Turkey will lost Bosporus, Dardanelles, Constantinople ( Istanbul ) and curds areas.

How many years have you lived in Turkey?

Your belief/assertion is totally and completely untrue. Poor, ignorant you.

The original vision of Ataturk is the future of modern day Turkey. You don't have a clue. Really, you don't.

Erdogan has a strong majority in Turkish congress and will not need much outside support to rewrite their constitution. He just won re-election with an overwhelming majority, see post #60.

You have been too long out of the country, and the Islamists run the place now via Erdogan.
English as a second (or third) language, O(riginal) P(oster)?

What's your primary language? Greek? Russian? Kurd?

Somebody wants a Do-Over for the Siege of Constantinople of 1453, methinks.

As well as the Crusades... or, more likely, the Battle of Manzikert.

A regular Strategos, eh?

Perhaps the Third Rome means to rescue the Second, eh?

" Varangians... Varangians, everywhere ! "

Hey, the Varangians kicked ass, and thus were the Byzantine Imperial Guard for centuries, so show some respect, lol.
Russia will not stand for Turkish interference in Armenia or Georgia. Armenia kicked Azerbaijan's ass in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seized a chunk of Azeri territory under Turkey's nose. Russia has established a sphere of influence which in it will not tolerate foreign intervention.

Georgia has fought a war against Russia just a few years ago and is quite the NATO friendly nation, though the Turks dont like them. But the Turks will do nothing overt as long as it is part of NATO.

Armenia has a long history of hostility to Turkey and more recently a very deep hostility with Azerbaijan and fought a war with them over the last decade or two. Historically Armenia has been championed by Russia, but since the Azeris have lots and lots of oil, Russia has been focusing on friendly ties with the Azeris while still trying to prevent Armenia from falling into a pro-NATO orbit with Georgia.

The Russians have not had strong positive influence with these two nations since the break up of the Soviet Union.
Georgia is not part of NATO and it never has been. It is not NATO which protects Armenia from Turkey, it is squarely Russia as part of the traditional Orthodox Axis. You are confused.
Russia would never attack a country in NATO, they know the response would be automatic and they can't win.

Russia is in no way comparable to the old Soviet Union. Russia's yearly GDP is around 2.2 trillion dollars, the same size as California's GDP. Their military is moderate size and quite capable but they won't take on NATO. They MAY shoot down a Turkish plane with a missile, which would draw angry words but likely nothing more than that.

Turkey should have said something like 'we were defending our airspace but we'll work with Russia in the future to avoid such situations'. Turkey being outright belligerent isn't helping. But the arm flailing here as if WW3 is around the corner is just out there. There aren't any humans on Earth, other than Isis and their brain-damaged supporters, that want WW3. All participants would be reduced to radioactive deserts for thousands of years.

The problem is the Turkey doesn't like Assad, and the Russians are supporting their neighboring enemy. Why would Turkey be nice to Russia?

Being nice and going to war are not in the same universe.
The revenge of Putin is unstoppable, Turkey shall be booted out from NATO, otherwise world will face nuclear WWIII:

Will it? The Russians can't win..... Not even if they have China.
The Russians can win, but it would require significant turmoil inside Turkey to distract it from maintaining its interests in the region.


These maps show how the Turks imposed themselves on a largely Shiite area of the Eastern Fertile Crescent, against Iranian interests. Initially, after Turkish conquest of the region, the Kurds were used as a Sunni intermediate ethnic group, but this changed under later Sultans as the Ottomans tried to tighten and centralize their empire. Kurds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today, Turkey deeply fears the uprising of their Kurdish population, a population that witnessed the ethnic cleansing the turks performed on the Armenians and who will not allow it to happen to them.


The Armenians still hate the Turks, and it is reciprocated by them. But now there is an Islamic fundamentalist-nationalism that is over-arching ethnic nationalisms to a great degree in the Middle East, it seems, and the Turks are gravitating more and more toward its old role of championing traditional Sunni populations and interests in the region and in the Caucasus region as well.


As far as China goes, they have no historical interests in the region, only economic ones (oil) and that is going to rapidly diminish as microfusion/LENR becomes a new energy source that makes oil increasingly unneeded.
Georgia is not part of NATO and it never has been. It is not NATO which protects Armenia from Turkey, it is squarely Russia as part of the traditional Orthodox Axis. You are confused.

