Tulsi's gone... She endorses Biden

Tulsi endorsing Mr Magoo won't make a bit of difference against the Trump 2020 election landslide that is going to sweep the nation!! ... :cool:

But, a reminder that there is only one kind of Democrat.

And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors.

"And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party."

What that proves, you dolt, is that there is no necessity to vote for skin color.

After all....which group is the most successful in America, highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest interaction with police.....every metric you can think of for success.

You, on the other hand, keep voting for the party of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.....and they get your vote by making one single word banned.
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

You really must be a moron.

If you take away people from India, you would have nothing. I think that you overstate the success of asians here and I've shown you that. And your last paragraph shows how ignorant you are. You don't know all that much about the republican party, but one thing you don't seem to understand is the current party and what it stands for.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote


Real Median Household Income by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1967 to 2012 - Rural Migration News | Migration Dialogue

Don't fret....just keep voting the way you do.....you dunce.

You say that is if Conservatives don't hold office.
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And your wet dream is done boys. Tulsi is out. She is not running third party. She won't be on trumps ticket. She won't be endorsing Bernie. She has endorsed Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out of Presidential Race

She never had a chance...not enough ‘hate American culture’, ‘hate whitey’, ‘hate the wealthy’, ‘free shit for degenerates’, ‘faggots are cool’, ‘choose your gender’, ‘decriminalize everything’, ‘drugs are cool’... bullshit in her campaign.
R.I.P Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi endorsing Mr Magoo won't make a bit of difference against the Trump 2020 election landslide that is going to sweep the nation!! ... :cool:

But, a reminder that there is only one kind of Democrat.

And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors.

"And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party."

What that proves, you dolt, is that there is no necessity to vote for skin color.

After all....which group is the most successful in America, highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest interaction with police.....every metric you can think of for success.

You, on the other hand, keep voting for the party of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.....and they get your vote by making one single word banned.
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

You really must be a moron.

If you take away people from India, you would have nothing. I think that you overstate the success of asians here and I've shown you that. And your last paragraph shows how ignorant you are. You don't know all that much about the republican party, but one thing you don't seem to understand is the current party and what it stands for.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote


Real Median Household Income by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1967 to 2012 - Rural Migration News | Migration Dialogue

Don't fret....just keep voting the way you do.....you dunce.

LOL! Your chart misses a lot iof things and that's to be expected from you because all of your posts are disingenuous crap.

According to a National Academy of Science's analysis of census data, Asian-Americans have a 12.3 percent poverty rate. That compares to 9.8 percent for non-Hispanic whites.

Asian-Americans: Smart, High-Incomes And ... Poor?
Tulsi is definitely porkable but outside of that she is nothing more than the typical bat shit crazy Moon Bat.
And your wet dream is done boys. Tulsi is out. She is not running third party. She won't be on trumps ticket. She won't be endorsing Bernie. She has endorsed Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out of Presidential Race

She never had a chance...not enough ‘hate American culture’, ‘hate whitey’, ‘hate the wealthy’, ‘free shit for degenerates’, ‘faggots are cool’, ‘choose your gender’, ‘decriminalize everything’, ‘drugs are cool’... bullshit in her campaign.
R.I.P Tulsi Gabbard

When people like you, the dredges of our society, started supporting her, she was done. Tulsi is a person of color.
And your wet dream is done boys. Tulsi is out. She is not running third party. She won't be on trumps ticket. She won't be endorsing Bernie. She has endorsed Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out of Presidential Race

She never had a chance...not enough ‘hate American culture’, ‘hate whitey’, ‘hate the wealthy’, ‘free shit for degenerates’, ‘faggots are cool’, ‘choose your gender’, ‘decriminalize everything’, ‘drugs are cool’... bullshit in her campaign.
R.I.P Tulsi Gabbard

When people like you, the dredges of our society, started supporting her, she was done. Tulsi is a person of color.

True...and the party of free shit, filth and foreigners has showed you they believe “people of color” aren’t capable leaders.

