Tulsi: Trump lied about being anti-war

Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada can go FUCK themselves. In what way have they ever been FOR US when we needed them?

After awhile it gets old. You expect them to get involved in never ending wars?

Europe has a lot more interest in stability in the Middle East than does America. We're energy self sufficient, they ain't.

It is the US destabilizing things.

Now, if they want to be crippled financially and unable to drive any place because of discord in the ME, they need to take more responsibility.

Nobody was having any oil issues before we started destabilizing things.
Remind me again...who attacked whose embassy?

At this point I couldn't say.
Of course not.
America's responsibility for the cluster-luv that the Middle East has become must not be forgotten. The 1953 Iran coup, the illegal Iraq invasion, the support of numerous repressive régimes, etc., all eliminate any possibility of feeling 'holier than thou' towards any other country. Promoting the story that Iran irrationally hates the U.S. is pure propaganda.
This was a targeted strike, not a "war". Yet.

Politicians, politicos and partisans are required to go full drama queen whenever they sense advantage.

Gawd, I'm sick of hyperbolic political rhetoric.

I suppose Al Queda could have called 9-11 a targeted strike also.
Well, I'm on America's side. I'm a little biased.

IMO to be on the American side you argue to bring our troops home and mind our own business like the founders intended.
Yes, that's what I would like to see. It's their sand, and they can have it.

I'm just not going to equate us with Iran or Al Queda.
They attacked US soil, shitforbrains.
You're clearly missing my point, Einstein.

Maybe calm down and read it again.
Tulsi is right

Trump turned his back on negotiating w/ Iran , the rest of the participant countries did not

Trump did so as a campaign promise

The flipside of negotiation is war

So here's my TDS for today, if you voted for Trump, you voted in a war president

By the time you vote for him Nov '20 , he'd d*mn well better have more of a plan than he has now

So if Trump doesn't go to war. All of you are still going to complain.

no had he kept his word (see below) I would not complain.

“However, unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct. You cannot have a foreign policy without diplomacy. A superpower understands that caution and restraint are really truly signs of strength. Although not in government service, I was totally against the war in Iraq, very proudly, saying for many years that it would destabilize the Middle East. Sadly, I was correct, and the biggest beneficiary has been has been Iran, who is systematically taking over Iraq and gaining access to their very rich oil reserves, something it has wanted to do for decades.”
Read Trump's 'America First' Foreign Policy Speech

“You cannot have a foreign policy without diplomacy. A superpower understands that caution and restraint are really truly signs of strength

So by TrumpO’s own measure he has proven himself weak vs Iran.
What war?
The one your moron is starting

It hasn't started yet?

I repeat

what war?
If you're not smart enough to see what's coming down the road I won't enlighten you But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

On whom do we hang the deaths of the 600 or so that asshole killed?
It started when we invaded Iraq on a pack of lies. We have been putting out fires ever since.
What war?
The one your moron is starting

It hasn't started yet?

I repeat

what war?
If you're not smart enough to see what's coming down the road I won't enlighten you But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

On whom do we hang the deaths of the 600 or so that asshole killed?
It started when we invaded Iraq on a pack of lies. We have been putting out fires ever since.

Soleimani/Iran was on our side in Afghanistan and Ambassador Crocker in Kabul in 2002 prior to the invasion of Iraq, when Crocker had Soleimani near committed to a reset with the US - when Bush ruined it with his Axis of Evil speech during the SOTU speech overnight.

Soleimani was enraged and Three Months later Bush kicked UN inspectors out and invaded Iraq.

it appears TrumpO’s Lying REPUBLICAN PARTY is most responsible for every single death in Iraq since 2003.

as TrumpO says the invasion destabilized that region of the world.

let’s never forget.
What war?
The one your moron is starting

It hasn't started yet?

I repeat

what war?
If you're not smart enough to see what's coming down the road I won't enlighten you But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

On whom do we hang the deaths of the 600 or so that asshole killed?
It started when we invaded Iraq on a pack of lies. We have been putting out fires ever since.
The lies related to the murder of the General are evident.

It is claimed he was involved in killing hundreds of US troops. The evidence for is thin. Secondly, it is claimed he was planning an attack on US interests. Also, no evidence for this.

I read the general flew to Baghdad from Syria on a commercial flight. He went there to pay respects to the Iraqi soldiers the Empire had massacred. If true, this doesn’t sound like a man on a military mission or one who feared the Empire would cowardly assassinate him.
Is it any wonder Americans are uninformed? Their media is totally compromised by the War Machine.

