
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
“Tupac Shakur does not have the integrity and represent the decency of other Black people who’s legacies I’d teach my son to aspire towards.”



Member of the Black Lives Matter FB group Shawn Watson replied to Avery:

Shawn Watson Tupac was a hypocrite who’s music and behavior contributed to the oppression of Black People.

You cannot make positive acronyms out of negative words used by the racist society to depict Black people.


This only reinforces a negative influence on people to glamorize thug life and making ****** a term of endearment.

Tupac lived a THUG Life and died a thug death.

He dose not have the integrity and represent the decency of other Black people who’s legacies I’d teach my son to aspire towards.

Hi Shawn. Thanks for replying. I agree, much like Kendrick Lamar who declared “I’m the biggest hypocrite of 2015” in his American art titled, “The Blacker the Berry,” Tupac too was a hypocrite.

However, long before each of these men matured into hypocrites, they were perfectly healthy beautiful human babies born with clean hard drives mounted above their shoulders.

Unfortunately, both of these men were raised by primary caregivers whose hard drives were corrupted. Tupac’s mom’s hard drive was experiencing severe depression related to multiple generations of her family and ancestors, through no fault of their own, being emotionally and physically traumatized by America’s longstanding, ignorant Culture of Racism.

Kendrick’s hard drive became corrupted being raised by primary caregivers experiencing emotional or mental issues related to America’s Culture of Racism. However, Kendrick’s emotionally or mentally ill primary caregivers are responsible for creating and perpetuating America’s Culture of Child Abuse and Neglect evolving from America’s Culture of Racism.



Grammy Award winner Kendrick Lamar, an admitted victim of America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment, performs at the 2015 BET Awards

Sadly, during a critical period of human development Tupac and Kendrick regularly experienced a potentially life scarring condition or disease medical doctors and researchers characterize as “Childhood Trauma.”

Doctors Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into.

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to *Childhood Trauma* plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and adults.

At 2:12:25 in this documentary about Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Richard “The Iceman” Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why young Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man who did not give a frig about anyone else, including his wife and kids.

Shawn, in the sixties I was a Long Island kid regularly experiencing the privilege of witnessing virtually all American musicians of African descent showing off their skills and talent by creating beautiful original American art all Americans can and should be proud of.

During the eighties I was a Brooklyn, NY rookie cop regularly witnessing and experiencing the mind bending emotional roller coaster ride Kendrick Lamar describes as a “m.A.A.d. City” culture, no different from the “T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.” culture the late Tupac Shakur vividly describes in his popular American art.

Frankly, after twelve years of personally witnessing and experiencing the “m.A.A.d. City” & “T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.” cultures, as well as meeting many other peaceful Americans whose families and friends were adversely impacted by these cultures, twisted my mind to the point I felt my empathy and compassion being drained from me, and not being replenished.

After twelve years serving the Brooklyn, NY community popular urban storyteller Shawn Jay-Z Carter speaks about oppressing and enslaving with his 24/7 drug peddling trade, protected and enforced by his gang’s semi automatic ‘Mack Milli’s’, I determined I needed to place my own emotional well-being as well as physical safety Above All Else.



It was time for me to flee, abandon, transfer and get as far away as I possibly could from the “m.A.A.d. City” & “T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.” cultures responsible for Kendrick and Tupac speaking about experiencing acute depression and Suicidal Thoughts throughout much of their lives.

Unfortunately Kendrick and Tupac as well as significant numbers of American children and teens do not have the option of packing up their belongings and moving to another community when they feel their minds are being affected in ways they do not like and believe are not healthy for them.

Shawn, I was a fairly stable, reasonably well adjusted adult when I was introduced to the “m.A.A.d. City” & “T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.” cultures responsible for twisting my adult mind to the point where I was almost constantly experiencing concerns for my emotional and physical well being.

While I could be wrong, I have to believe the “m.A.A.d. City” & “T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E.” cultures are responsible for corrupting developing children’s hard drives during a critical period of human development. A period of human development that is KEY to shaping humans who develop into reasonably well adjusted teens and adults…or develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, tormented, suicidal thinking victims of an abusive childhood who a highly educated, pandering American once willfully and callously characterized as “Super Predators.”



Shawn, in the mid-80s I met Tupac and Afeni Shakur. A meeting profoundly impacting my hard drive by offering me insights into the mind of a severely depressed, emotionally and physically neglected child raised by an emotionally or mentally ill primary maternal caregiver. A meeting that changed the way I viewed damaged people who most Americans correctly view as “thugs and criminals.”

Shades of Kendrick Lamar & Tupac Shakur - Witnessing A Severely Depressed Teen Reveal He Is A…
In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled “I”, Kendrick Lamar writes, “I’ve been dealing with depression…medium.com

While I too continued viewing kids like Tupac as thugs and criminal, I also realized if I was raised by a emotionally or mentally ill mom, I too could have developed into a severely depressed teen and adult not giving a frig about my peaceful neighbor’s welfare because my life sucks, so why shouldn’t their lives suck too!

Shawn Watson replied to Avery, *”He dose not have the integrity and represent the decency of other Black people who’s legacies I’d teach my son to aspire towards.”*

Shawn, Tupac and Kendrick offer all Americans examples of what can happen to children raised and nurtured by emotionally or mentally ill primary caretakers.

Despite the fact Tupac reveals he is responsible for emotionally and physically harming his peaceful neighbors, I have to respect him maturing into a man recognizing and willing to speak about a social and mental health issue/crisis affecting far too many American newborns, infants, toddlers, children, teens and adults.

Sadly, Kendrick Lamar continues ignoring the fact that his own parents, other family members as well as community members are responsible for him maturing into a deeply depressed, suicidal thinking teen and adult creating American are hating and demeaning women, as well as experiencing paranoia believing that the police are out to kill him and his emotionally disturbed, drug peddling, gun toting, violent family and community gang members.

Even sadder is the fact that the President of United States of America befriend and invites to his family’s home a deeply disturbed Kendrick Lamar, and then totally ignores the criminal and anti-social parental behaviors responsible for Kendrick maturing into a man hating the police and creating American art describing American teen girls and women as less than human *itches and ‘Hoes’ unworthy of basic human respect.



Shawn, I’m sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep us SAFE, cared for and loved right from our start.

Shawn Watson replied, “You cannot make positive acronyms out of negative words used by the racist society to depict Black people.


Shawn, watching a documentary about Prohibition, I learned during the 20s and 30s many Americans used the word “Thugs” to describe bootleggers and street criminals.

Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #JulieDombo, #ShamirHunter, #ChildhoodTrauma, #SandraBland, #WarOnThugs, #TupacShakur,
Listening to other thugs and playing victim is what happened to blacks not racism .

If racism was what kept them down they would be doing better in Africa instead of being machetted to death and wearing Mandelas tire necklaces instead of gold ones they wear here.

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If many of us had our way, there would never be such violent evil done to anyone on this earth. Those in high places enjoy it and make trillions off of others misery.
The above is one the issues BLM should be really concerned about. Alaso shootings in their hoods that often kill kids in the crossfires.

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