Nobody “like me” EVER supported her filthy ass.
The only faction she garnered were those too embarrassed to fully embrace LefTardism...those only slightly LefTarded.
Endorsed Biden? well i just lost what little respect I held for her....she has been on the same stage with uncle Joe....how could she bring herself to endorse that poor old eccentric at best man?....doesn't she care about America and the American people?....maybe Hillary was right...maybe she is a Russian agent.....
And your wet dream is done boys. Tulsi is out. She is not running third party. She won't be on trumps ticket. She won't be endorsing Bernie. She has endorsed Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out of Presidential Race

She never had a chance...not enough ‘hate American culture’, ‘hate whitey’, ‘hate the wealthy’, ‘free shit for degenerates’, ‘faggots are cool’, ‘choose your gender’, ‘decriminalize everything’, ‘drugs are cool’... bullshit in her campaign.
R.I.P Tulsi Gabbard

When people like you, the dredges of our society, started supporting her, she was done. Tulsi is a person of color.

True...and the party of free shit, filth and foreigners has showed you they believe “people of color” aren’t capable leaders.

Nobody “like me” EVER supported her filthy ass.
The only faction she garnered were those too embarrassed to fully embrace LefTardism...those only slightly LefTarded.

That party must be the republican party because the democratic party nominated and helped elected a black president for 2 terms.
Anything to help Plugs get the nomination is good by me. I can't wait to binge watch Trump destroying that incoherent fuckwit.


Your boy trump slurs his words every day and you call Biden incoherent? Biden is going to destroy trump in the debates. trump has no clue about public policy and making up nicknames is not going to win a debate.
Anything to help Plugs get the nomination is good by me. I can't wait to binge watch Trump destroying that incoherent fuckwit.


Your boy trump slurs his words every day and you call Biden incoherent? Biden is going to destroy trump in the debates. trump has no clue about public policy and making up nicknames is not going to win a debate.

The stupid is strong in this one.
Anything to help Plugs get the nomination is good by me. I can't wait to binge watch Trump destroying that incoherent fuckwit.


Your boy trump slurs his words every day and you call Biden incoherent? Biden is going to destroy trump in the debates. trump has no clue about public policy and making up nicknames is not going to win a debate.
Donnie will have Sniffy Joe in a fetal position sucking his thumb. Mark my words.
She’s dead to me now.
meh. . . I had always suspected she was an agent. . now she has only confirmed what I had always suspected.
I never suspected it. Apparently there aren’t any honest politicians.
She was in the military.

And she is a politician.

It was always a possibility that she was working with Military counter intelligence.

I had made up my mind about here at this point. . .

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs
Podcast: Oliver Vargas on US Election Meddling In Bolivia and the Country's Indigenous Uprising

I had always even reserved some suspicions of Ron Paul till a saw a video of a candid, off the record video of him talking to a constituent about the banksters when he wasn't aware that he was being recorded. . .
She’s dead to me now.
meh. . . I had always suspected she was an agent. . now she has only confirmed what I had always suspected.
I never suspected it. Apparently there aren’t any honest politicians.
She was in the military.

And she is a politician.

It was always a possibility that she was working with Military counter intelligence.

I had made up my mind about here at this point. . .

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs
Podcast: Oliver Vargas on US Election Meddling In Bolivia and the Country's Indigenous Uprising

I had always even reserved some suspicions of Ron Paul till a saw a video of a candid, off the record video of him talking to a constituent about the banksters when he wasn't aware that he was being recorded. . .

Yes we must be suspicious of them all, since the default position is corrupt lying statist warmongering corporate fuck faces.
Sanders mobilises the working-class electorate more than Biden. It is true that the latter attracts a considerable share of the Black vote, an inheritance of the Obama-Biden ticket. But Sanders mobilises the vast majority of the Latino vote and crushes Biden amongst the 18-29 years age group, as he does in the 30-44 years group.

i'm still fightin to make Sanders president my friends, i'm still fightin'! LET'S GIVE BERNIE A FIGHTING CHANCE!


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