Turkey drops objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO

Through a nuclear tsunami, which is what the Poseidon torpedo causes.
The Nakhimov is even better now thats its beinf refitted and modernized.
Then there is the Belgorod, the sub that carries nuclear torpedoes than can sink entire islands.
Poseidons are years away, if they ever materialize at all. The Belgorod has other problems, such as the mini-sub (AS-31 Losharik) it was designed to carry had a fire that killed 14 crew members, and won't be repaired until at least 2025. So we're talking about a spy sub with a secondary mission of coastal second strike, but it has no weapon, and no mini-sub to conduct the sea floor mission.

The Admiral Nakhimov is another relic, been sitting at the dock for 20 years. I seriously doubt it's going to be returned to service in 2022 or 2023 like Sevmash says. These pics of the ship were taken in mid-February. This isn't a ship that's nearing completion.

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Putin says that Ukraine is the crown jewel of Russia that got away.

Ukraine was last part of Russia in 1917.

Finland was last part of Russia in 1917.

Apparently Putin isn't as smart or savvy as we have always thought. He should have seen this coming.
Poootin screwed up. Now he is trying to find a way our of his mess. His stupidity has increased the size of NATO....the very opposite of what he was trying to do.
Thats why Russia and China are making their own banking system free from US or western influence.
The era of the US unipolar world order is over and you will learn it the hard way.

Only after Russia conquers the ENTIRELY Ukraine and takes Lithuania back you can claim this
Sooner you will became Emperor of China, Mr Communist

Lets see…

Most of the free world is boycotting Russia and is now forming an economic partnership with Ukraine

Same deal we offered Putin but he fucked it up
Ukraine will be in better economic shape than Russia
How so? They lost their most important cities and got nothing going for them other than their heavy machinery industries, which are now being taken by Russia.

Without the South of Ukraine and the Donbas, Ukraine will be as poor as the Blatic states.
How so? They lost their most important cities and got nothing going for them other than their heavy machinery industries, which are now being taken by Russia.

Without the South of Ukraine and the Donbas, Ukraine will be as poor as the Blatic states.
Yea Putin is great at attacking Civilians

But it is Ukraine that is an economic agreement with Europe while Russia is a pariah
How so? They lost their most important cities and got nothing going for them other than their heavy machinery industries, which are now being taken by Russia.

Without the South of Ukraine and the Donbas, Ukraine will be as poor as the Blatic states.

As poor as the Baltics? LOL!

Russia's GDP per capita is about $12,000.

Estonia's $26,000

Latvia's $18,900

Lithuania's $20,200
Poootin screwed up. Now he is trying to find a way our of his mess. His stupidity has increased the size of NATO....the very opposite of what he was trying to do.
Well we do need to let him a way out to save face....otherwise he will be a trapped animal.
Yea Putin is great at attacking Civilians

But it is Ukraine that is an economic agreement with Europe while Russia is a pariah
Ukrainw wont have much of an economy, Russia however is still a comodity powerhouse.

US sirforce and even NASA get most of tueir Titanium from Russia.

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