I said Georgia is NATO friendly, not a part of NATO.

Georgia (country) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia recognised Abkhazia and South Ossetia as separate republics on 26 August 2008.[86] In response to Russia's action, the Georgian government severed diplomatic relations with Russia.[87] Since the war, Georgia has maintained that Abkhazia and South Ossetia are Russian-occupied Georgian territories.
So it seems that there is some evidence that Turkey under Erdogan is providing support to ISIS.

Turkish Support for ISIS

One Turkish opposition politician estimates that Turkey has paid $800 million to ISIS for oil shipments. Another politician released information about active duty Turkish soldiers training ISIS members. Critics note that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has met three times with someone, Yasin al-Qadi, who has close ties to ISIS and has funded it....

More broadly, as the Turkish analyst Mustafa Akyolnotes, Ankara thought "anybody who fought al-Assad was a good guy and also harbored an "ideological uneasiness with accepting that Islamists can do terrible things." This has led, he acknowledges, to "some blindness" toward violent jihadists. Indeed, ISIS is so popular in Turkey that others publicly copy its logo.

In the face of this support, the online newspaper Al-Monitor calls on Turkey to close its border to ISIS while Rojava threatened Ankara with "dire consequences" unless Turkish aid ceases.

In conclusion, Turkish leaders are finding Syria a double quagmire, what with Assad still in power and the Kurdish entity growing stronger. In reaction, they have cooperated with even the most extreme, retrograde and vicious elements, such as ISIS. But this support opened a second front in Iraq which, in turn, brings the clash of the Middle East's two titans, Turkey and Iran, closer to realization.

Article: ISIS survives largely because Turkey allows it to: the evidence

For well over a year the Turkish Government has been secretly supporting ISIS, but the US and NATO turn a blind eye to this because of Turkey's geopolitical position. ISIS as an armed force -- though not ISIS terrorists outside the Mid East region -- would most likely have been defeated long ago had it not been for Turkey's support.

According to journalist, Nafeez Ahmed: "Earlier this year, the Turkish daily Today's Zaman reported that "more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports" had been given to ISIS. Erdogan's government, the newspaper added, "has been accused of supporting the terrorist organization by turning a blind eye to its militants crossing the border and even buying its oil" Based on a 2014 report, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, deputy chairman of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) said that ISIS terrorists fighting in Syria claimed to have been treated in hospitals in Turkey."

Dr Ahmed adds: "In January, authenticated official documents of the Turkish military were leaked online, showing that Turkey's intelligence services (MIT) had been caught in Adana by military officers transporting missiles, mortars and anti-aircraft ammunition via truck "to the al-Qaeda terror organisation" in Syria. According to other ISIS suspects facing trial in Turkey, the Turkish national military intelligence organization (MIT) had begun smuggling arms, including NATO weapons to jihadist groups in Syria as early as 2011." Also: "Turkey has also played a key role in facilitating the life-blood of ISIS' expansion: black market oil sales. Senior political and intelligence sources in Turkey and Iraq confirm that Turkish authorities have actively facilitated ISIS oil sales through the country. Last summer, an opposition politician estimated the quantity of ISIS oil sales in Turkey at about $800 million"-- "that was over a year ago."

Finally, Dr. Ahmed shows how consistent transfers of CIA-Gulf-Turkish arms supplies to ISIS have been fully documented through analysis of weapons serial numbers by the UK-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR), whose database on the illicit weapons trade is funded by the EU and Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Latest -- see link in tweet below -- is an article that reports on a group "involved in making arms deals on behalf of the Islamic State leaders in Syria, including buying FN-6 portable air defence systems and other weaponry, which were shipped to ISIL in Syria through Turkey" transferring money to Turkish bank accounts"
The revenge of Putin is unstoppable, Turkey shall be booted out from NATO, otherwise world will face nuclear WWIII:
Oh horse shit, economic sanctions will be the only action..

Russia will have Constantinople, Bosporus and Dardanelles, Curds, Greeks and Armenians will became their stolen areas back. Western sanctions can be approved by it, no problem.
What about the whey?

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