Tulsi's gone... She endorses Biden

Tulsi the DemonRat was always a fraud.

I said that since day one. In every single post about her I said she was a fraud.....or words to that effect

And now, by her endorsing Biden all my opinions about her are proven correct.

How much they paid you Tulsi?

oh well,,,that's corruption for you

trump is corrupt. You on the right thought Tulsi was one of you. But she never was. You guys ruined her campaign, never giving her a chance to really be heard.
Nah … she has integrity which separated her from the pack of Dem 2020 jackals but her idiotology is strictly leftarded.

If you are a republican, you know nothing about integrity given what you support.
Tulsi the DemonRat was always a fraud.

I said that since day one. In every single post about her I said she was a fraud.....or words to that effect

And now, by her endorsing Biden all my opinions about her are proven correct.

How much they paid you Tulsi?

oh well,,,that's corruption for you

trump is corrupt. You on the right thought Tulsi was one of you. But she never was. You guys ruined her campaign, never giving her a chance to really be heard.
Nah … she has integrity which separated her from the pack of Dem 2020 jackals but her idiotology is strictly leftarded.

Lets agree to disagree here.

IMO she does not have any integrity.

She is just another cheap sellout....like the rest of the Rats.

So what's new when we talk DemonRat character? they are all scum

And you support a man who has lied more than 16,000 times.
Tulsi the DemonRat was always a fraud.

I said that since day one. In every single post about her I said she was a fraud.....or words to that effect

And now, by her endorsing Biden all my opinions about her are proven correct.

How much they paid you Tulsi?

oh well,,,that's corruption for you

trump is corrupt. You on the right thought Tulsi was one of you. But she never was. You guys ruined her campaign, never giving her a chance to really be heard.
Nah … she has integrity which separated her from the pack of Dem 2020 jackals but her idiotology is strictly leftarded.

Lets agree to disagree here.

IMO she does not have any integrity.

She is just another cheap sellout....like the rest of the Rats.

So what's new when we talk DemonRat character? they are all scum
She impressed me when she declined to run for reelection to the House late last year in order to focus on her presidential campaign and has often publicly banged heads with the Dem establishment.

She didn't bang heads with any establishment. She lost because her positions were idiotic and because people like many here supported her, thereby ruining her campaign. On top of that she had no clue.
If Tulsi can endorse a corrupt, a senile, a Chinese owned moron like Biden....then she clearly is a sellout like the rest of the DemonRats.


i see that the only reason she is a democrat is to pretend to be a democrat knowing she will be elected in Hawaii, right? hey, what an easy way to afford to live in Hawaii...just like when Charlie Crisp pretended to be whatever party would elect him to any office in Florida so he could afford to live in some $500,000 home in Florida.


Did you mean Demonrat Charlie Crist?
I don't know what goes on inside Tulsi's mind, if she has her own version of integrity or if she is just an opportunist fraud.

But nobody yet mentioned Tulsi was a unique voice speaking strongly against U.S. military adventures all over the world. For that alone I appreciated her, even as I appreciated Trump denouncing "endless wars in the Middle East" -- though I always knew he was a narcissistic conman.

Hillary denounced Tulsi as a Russian agent. Republican and Democratic Party gurus did not know exactly what to make of her and some even thought she might run as an independent. Now she has chosen her side, probably holding her nose as many of us must do when we choose our "lesser evil." Trump fanatics of course now call her just another "Demoncrat." I never liked Tulsi's strange mix of positions, but respected her courage in vehemently denouncing what I consider consistent and bi-partisan American imperialism. Tulsi might just call it militarist stupidity. The only other candidate who spoke as vehemently on this subject was Bernie Sanders.

There was once a strong Republican voice against overseas adventures and unnecessary entanglements. What happened to it? How did we become an empire involved in imperialist adventures all over the world, rather than a democratic republic that leads through example and uses its power carefully and only when really necessary?
Tulsi Gabbard was the biggest bust since the Packers picked that cracker Tony Madarich
She was no bust, she just wasn't ready to be president. Then her campaign got fucked up by right wing support. She's 38, so she needs more seasoning and more time in congress.
She also threw fellow Democrats under the bus.
And your wet dream is done boys. Tulsi is out. She is not running third party. She won't be on trumps ticket. She won't be endorsing Bernie. She has endorsed Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race, endorses Biden

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Out of Presidential Race
Who are you talking to?

What 3rd party? The Unknown Party?

Gabbard and her dozen supporters won't be noticed.

She's a Democrat. She does what she's told. So what?
Tulsi endorsing Mr Magoo won't make a bit of difference against the Trump 2020 election landslide that is going to sweep the nation!! ... :cool:

But, a reminder that there is only one kind of Democrat.

And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors.

"And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party."

What that proves, you dolt, is that there is no necessity to vote for skin color.

After all....which group is the most successful in America, highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest interaction with police.....every metric you can think of for success.

You, on the other hand, keep voting for the party of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.....and they get your vote by making one single word banned.
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

You really must be a moron.
The question is.....When is Bernie going to drop out?

Time to put his ego aside so we can stop the primaries
No need for people to go out.
Tulsi endorsing Mr Magoo won't make a bit of difference against the Trump 2020 election landslide that is going to sweep the nation!! ... :cool:

But, a reminder that there is only one kind of Democrat.

And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors.

"And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party."

What that proves, you dolt, is that there is no necessity to vote for skin color.

After all....which group is the most successful in America, highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest interaction with police.....every metric you can think of for success.

You, on the other hand, keep voting for the party of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.....and they get your vote by making one single word banned.
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

You really must be a moron.

The white conservatives preaching to you about being colorblind are playing you. That's why Asians are getting beat up and sprayed with Lysol here in America. If color or race doesn't matter and we are all Americans, then Asians in America don't get attacked for a flu supposedly found in china.don'

If you take away people from India, you would have nothing. I think that you overstate the success of asians here and I've shown you that. And your last paragraph shows how ignorant you are. You don't know all that much about the republican party, but one thing you don't seem to understand is the current party and what it stands for.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote

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Tulsi endorsing Mr Magoo won't make a bit of difference against the Trump 2020 election landslide that is going to sweep the nation!! ... :cool:

But, a reminder that there is only one kind of Democrat.

And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors.

"And that's why 75 percent of all Asians are democrats. That's why there has never been an Asian running for president in the republican party."

What that proves, you dolt, is that there is no necessity to vote for skin color.

After all....which group is the most successful in America, highest income, highest educational attainment, lowest interaction with police.....every metric you can think of for success.

You, on the other hand, keep voting for the party of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.....and they get your vote by making one single word banned.
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

You really must be a moron.

If you take away people from India, you would have nothing. I think that you overstate the success of asians here and I've shown you that. And your last paragraph shows how ignorant you are. You don't know all that much about the republican party, but one thing you don't seem to understand is the current party and what it stands for.

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019, by a vote of 228-186 on Friday. Just one Republican — Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) — voted for it, while 186 Republicans voted no.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote


Real Median Household Income by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1967 to 2012 - Rural Migration News | Migration Dialogue

Don't fret....just keep voting the way you do.....you dunce.

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