. He'll, I probably know a COOK who saw more combat than her. Tulsi also says what she would do when she gets into the WH but she should also remember few plans survive 1st contact...if she saw action. And undermining a Commander and Chief is a great tactic if you want to join the ranks of self-serving career politicians but truly honorable soldiers / vets wouldn't do it. She has embraced the dark side of the a Democrat party, demonstrating her belief in attacking and destroying others rather than selling people on yourself.

The fact that she wants to lead that nest of seditious treasonous voters in that party, that she wants to be one of them is unimpressive....

And her cop-out 'present' vote BS was political cowardice.

'Lead, follow, or GTF Out of the Way'.
- She could have led by voting against Impeachment. She could have followed the other lemmings. She chose to duck her head down and GTF Out of the way, allowing her later to tell different crowds she was for it or was against it as needed.

Unimpressed. Sorry you are offended by that snow flake.
Odd, you can claim I never served. Odd, you can demean Tulsi who did serve..
If you ever served you did so without honor, discipline, respect...

Tulsi brags how she was in Iraq - again, so what? Not everyone was in harm's way. He'll, I probably know a COOK who saw more combat than her. Tulsi also says what she would do when she gets into the WH but she should also remember few plans survive 1st contact...if she saw action. And undermining a Commander and Chief is a great tactic if you want to join the ranks of self-serving career politicians but truly honorable soldiers / vets wouldn't do it. She has embraced the dark side of the a Democrat party, demonstrating her belief in attacking and destroying others rather than selling people on yourself.

The fact that she wants to lead that nest of seditious treasonous voters in that party, that she wants to be one of them is unimpressive....

And her cop-out 'present' vote BS was political cowardice.

'Lead, follow, or GTF Out of the Way'.
- She could have led by voting against Impeachment. She could have followed the other lemmings. She chose to duck her head down and GTF Out of the way, allowing her later to tell different crowds she was for it or was against it as needed.

Unimpressed. Sorry you are offended by that snow flake.

She was working as a medic. No one who served "honorably" would demean someone for that.

Well Trump is very stupid in the first place to even created this situation.

We have a high hope Biden will win so this country don’t have to put up with all these garbages created by this piece of shit corrupted president.

Trump is very dangerous to our democracy and this country.

What do you think will happen? Do you agree that Iran will do the cost-effective thing and collude with Sleepy Joe to rig the 2020 election

Rig 2020 election? You are talking about Trump again.

Why wouldn't Iran want to rig the 2020 election in favor of Bite Me?

They would be back on Easy Street and get their "Deal" back

You have any proof Iran will hack the election or you are trying to save your comrade Putin?

I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.
Amen, Just another Trump promise broken.

Not really. I have yet to hear of the 82nd dropping into the capital of Iran. Trump did exactly as he said he would. We have drones because there isn't people flying them. So no one can get shot down. Only a haji from a third world shit hole got killed. You sad about that?
What do you think will happen? Do you agree that Iran will do the cost-effective thing and collude with Sleepy Joe to rig the 2020 election

Rig 2020 election? You are talking about Trump again.

Why wouldn't Iran want to rig the 2020 election in favor of Bite Me?

They would be back on Easy Street and get their "Deal" back

You have any proof Iran will hack the election or you are trying to save your comrade Putin?

I'm just saying that rigging the election is a lot less expensive than fighting a war. And I don't think the Iranian Mullahs would have any moral problem at all with fixing the count, do you?

This is why President Trump needs to get FISA warrants on Biden to keep an eye on him. See if he can be stung by phony Iranians trying to sell him dirt on Trump.

We have a 100% evidence that Putin rape our democracy supporting Trump. Yet you are blaming everyone else with .zero evidence.
Why would Biden get involved with corruption? when Donnie is a known corrupted president.

Lol, you are 15 outrages behind. Russia died when Muller crapped his pants on national TV. What ever happened to that Russia matter anyway? Where is it now?
Funny how all the "conservatives" are rooting on wars but not willing to step up and fund them.
Funny in what way? Or do you seem to think that being a Republican equates to being a Conservative?

My view has always been: Go in, break everything. Go home.

But don't bother paying for it. Hypocrite.
Paying for what? They attacked us.

Nobody attacked us.
2019–20 attack on the United States embassy in Baghdad - Wikipedia

I was just wondering if you read your own link.
I was just wondering if you knew why suddenly they attacked the US embassy that never been attacked before.

Or you are just pretending to be dumb.
You never served.
F* You, troll!

Over 20 years in active duty. Spent approx 270+ days a year away from home last 5 years throughout the ME in some of the most god-forsaken places you will never see in conditions you can't even imagine.

Spent another 11 - going on 12 years now - serving my country as a civilian. Approx 185+ days a year 1st overseas during the 1st 5 years. Helped train every commander who went fwd to run the Iraq war, put them on a plane the day after training, & took them to Iraq.

Still serving my country - given a lifetime to it, something you don't / didn't have the balls or love of country to do.

Don't ever insult someone's service who was brave enough to do what you were / are not, snowflake.

You served in the military? With all the lies you posted BULLSHIT. You are a big time liar.

This is the problem when you post enforced by unknown media Trump supporter from no where to proved your lying post makes your other post meaningless and worthless.

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