“It amazing how CNN goes from 24/7 "you can't believe anything you hear from the Trump administration" to unquestioning presentation of their propaganda the minute they drop bombs on brown people.“
What war?
The one your moron is starting
So if we don't go to war are you going to support Trump on this? Yes or no now?

We don’t need to go to war or even escalate a delicate situations in the first place. But because of idiot Trump we are in this predicament.

Just curious how the timing of this crisis created by Trump to his impeachment trial? Why NOW? Iranians travels to Iraq regularly. Why not just let the Israel do the killing instead of us?

If we go to war with Iran. The whole Middle East will become hell. I can assure you that. World wide economy will be impacted big time because of Trump.
Iraq will also kick us out of Iraq by force.

No we don’t support any war.

If we don’t go to war. Still will not support an idiot Putin lover corrupted president. Like most Americans.
They tried to take our embassy in Iraq. They got what they deserved.
What war?
The one your moron is starting

It hasn't started yet?

I repeat

what war?
If you're not smart enough to see what's coming down the road I won't enlighten you But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

On whom do we hang the deaths of the 600 or so that asshole killed?

Good question. An answer so easy even TrumpO got it until a couple days ago.

In case you missed the answer, here it is again:

Soleimani/Iran was on our side in Afghanistan and Ambassador Crocker in Kabul in 2002 prior to the invasion of Iraq, when Crocker had Soleimani near committed to a reset with the US - when Bush ruined it with his Axis of Evil speech during the SOTU speech overnight.

Soleimani was enraged and Three Months later Bush kicked UN inspectors out and invaded Iraq.

it appears TrumpO’s Lying REPUBLICAN PARTY is most responsible for every single death in Iraq since 2003.

as TrumpO says the invasion destabilized that region of the world.

let’s never forget.
What war?
The one your moron is starting
So if we don't go to war are you going to support Trump on this? Yes or no now?
If this doesn't bring on a killing spree by Iran YES ,,,There is no question this murderer is better off dead but at what cost remains to be seen Already all states are on alert
We could wipe Iran off of the planet without going to war or any troops on the ground. Like I said earlier, if Iran retaliates. Take out one of their nuclear reactors and tell them to chill out or we will take them out.

I’m very really disappointed a long timer like you and you are this ignorant.

It took several months to take out weakling Iraq with freely you can just bomb anywhere and barely no anti aircraft.
Iran is not a weakling like Iraq.
You dropped one bomb in Iran you can kiss Saudi goodbye with US soldiers in there and so is Israel.
Don’t forget who are supporting Iran and where they got their weapons like missiles.
I thought Obama stopped their nuclear program by sending them billions of dollars.
What war?
The one your moron is starting
So if we don't go to war are you going to support Trump on this? Yes or no now?

We don’t need to go to war or even escalate a delicate situations in the first place. But because of idiot Trump we are in this predicament.

Just curious how the timing of this crisis created by Trump to his impeachment trial? Why NOW? Iranians travels to Iraq regularly. Why not just let the Israel do the killing instead of us?

If we go to war with Iran. The whole Middle East will become hell. I can assure you that. World wide economy will be impacted big time because of Trump.
Iraq will also kick us out of Iraq by force.

No we don’t support any war.

If we don’t go to war. Still will not support an idiot Putin lover corrupted president. Like most Americans.
They tried to take our embassy in Iraq. They got what they deserved.
Yeah they did But what now What lies will trump tell now to start a war?GWB thought it unwise to get this guy Obama and Israel too thought the means weren't worth the ends Only your AH in the WH did
What war?
The one your moron is starting

It hasn't started yet?

I repeat

what war?
If you're not smart enough to see what's coming down the road I won't enlighten you But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

But every death now of an American by Iraquis can be hung around trumps neck

On whom do we hang the deaths of the 600 or so that asshole killed?

Good question. An answer so easy even TrumpO got it until a couple days ago.

In case you missed the answer, here it is again:

Soleimani/Iran was on our side in Afghanistan and Ambassador Crocker in Kabul in 2002 prior to the invasion of Iraq, when Crocker had Soleimani near committed to a reset with the US - when Bush ruined it with his Axis of Evil speech during the SOTU speech overnight.

Soleimani was enraged and Three Months later Bush kicked UN inspectors out and invaded Iraq.

it appears TrumpO’s Lying REPUBLICAN PARTY is most responsible for every single death in Iraq since 2003.

as TrumpO says the invasion destabilized that region of the world.

let’s never forget.

let’s never forget.

Lets not forget the 52 Americans they kept for 444 days the last time they took over an embassy.

But, it's all Bush/Trumps fault.


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